1,636 research outputs found

    Comparison of antioxidant compounds in pig meat from Italian autochthonous pig Suino Nero Lucano and a modern crossbred pig before and after cooking

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    This study aimed to evaluate and compare the antioxidant compounds of raw and cooked Longissimus lumbontm muscles from Suino Nero Lucano (SNL) and a modern crossbred (CG) pig. Vitamin E, phenols, histidine-containing peptides, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity have been detected in the raw and cooked meat of both genetic types. Cooking process decreased the content of all considered antioxidant compounds (P < 0.05). The antioxidant compounds of meat were significantly influenced by genetic type (P < 0.001). Autochthonous SNL raw and cooked meat showed a higher endogenous antioxidants content (P < 0.001) and SOD activity (P < 0.02) compared to CG meat. The results of this research highlighted that the pig meat, in particular autochthonous pig meat, showed good concentrations of endogenous antioxidant compounds that could confer functional properties to the product

    Distribution of Complex and Core Lipids within New Hyperthermophilic Members of the Archaea Domain

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    Core and complex lipids of several new hyperthermophilic archaeal isolates were analyzed. The organisms belong to the Sulfolobales,Archaeoglobus, Pyrobaculum, and Methanococcus. A detailed structural investigation of complex lipids of Pyrobaculum species is reported. The different lipid structures are of help for a rapid and simple phylogenetic classification of the new isolates. They are in agreement with the classification based on other features

    In vitro phenols bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of goat milk yogurt fortified with Rhus coriaria leaf powder

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    Goat yogurt samples fortified with 20% (w/v) Rhus coriaria leaf powder were in vitro digested in order to evaluate the total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA), and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds in the digestate. After digestion, TPC and AA values of the R. coriaria-fortified yogurts increased compared to the undigested yogurts (P < 0.001). In particular, TPC has increased about twice; whereas, AA values have increased about 10 and 6 times, for ABTS and FRAP assays, respectively. The bioaccessibility index was well above the 100% for all identified phenols; except for (-)-epicatechin (82.04%), rutin (51.51%), and gallic acid (5.42%). This different behavior highlighted that the bioaccessibility was modulated by both the yogurt-polyphenol complexes and phenol stability under digestion system. These findings can contribute to elucidate the influence of in vitro digestion on antioxidant capacity and polyphenols recovery infortified yogurts, and may help in the design of dairy products with better functional quality. Practical Application: Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) is a polyphenol-rich Mediterranean plant that may be used as functional ingredient to enrich fermented food such as yogurt. However, in fortified yogurts the evaluation of bioaccessibility, that is, the compounds released from the yogurt and stable in the digestive environment, thus able to exert their biological effects on the gastrointestinal system, is more important than the content of these compounds in the corresponding food. This study highlighted the phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds in goat milk yogurt fortified with R. coriaria leaf powder after simulated gastro-pancreatic digestion

    Decrease of activity of antioxidant enzymes, lysozyme content, and protein degradation in milk contaminated with heavy metals (cadmium and lead).

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of added Cd and Pb to milk on its stability by determining antioxidant enzymatic activities, lysozyme content, and protein degradation. Antioxidant enzymatic activities were spectrophotometrically determined by superoxide dismutase, catalase, xanthine oxidase, and glutathione peroxidase assays; lysozyme was identified and quantified by HPLC-UV analysis, and protein degradation was investigated by spectrophotometric analysis of advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) and dityrosine content. In this study, contaminated milk samples showed a significant reduction in activity of all studied enzymes compared with control milk. The contamination of milk also led to a significant reduction in the lysozyme content; lysozyme content was decreased about 22% and 18% in Pb milk and Cd milk, respectively, compared with control milk. The presence of the contaminants in the milk resulted in a significant increase of both dityrosine concentration and AOPP compared with the control milk. Moreover, between types of contaminated milk, dityrosine and AOPP values were significantly higher in the Pb milk than in the Cd milk. Therefore, it is important to monitor the presence of these toxic elements in milk for the damage they cause to consumer health both directly due to their ingestion and indirectly due to loss of milk stability

    Minerals content in Basilicata region (southern Italy) honeys from areas with different anthropic impact

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    The aim of this study was to examine the minerals content (toxic elements, macro-elements and trace elements) of Basilicata region (southern Italy) honeys and compare the mineral profile of honeys classified as rural, industrial and urban according to anthropic characteristics of geographical origin. Overall, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Al, Zn and Mn were the most abundant elements detected in honeys, with average contents exceeding 1 ppm, whereas heavy metals content was lower than the maximum limit established for honey. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences (P < 0.05) among honeys as function of anthropic characteristics of geographical origin, with the exception for Se, Co and Ag content. Industrial honeys were characterised by the highest Zn, Cr, Sn, Cd and Pb content, urban honeys showed the highest As, Fe, Ni, Mn, Na, Mg and Ca content, whereas rural honeys showed the highest Cu, Al and Ba content (P < 0.05). The findings of this study highlighted that honeys mineral profile is closely related to different content of elements in environment, which is affected by anthropogenic activities

    Morpho-biometrical, nutritional and phytochemical characterization of carrot landraces from Puglia region (southern Italy)

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    The explorations as a part of the regional BiodiverSO Programme of vegetable genetic resource rescue revealed that in the arenili (sandy shores) of “Salterns of Margherita di Savoia” (SMS), a coastal landscape area of Puglia region (southern Italy), along the commercial genotypes of small rooting species, landraces are still cultivated. The morpho-biometrical, nutritional and phytochemical properties of two carrot landraces (“Carota a punta lunga” and “Carota a punta tonda”) and a commercial carrot hybrid (“Presto”) collected from the SMS area are examined. The study highlighted that the pedological conditions of the arenili of the SMS area are the main driving force in controlling the nutritional and nutraceutical characteristics of carrot, conferring to genotypes grown in this area a high profile in comparison with literature data. In the site of cultivation of arenili, a large variability in the morpho-qualitative traits emerged among carrot genotypes. “Carota a punta tonda” stands for a promising genotype being very rich in phenols (209.8 mg kg-1 fw) (mainly di-caffeic acid derivative and chlorogenic acid), Β-carotene (21,512 ”g 100 g-1 fw), and high antioxidative proprieties. “Carota a punta tonda” could be considered as a healthy product for consumers and also amenable to selection for breeding purpose. Increasing the knowledge about nutritional and nutraceutical properties of local landraces may push the preference of consumers beyond the local community and, at the same time, farmers can be stimulated to continue their cultivation. Thus, the promotion of their on-farm/in situ conservation (cultivation) could represent an efficient strategy for agro-biodiversity preservation

    BASEL III: Long-term impact on economic performance and fluctuations

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    We assess the long-term economic impact of the new regulatory standards (the Basel III reform), answering the following questions. (1) What is the impact of the reform on long-term economic performance? (2) What is the impact of the reform on economic fluctuations? (3) What is the impact of the adoption of countercyclical capital buffers on economic fluctuations? The main results are the following. (1) Each percentage point increase in the capital ratio causes a median 0.09 percent decline in the level of steady state output, relative to the baseline. The impact of the new liquidity regulation is of a similar order of magnitude, at 0.08 percent. This paper does not estimate the benefits of the new regulation in terms of reduced frequency and severity of financial crisis, analysed in Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS, 2010b). (2) The reform should dampen output volatility; the magnitude of the effect is heterogeneous across models; the median effect is modest. (3) The adoption of countercyclical capital buffers could have a more sizeable dampening effect on output volatility. These conclusions are fully consistent with those of the reports by the Long-term Economic Impact group (BCBS, 2010b) and Macro Assessment Group (MAG, 2010b).Basel III, countercyclical capital buffers, financial (in)stability, procyclicality, macroprudential policy.

    Evaluation of Garlic Landraces from Foggia Province (Puglia Region; Italy)

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    Interest in local landraces has unfortunately decreased over, the last decades, in which they have been continuously subjected to a high genetic erosion in favour of new modern varieties. Within the Puglia region (S-E Italy), Foggia province was found to be the richest in vegetable landraces. In the present study, six garlic landraces collected from this area have been assessed for their chemical composition (minerals, organic acids, free sugars, volatile, and phenolic compounds) along with their main morpho-biometrical traits. A commercial genotype was also considered as a reference standard. The landraces show a large variability, but in general high morphological standards, high levels of cations and phenols, and low levels of volatile-(S)-compounds in comparison with the commercial genotype and the literature values. 'Aglio di Peschici' and 'Aglio Rosso di Monteleone di Puglia' are very rich in minerals and phenols (mainly ferulic acid and iso-rhamnetin). This increase in knowledge on the chemical properties of these garlic landraces could represent a tool for encouraging the consumption of a food product. At the same time, the consumption of these landraces would stimulate their cultivation and could highly contribute to protection against the risk of erosion of agro-biodiversity by their in situ/on-farm conservation

    Bcr-Abl Allosteric Inhibitors: Where We Are and Where We Are Going to

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    The fusion oncoprotein Bcr-Abl is an aberrant tyrosine kinase responsible for chronic myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The auto-inhibition regulatory module observed in the progenitor kinase c-Abl is lost in the aberrant Bcr-Abl, because of the lack of the N-myristoylated cap able to bind the myristoyl binding pocket also conserved in the Bcr-Abl kinase domain. A way to overcome the occurrence of resistance phenomena frequently observed for Bcr-Abl orthosteric drugs is the rational design of allosteric ligands approaching the so-called myristoyl binding pocket. The discovery of these allosteric inhibitors although very difficult and extremely challenging, represents a valuable option to minimize drug resistance, mostly due to the occurrence of mutations more frequently affecting orthosteric pockets, and to enhance target selectivity with lower off-target effects. In this perspective, we will elucidate at a molecular level the structural bases behind the Bcr-Abl allosteric control and will show how artificial intelligence can be effective to drive the automated de novo design towards off-patent regions of the chemical space
