62 research outputs found

    The host outer membrane proteins OmpA and OmpC are associated with the Shigella phage Sf6 virion

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    Assembly of dsDNA bacteriophage is a precisely programmed process. Potential roles of host cell components in phage assembly haven’t been well understood. It was previously reported that two unidentified proteins were present in bacteriophage Sf6 virion (Casjens et al, 2004, J. Mol. Biol. 339, 379–394, Figure 2A). Using tandem mass spectrometry, we have identified the two proteins as outer membrane proteins (OMPs) OmpA and OmpC from its host Shigella flexneri. The transmission electron cryo-microscopy structure of Sf6 shows significant density at specific sites at the phage capsid inner surface. These density fit well with the characteristic beta-barrel domains of OMPs, thus may be due to the two host proteins. Locations of these density suggest a role in Sf6 morphogenesis reminiscent of phage-encoded cementing proteins. These data indicate a new, OMP-related phage:host linkage, adding to previous knowledge that some lambdoid bacteriophage genomes contain OmpC-like genes that express phage-encoded porins in the lysogenic state

    The host outer membrane proteins OmpA and OmpC are associated with the Shigella phage Sf6 virion

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    Assembly of dsDNA bacteriophage is a precisely programmed process. Potential roles of host cell components in phage assembly haven’t been well understood. It was previously reported that two unidentified proteins were present in bacteriophage Sf6 virion (Casjens et al, 2004, J. Mol. Biol. 339, 379–394, Figure 2A). Using tandem mass spectrometry, we have identified the two proteins as outer membrane proteins (OMPs) OmpA and OmpC from its host Shigella flexneri. The transmission electron cryo-microscopy structure of Sf6 shows significant density at specific sites at the phage capsid inner surface. These density fit well with the characteristic beta-barrel domains of OMPs, thus may be due to the two host proteins. Locations of these density suggest a role in Sf6 morphogenesis reminiscent of phage-encoded cementing proteins. These data indicate a new, OMP-related phage:host linkage, adding to previous knowledge that some lambdoid bacteriophage genomes contain OmpC-like genes that express phage-encoded porins in the lysogenic state

    Apoptosis in differentiating C2C12 muscle cells selectively targets Bcl-2-deficient myotubes

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    Muscle cell apoptosis accompanies normal muscle development and regeneration, as well as degenerative diseases and aging. C2C12 murine myoblast cells represent a common model to study muscle differentiation. Though it was already shown that myogenic differentiation of C2C12 cells is accompanied by enhanced apoptosis in a fraction of cells, either the cell population sensitive to apoptosis or regulatory mechanisms for the apoptotic response are unclear so far. In the current study we characterize apoptotic phenotypes of different types of C2C12 cells at all stages of differentiation, and report here that myotubes of differentiated C2C12 cells with low levels of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 expression are particularly vulnerable to apoptosis even though they are displaying low levels of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, Bak and Bad. In contrast, reserve cells exhibit higher levels of Bcl-2 and high resistance to apoptosis. The transfection of proliferating myoblasts with Bcl-2 prior to differentiation did not protect against spontaneous apoptosis accompanying differentiation of C2C12 cell but led to Bcl-2 overexpression in myotubes and to significant protection from apoptotic cell loss caused by exposure to hydrogen peroxide. Overall, our data advocate for a Bcl-2-dependent mechanism of apoptosis in differentiated muscle cells. However, downstream processes for spontaneous and hydrogen peroxide induced apoptosis are not completely similar. Apoptosis in differentiating myoblasts and myotubes is regulated not through interaction of Bcl-2 with pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins such as Bax, Bak, and Bad

    Inactivation of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b by peroxynitrite revisited: does the nitration of Tyr613 in the allosteric inhibition site control enzymatic function?

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    There is increasing evidence that sequence-specific formation of 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) may cause functional changes in target proteins. Recently, the nitration of Tyr residues in glycogen phosphorylase b (Ph-b) was implicated in the age-associated decline of protein function (Sharov et al., Exp. Gerontol. 41, 407–416; 2006); in another report, the nitration of one specific residue, Tyr613, located in the allosteric inhibition site was hypothesized as a rationale for peroxynitrite inactivation (Dairou et al., J. Mol. Biol. 372, 1009–1021; 2007). In the present study, we have optimized the analysis of in-gel Ph-b digests by high performance liquid chromatography-electro spray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry, in order to achieve a quantitative analysis of nitration of individual Tyr residues at a high coverage of Tyr-containing sequences (92%). Our data do not confirm the role of Tyr613 nitration in the control of enzymatic function. Furthermore, we show here that the enzymatic activity of Ph-b does not directly correlate with the protein nitration levels, and that the modification of Cys and, potentially, other amino acid residues can better rationalize Ph-b inactivation by peroxynitrite

    A Methodology for Simultaneous Fluorogenic Derivatization and Boronate Affinity Enrichment of 3-Nitrotyrosine Containing Peptides

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    We synthesized and characterized a new tagging reagent, (3R,4S)-1-(4-(aminomethyl)phenylsulfonyl)pyrrolidine-3,4-diol (APPD), for the selective fluorogenic derivatization of 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) residues in peptides (after reduction to 3-aminotyrosine) and affinity enrichment. The synthetic 3-NT-containing peptide, FSAY(3-NO2)LER, was employed as a model for method validation. Further, this derivatization protocol was successfully tested for analysis of 3-NT-containing proteins exposed to peroxynitrite in the total protein lysate of cultured C2C12 cells. The quantitation of 3-NT content in samples was achieved through either fluorescence spectrometry or boronate affinity chromatography with detection by specific fluorescence (excitation and emission wavelengths of 360 and 510 nm, respectively); the respective limits of detection were 95 and 68 nM (19 and 13 pmol total amount) of 3-NT. Importantly, the derivatized peptides show a strong retention on a synthetic boronate affinity column, containing sulfonamide-phenylboronic acid, under mild chromatographic conditions, affording a route to separate the derivatized peptides from large amounts (milligrams) of non-derivatized peptides, and to enrich them for fluorescent detection and MS identification. Tandem MS analysis identified chemical structures of peptide 3-NT fluorescent derivatives and revealed that the fluorescent derivatives undergo efficient backbone fragmentations, permitting sequence-specific identification of protein nitration at low concentrations of 3-NT in complex protein mixtures

    Decreases in Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase in Brain Synaptic Membrane Rafts from Aged Rats

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    Precise regulation of free intracellular Ca2+ concentrations [Ca2+]i is critical for normal neuronal function, and alterations in Ca2+ homeostasis are associated with brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases. One of the most important proteins controlling [Ca2+]i is the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA), the high affinity transporter that fine tunes the cytosolic nanomolar levels of Ca2+. We previously found that PMCA protein in synaptic plasma membranes (SPMs) is decreased with advancing age and the decrease in enzyme activity is much greater than that in protein levels. In the present study, we isolated raft and non-raft fractions from rat brain SPMs and used quantitative mass spectrometry to show that the specialized lipid microdomains in SPMs, the rafts, contain 60% of total PMCA, comprised of all four isoforms. The raft PMCA pool had the highest specific activity and this decreased progressively with age. The reduction in PMCA protein could not account for the dramatic activity loss. Addition of excess CaM to the assay did not restore PMCA activity to that in young brains. Analysis of the major raft lipids revealed a slight age-related increase in cholesterol levels and such increases might enhance membrane lipid order and prevent further loss of PMCA activity

    Age-associated changes in synaptic lipid raft proteins revealed by two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis

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    Brain aging is associated with a progressive decline in cognitive function though the molecular mechanisms remain unknown. Functional changes in brain neurons could be due to age-related alterations in levels of specific proteins critical for information processing. Specialized membrane microdomains known as ‘lipid rafts’ contain protein complexes involved in many signal transduction processes. This study was undertaken to determine if two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE) analysis of proteins in synaptic membrane lipid rafts revealed age-dependent alterations in levels of raft proteins. Five pairs of young and aged rat synaptic membrane rafts were subjected to DIGE separation, followed by image analysis and identification of significantly altered proteins. Of 1046 matched spots on DIGE gels, 94 showed statistically significant differences in levels between old and young rafts, and 87 of these were decreased in aged rafts. The 41 most significantly altered (p < 0.03) proteins included several synaptic proteins involved in energy metabolism, redox homeostasis, and cytoskeletal structure. This may indicate a disruption in bioenergetic balance and redox homeostasis in synaptic rafts with brain aging. Differential levels of representative identified proteins were confirmed by immunoblot analysis. Our findings provide novel pathways in investigations of mechanisms that may contribute to altered neuronal function in aging brain

    Protein Targets of Thioacetamide Metabolites in Rat Hepatocytes

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Chemical Research in Toxicology, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/tx400001xThioacetamide (TA) has long been known as a hepatotoxicant whose bioactivation requires S-oxidation to thioacetamide S-oxide (TASO) and then to the very reactive S,S-dioxide (TASO2). The latter can tautomerize to form acylating species capable of covalently modifying cellular nucleophiles including phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) lipids and protein lysine side chains. Isolated hepatocytes efficiently oxidize TA to TASO but experience little covalent binding or cytotoxicity because TA is a very potent inhibitor of the oxidation of TASO to TASO2. On the other hand hepatocytes treated with TASO show extensive covalent binding to both lipids and proteins accompanied by extensive cytotoxicity. In this work, we treated rat hepatocytes with [14C]-TASO and submitted the mitochondrial, microsomal and cytosolic fractions to 2DGE which revealed a total of 321 radioactive protein spots. To facilitate the identification of target proteins and adducted peptides we also treated cells with a mixture of TASO/[13C2D3]-TASO. Using a combination of 1DGE- and 2DGE-based proteomic approaches, we identified 187 modified peptides (174 acetylated, 50 acetimidoylated and 37 in both forms) from a total of 88 non-redundant target proteins. Among the latter, 57 are also known targets of at least one other hepatotoxin. The formation of both amide- and amidine-type adducts to protein lysine side chains is in contrast to the exclusive formation of amidine-type adducts with PE phospholipids. Thiobenzamide (TB) undergoes the same two-step oxidative bioactivation as TA, and it also gives rise to both amide and amidine adducts on protein lysine side chains but only amidine adducts to PE lipids. Despite their similarity in functional group chemical reactivity, only 38 of 62 known TB target proteins are found among the 88 known targets of TASO. The potential roles of protein modification by TASO in triggering cytotoxicity are discussed in terms of enzyme inhibition, protein folding and chaperone function, and the emerging role of protein acetylation in intracellular signaling and the regulation of biochemical pathways

    I-Domain-Antigen Conjugate (IDAC) for Delivering Antigenic Peptides to APC: Synthesis, Characterization, and in vivo EAE Suppression

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    The objectives of this work are to characterize the identity of I-domain-antigen conjugate (IDAC) and to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of IDAC in suppressing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mouse model. The hypothesis is that the I-domain delivers PLP139-151 peptides to antigen-presenting cells (APC) and alters the immune system by simultaneously binding to ICAM-1 and MHC-II, blocking immunological synapse formation. IDAC was synthesized by derivatizing the lysine residues with maleimide groups followed by conjugation with PLP-Cys-OH peptide. Conjugation with PLP peptide does not alter the secondary structure of the protein as determined by CD. IDAC suppresses the progression of EAE while I-domain and GMB-I-domain could only delay the onset of EAE. As a positive control, Ac-PLP-BPI-NH2-2 can effectively suppress the progress of EAE. The number of conjugation sites and the sites of conjugations in IDAC were determined using tryptic digest followed by LC-MS analysis. In conclusion, conjugation of I-domain with an antigenic peptide (PLP) resulted in an active molecule to suppress EAE in vivo

    Fluorogenic Tagging of Peptide and Protein 3-Nitrotyrosine with 4-(Aminomethyl)-benzenesulfonic Acid for Quantitative Analysis of Protein Tyrosine Nitration

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    Protein 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) has been recognized as an important biomarker of nitroxidative stress associated with inflammatory and degenerative diseases, and biological aging. Analysis of protein-bound 3-NT continues to represent a challenge since in vivo it frequently does not accumulate on proteins in amounts detectable by quantitative analytical methods. Here, we describe a novel approach of fluorescent tagging and quantitation of peptide-bound 3-NT residues based on the selective reduction to 3-AT followed by reaction with 4-(amino-methyl)benzenesulfonic acid (ABS) in the presence of K3Fe(CN)6 to form a highly fluorescent 2-phenylbenzoxazole product. Synthetic 3-NT peptide (0.005–1 μM) upon reduction with 10 mM sodium dithionite and tagging with 2 mM ABS and 5 μM K3Fe(CN)6 in 0.1 M Na2HPO4 buffer (pH 9.0) was converted with yields >95% to a single fluorescent product incorporating two ABS molecules per 3-NT residue, with fluorescence excitation and emission maxima at 360 ± 2 and 490 ± 2 nm, respectively, and a quantum yield of 0.77 ± 0.08, based on reverse-phase LC with UV and fluorescence detection, fluorescence spectroscopy and LC–MS–MS analysis. This protocol was successfully tested for quantitative analysis of in vitro Tyr nitration in a model protein, rabbit muscle phosphorylase b, and in a complex mixture of proteins from C2C12 cultured cells exposed to peroxynitrite, with a detection limit of ca. 1 pmol 3-NT by fluorescence spectrometry, and an apparent LOD of 12 and 40 pmol for nitropeptides alone or in the presence of 100 μg digested cell proteins, respectively. LC–MS–MS analysis of ABS tagged peptides revealed that the fluorescent derivatives undergo efficient backbone fragmentations, allowing for sequence-specific characterization of protein Tyr nitration in proteomic studies. Fluorogenic tagging with ABS also can be instrumental for detection and visualization of protein 3-NT in LC and gel-based protein separations
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