123 research outputs found

    Approach to conceptual modeling national scientific and technological potential

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    The paper presents a conceptual multilevel model of national scientific and technological potential in order to form and select options for the strategy of innovative development of the country. The model is based on the methodology of group verbal decision analysis and multidimensional assessment of innovations. The elements of the information-logical model and the intensity of connections between elements of different levels are evaluated by experts on qualitative criteria with verbal scale

    Role of coupling delay in oscillatory activity in autonomous networks of excitable neurons with dissipation

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    We study numerically the effects of time delay in networks of delay-coupled excitable FitzHugh Nagumo systems with dissipation. The generation of periodic self-sustained oscillations and its threshold are analyzed depending on the dissipation of a single neuron, the delay time, and random initial conditions. The peculiarities of spatiotemporal dynamics of time-delayed bidirectional ring-structured FitzHugh-Nagumo neuronal systems are investigated in cases of local and nonlocal coupling topology between the nodes, and a first-order nonequilibrium phase transition to synchrony is established. It is shown that the emergence of oscillatory activity in delay-coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons is observed for smaller values of the coupling strength as the dissipation parameter decreases. This can provide the possibility of controlling the spatiotemporal behavior of the considered neuronal networks. The observed effects are quantified by plotting distributions of the maximal Lyapunov exponent and the global order parameter in terms of delay and coupling strength.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure

    Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT

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    This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations. Since 1998, digital receivers performing on-the-fly dynamic spectrum calculations or waveform data recording without data loss have been used at the UTR-2 radio telescope, the URAN VLBI system, and the GURT new generation radio telescope. Here we detail these receivers developed for operation in the strong interference environment that prevails in the decameter wavelength range. Data collected with these receivers allowed us to discover numerous radio astronomical objects and phenomena at low frequencies, a summary of which is also presented.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Approaches to defining scientific priorities in healthcare and medicine: the Russian experience

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    This paper describes the system of organization and management for healthcare and medical science in Russia. The procedures for forming scientific priorities in medicine in the post-Soviet period are described. The necessity of applying modern methods in the selection of scientific priorities is substantiate

    Spallative ablation of dielectrics by X-ray laser

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    Short laser pulse in wide range of wavelengths, from infrared to X-ray, disturbs electron-ion equilibrium and rises pressure in a heated layer. The case where pulse duration τL\tau_L is shorter than acoustic relaxation time tst_s is considered in the paper. It is shown that this short pulse may cause thermomechanical phenomena such as spallative ablation regardless to wavelength. While the physics of electron-ion relaxation on wavelength and various electron spectra of substances: there are spectra with an energy gap in semiconductors and dielectrics opposed to gapless continuous spectra in metals. The paper describes entire sequence of thermomechanical processes from expansion, nucleation, foaming, and nanostructuring to spallation with particular attention to spallation by X-ray pulse

    Prospects for Application of Ultrafiltration Technology for the Scaled Preparation of Plague Microbe and Cholera Vibrio Major Antigens

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    Demonstrated is the possibility of application of ultrafiltration technologies in the process of cholera toxin and plague agent capsular antigen precipitation under production conditions. Application of ultrafiltration techniques permits of the reduction of losses at the stages of isolation and purification of antigen preparations; and concentration of raw material or semi-finished product provides for the reduction of labor inputs. Thus it leads to the increase in productivity and economical efficiency

    Experimental Technology for O-Antigens Production of Non-Toxigenic Strains of <I>Vibrio cholerae</I>

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    Determined are the key bio-kinetic indexes of submerged cultivation of Vibrio cholerae non-toxigenic strains, producers of O-antigens. Evaluated is the technology of O-antigen concentration using tangential ultrafiltration technique. The results suggest the principal possibility of using these strains for biologically safe production of chemical cholera vaccines

    Genotypic and ecological variability of zinc content in the grain of spring bread wheat varieties in the international nursery KASIB

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    Spring bread wheat is the staple crop in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, a significant portion of which goes for export. Wheat breeding with a high level of zinc in wheat grain is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to address zinc de iciency in the diet. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the contribution of the factors ‘location’ and ‘genotype’ in the variability of zinc content in wheat grain, and to identify the best varieties as sources of this trait for breed-ing. The research on screening zinc content in the wheat grain of 49 spring bread wheat varieties from the Kazakhstan-Siberia Spring Wheat Trial (KASIB) nursery was carried out at 4 sites in Russia (Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk) and 2 sites in Kazakhstan (Karabalyk and Shortandy) in 2017–2018. The content of zinc in wheat grain was evaluated at the Ionomic Facility of University of Nottingham in the framework of the EU pro ject European Plant Phenotyping Network-2020. The analysis of variance showed that the main contribution into the general phenotypic variation of the studied trait, 38.7 %, was made by the factor ‘location’ due to different contents of zinc and moisture in the soil of trial sites; the effect of the factor ‘year’ was 13.5 %, and the effect of the factor ‘genotype’ was 8.0 %. The most favorable environmental conditions for accumulation of zinc in wheat grain were observed in the Omsk region. In Omsk, the average zinc content in all studied varieties was 50.4 mg/kg, with 63.7 mg/ kg in the best variety ‘OmGAU 100’. These values are higher than the target values of the international program Harvest Plus. ‘Novosibirskaya 16’ (49.4 mg/kg), ‘Silach’ (48.4 mg/kg), ‘Line 4-10-16’ (47.2 mg/ kg), ‘Element 22’ (46.3 mg/kg) and ‘Lutescens 248/01’ (46.0 mg/kg) were identi ied as being the best varieties. Significant possibilities for the production of wheat grain with high zinc content, which is in demand for the production of bread and pastry products with functional properties, were identified in the Western Siberian region