32 research outputs found

    New psychoactive substance Α-PVP in a traffic accident case

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    The problems of new psychoactive substances (NPSs), especially related to drivers, constitute an open research area. In this case report, we present a traffic accident case, in which two passengers of five individuals died instantly, while the other three persons survived the accident with minor injuries only. From the blood samples of the driver and the passengers, α-pyrrolidinovalerophenone (α-PVP), an NPS belonging to the category of cathinone derivatives, was disclosed. Therefore, we established a detailed procedure for analysis of α-PVP in blood samples by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. After careful validation tests of this method, α-PVP concentration in blood samples from the surviving driver and passengers, and from the two deceased, were measured. The concentrations varied from 20 to 650 ng/mL. Access to detailed information originating from the court files and from explanations provided by the driver and eye witnesses revealed extremely valuable illustrative details addressing the symptoms and pharmacological effects of α-PVP on the human organism, thus contributing to enriching the body of knowledge of α-PVP abuse

    The analysis of working and learning conditions in an educational institution on the example of the analysis of state of health and safety at work in a secondary school

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    Opracowanie podejmuje aktualną problematykę warunków pracy i nauki w placówkach oświatowych. W artykule tym przedstawiono praktyczny przykład analizy stanu bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w publicznej szkole średniej. Publikacja obejmuje analizę literaturową podjętego problemu badawczego oraz wybrane wyniki przeprowadzonych badań, które objęły analizę infrastruktury placówki (teren placówki i obiekty budowlane, maszyny i inne urządzenia techniczne, pomieszczenia i stanowiska pracy i nauki, pomieszczenia i urządzenia higieniczno-sanitarne), analizę pracowników i uczniów (profilaktyczna ochrona zdrowia pracowników i uczniów, szkolenia w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, ochrona pracy kobiet i młodocianych, analiza stanu bezpieczeństwa uczniów), analizę warunków pracy i nauki (nadzór i kontrola nad warunkami pracy i nauki, zagrożenia w środowisku pracy i nauki, ocena ryzyka zawodowego, wypadki przy pracy i choroby zawodowe oraz wypadki uczniów, środki ochrony indywidualnej oraz odzież i obuwie robocze, posiłki profilaktyczne i napoje oraz środki higieny osobistej, analiza stanu bezpieczeństwa pożarowego).The study covers the current problems of work and learning conditions in educational institutions. This article provides a practical example of the analysis of state of health and safety at work in a state secondary school. The publication comprises literature analysis of the undertaken research problem and chosen results of the conducted research, which included an infrastructure analysis of the institution, an employees and students analysis, an analysis of working and learning conditions

    The impact of repeated tractor runs on growth dynamics and crop-ping of timothy grass

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    Użytkowanie wieloletnich roślin pastewnych, a w szczególności traw, związane jest z wielokrotnymi przejazdami ciągników i maszyn po powierzchni upraw, co prowadzi do zagęszczenia gleby, uszkodzenia odrastających pędów roślin i w konsekwencji powoduje obniżenie ich wydajności. W celu określenia wpływu ugniatania na plonowanie i wzrost tymotki łąkowej przeprowadzono trzyletnie badania w oparciu o doświadczenie polowe. Czynnikiem doświadczalnym były wielokrotne przejazdy kół ciągnika (1, 2, 4 i 6 krotne) z wydzieleniem obiektu kontrolnego, nieugniatanego. W okresie wegetacji wykonywano pomiary wysokości roślin w odstępach tygodniowych. Oznaczono również plony s.m. dla trzech pokosów w roku. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników zaobserwowano trzy bardzo wyraźne fazy wzrostu roślin, różniące się dynamiką przyrostu. Zanotowano wpływ ugniatania na tempo wzrostu roślin, szczególnie widoczny w trakcie drugiego i trzeciego odrostu. Zmiany dynamiki wzrostu spowodowały również różnice w wydajności badanego gatunku.Using perennial fodder plants, and in particular grass, involves repeated runs of tractors and machines on the cultivated areas. This leads to soil compaction, damage of shooting-up plant sprouts, and as a consequence lowers their productivity. A three-year study based on field experiment was carried out in order to determine the impact of soil packing on timothy grass cropping and growth. Repeated runs of tractor wheels (1, 2, 4 and 6 times) constituted the experimental factor, including the separation of an unpacked check object. The height of plants was measured every week during vegetation period. Moreover, the researchers determined dry matter crops for three swaths in a year. Obtained results showed three very distinct plant growth phases, differing in increment dynamics. The researchers confirmed soil packing impact on plant growth rate, especially visible for second and third sprout. Growth dynamics changes also generated differences in the productivity of a given species

    An attempt at economic valuation of environmental value of ‘Góra Zamkowa’ in Olsztyn by the method of travel costs

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    The aim of the work was the economic valuation of the natural environment of ‘Góra Zamkowa’ in Olsztyn, which is part of the “Eagle’s Nest” Landscape Park in southern Poland. In the research, the travel cost method was used, which was based on the results of the survey. Primary sources were collected from 135 respondents selected randomly. Thanks to information from respondents, it was estimated that the economic valuation of environmental value of ‘Góra Zamkowa’ is approximately PLN 1.04 million

    Effect of processing temperature applied to mixtures of sewage sludge and plant waste on the content of macro- and microelements in the product and on the luminescence of Vibrio fischeri

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    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of temperature and addition of plant material to sewage sludge on the efficiency of thermal treatment of biomass. Another goal was to assess the content of selected macro- and microelements in the end product, taking into account the possibility of their agricultural use. The input material for the research consisted of anaerobically stabilized, dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design consisted of: sewage sludge + bark (SS + B), sewage sludge + wheat straw (SS + WS), sewage sludge + sawdust (SS + S). The mixtures were thermally treated in a chamber furnace, under anaerobic conditions. Two temperature settings were applied: 300°C and 600°C; the exposure time in both cases was 15 minutes. Thermal, anaerobic transformation of organic matter at a temperature up to 600°C causes even a twofold increase in the content of ash elements in the product. An increase in the nitrogen content can only be obtained under conditions of low-temperature transformation of a mixture of sewage sludge with organic materials. Using the temperature of 600°C for the transformation of organic materials caused an increase in the content of easily hydrolyzing nitrogen as well as forms of phosphorus, potassium and sodium extracted with water in comparison to mixtures transformed at the temperature of 300°C. Of the analyzed trace elements, only the content of water-soluble forms of zinc (apart from mixture of sewage sludge and straw) increased along with the increase in temperature of the transformation process, which indicates higher zinc bioavailability. In terms of fertilization, as a result of increasing the processing temperature applied to sewage sludge with the addition of different mass of plant origin, a lower value product is obtained due to nitrogen losses and a decrease in the availability of some elements for plants. The extracts from the mixtures were not toxic to bacteria. Stimulation of the luminescence of V. fischeri was observed in the research

    Effect of processing temperature applied to mixtures of sewage sludge and plant waste on the content of macro- and microelements in the product and on the luminescence of Vibrio fischeri

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    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of temperature and addition of plant material to sewage sludge on the efficiency of thermal treatment of biomass. Another goal was to assess the content of selected macro- and microelements in the end product, taking into account the possibility of their agricultural use. The input material for the research consisted of anaerobically stabilized, dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design consisted of: sewage sludge + bark (SS + B), sewage sludge + wheat straw (SS + WS), sewage sludge + sawdust (SS + S). The mixtures were thermally treated in a chamber furnace, under anaerobic conditions. Two temperature settings were applied: 300°C and 600°C; the exposure time in both cases was 15 minutes. Thermal, anaerobic transformation of organic matter at a temperature up to 600°C causes even a twofold increase in the content of ash elements in the product. An increase in the nitrogen content can only be obtained under conditions of low-temperature transformation of a mixture of sewage sludge with organic materials. Using the temperature of 600°C for the transformation of organic materials caused an increase in the content of easily hydrolyzing nitrogen as well as forms of phosphorus, potassium and sodium extracted with water in comparison to mixtures transformed at the temperature of 300°C. Of the analyzed trace elements, only the content of water-soluble forms of zinc (apart from mixture of sewage sludge and straw) increased along with the increase in temperature of the transformation process, which indicates higher zinc bioavailability. In terms of fertilization, as a result of increasing the processing temperature applied to sewage sludge with the addition of different mass of plant origin, a lower value product is obtained due to nitrogen losses and a decrease in the availability of some elements for plants. The extracts from the mixtures were not toxic to bacteria. Stimulation of the luminescence of V. fischeri was observed in the research

    Soil biological activity as affected by tillage intensity

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    The effect of tillage intensity on changes of microbiological activity and content of particulate organic matter in soil under winter wheat duirng 3 years was studied. Microbial response related to the tillage-induced changes in soil determined on the content of biomass C and N, the rate of CO2 evolution, B/F ratio, the activity of dehydrogenases, acid and alkaline phosphatases, soil C/N ratio and microbial biomass C/N ratio confirmed the high sensitivity of soil microbial populations to the tillage system applied. After three year studies, the direct sowing system enhanced the increase of labile fraction of organic matter content in soil. There were no significant changes in the labile fraction quantity observed in soil under conventional tillage. Similar response related to the tillage intensity was observed in particulate organic matter quantities expressed as a percentage of total organic matter in soil. A high correlation coefficients calculated between contents of soil microbial biomass C and N, particulate organic matter and potentiallymineralizable N, and the obtained yields of winter wheat grown on experimental fields indicated on a high importance of biological quality of status of soil for agricultural crop production

    Increased ethanol consumption and locomotion develop upon ethanol deprivation in rats overexpressing the adenosine A(2A) receptor

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    Preclinical data indicate that ethanol produces behavioral effects that can be regulated by many neurotransmitters and neuromodulators like adenosine (A). The most important receptors with respect to the rewarding effects of ethanol seem to be the A(2A) receptors. This study used a transgenic strategy, specifically rats overexpressing the A(2A) receptor, to characterize the neurobiological mechanisms of ethanol consumption as measured by intermittent access to 20% ethanol in a two-bottle choice paradigm. In this model, no change in ethanol consumption was observed in transgenic animals compared to wild type controls during the acquisition/maintenance phase. Following alcohol deprivation, only transgenic rats overexpressing the A(2A) receptor exhibited escalation of ethanol consumption and drank more (by ca. 90%), but not significantly, ethanol than did the wild type rats. During ethanol withdrawal, the immobility time of rats overexpressing the A(2A) receptor in the forced swim test was lower than that of wild type rats. Moreover, transgenic rats withdrawn from ethanol, compared to the drug-naive transgenic animals, exhibited an increase above 70% in locomotion. The results indicated that the overexpression of A(2A) receptors may be a risk factor for the escalation of ethanol consumption despite the reduction in depression-like signs of ethanol withdrawal