3,567 research outputs found

    Europe and the Euro

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    Inflation Targeting and Debt: Lessons from Brazil

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    Studying the recent experience of Brazil the paper explains how default risk is at the centre of the mechanism through which an emerging market central bank that targets inflation might lose control of inflation--in other words of the mechanism through which the economy might move from a regime of 'monetary dominance' to one of 'fiscal dominance'. The literature, from Sargent and Wallace (1981) to the modern fiscal theory of the price level has discussed how an unsustainable fiscal policy may hinder the effectiveness of monetary policy, to the point that an increase in interest rates can have a perverse effect on inflation. We show that the presence of default risk reinforces the possibility that a vicious circle might arise, making the fiscal constraint on monetary policy more stringent.

    Financial Factors, Macroeconomic Information and the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

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    In this paper we concentrate on the hypothesis that the empirical rejections of the Expectations Theory(ET) of the term structure of interest rates can be caused by improper modelling of expectations. Our starting point is an interesting anomaly found by Campbell-Shiller(1987), when by taking a VAR approach they abandon limited information approach to test the ET, in which realized returns are taken as a proxy for expected returns. We use financial factors and macroeconomic information to construct a test of the theory based on simulating investors' effort to use the model in `real time' to forecast future monetary policy rates. Our findings suggest that the importance of fluctuations of risk premia in explaining the deviation from the ET is reduced when some forecasting model for short-term rates is adopted and a proper evaluation of uncertainty associated to policy rates forecast is consideredExpectations Theory, Macroeconomic information in Finance

    The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Europe: Evidence from Banks' Balance Sheets

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    Available studies on asymmetries in the monetary transmission mechanism within Europe are invariably based on macro-economic evidence: such evidence is abundant but often contradictory. This paper takes a different route by using micro-economic data. We use the information contained in the balance sheets of individual banks (available from the BankScope database) to implement a case-study on the response of banks in France, Germany, Italy and Spain to a monetary tightening. The episode we study occurred during 1992, when monetary conditions were tightened throughout Europe. Evidence on such tightening is provided by the uniform squeeze in liquidity, which affected all banks in our sample. We study the first link in the transmission chain by analysing the response of bank loans to the monetary tightening. Our experiment provides evidence on the importance of the Europe and thus on one possibly important source of asymmetries in the monetary transmission mechanism. We do not find evidence of a significant response of bank loans to the monetary tightening, which occurred during 1992, in any of the four European countries we have considered. However we find significant differences both across countries and across banks of different dimensions in the factors that allow them to shield the supply of loans from the squeeze in liquidity.

    Euro area money demand and international portfolio allocation: a contribution to assessing risks to price stability

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    The long-run relationship between money and prices in the euro area embedded in traditional money demand models with income and interest rates broke down after 2001. We develop a money demand model where investors hold a diversified portfolio with money, domestic and foreign stocks and long-term bonds in which, in addition to the classical wealth effect, also a size and an international portfolio allocation effects arise. The estimated model identifies three cointegrating vectors stable over the sample 1980-2007: a long-run money demand, which depends on income and all risky assets' returns, and two equilibria for the euro area and the US financial markets. Steady state equilibrium of nominal M3 growth is estimated to be about 7% in 2007 with large standard errors mainly due to uncertainty in asset prices. The gap between actual euro area M3 growth and model-based fitted or predicted values helps forecast euro area inflation. JEL Classification: E41, E44, E52, G11, G15Euro area money demand, Inflation forecasts, monetary policy, portfolio allocation

    Insider Trading, Traded Volume and Returns

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    Several models predict that both market liquidity and trading volume generated by less informed traders do not increase when there is insider trading. Available empirical evidence is mixed and still relatively small, because of the inherent diÂą culty to identify insider trading events. Our econometric work, based on 19 suspect insider trading events drawn from the non-public ?file of the Italian supervisory authority, provides further insight on these key implications of stock market models. The second purpose of this paper is to assess whether insider trading changes the distribution of volume and returns in a way that can be used by supervisory authorities in order to detect its presence through statistical methods.asymmetric information, insider trading, abnormal returns, traded volume

    Sampling probabilities, diffusions, ancestral graphs, and duality under strong selection

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    Wright-Fisher diffusions and their dual ancestral graphs occupy a central role in the study of allele frequency change and genealogical structure, and they provide expressions, explicit in some special cases but generally implicit, for the sampling probability, a crucial quantity in inference. Under a finite-allele mutation model, with possibly parent-dependent mutation, we consider the asymptotic regime where the selective advantage of one allele grows to infinity, while the other parameters remain fixed. In this regime, we show that the Wright-Fisher diffusion can be approximated either by a Gaussian process or by a process whose components are independent continuous-state branching processes with immigration, aligning with analogous results for Wright-Fisher models but employing different methods. While the first process becomes degenerate at stationarity, the latter does not and provides a simple, analytic approximation for the leading term of the sampling probability. Furthermore, using another approach based on a recursion formula, we characterise all remaining terms to provide a full asymptotic expansion for the sampling probability. Finally, we study the asymptotic behaviour of the rates of the block-counting process of the conditional ancestral selection graph and establish an asymptotic duality relationship between this and the diffusion.Comment: 41 page

    Reprodutores suínos de alto valor genético para numero de leitÔes nascidos vivos por leitegada.

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    Objetivo do catalago; Informacoes apresentadas; Como usar o catalago; 200 cachacos da raca Landrace - 1. leitegada; 200 cachacos da raca Landrace - 1. e 2. leitegadas; 200 cachacos da raca Landrace - 1., 2. e 3. leitegadas; 200 cachacos da raca Large White - 1. leitegada; 200 cachacos da raca Large White - 1. e 2. leitegadas; 50 cachacos da raca Duroc - 1. leitegada; 50 cachacos da raca Duroc - 1. e 2. leitegadas; 50 cachacos da raca Duroc - 1., 2. e 3. leitegada; 500 melhores porcas daraca Landrace - 1. leitegada; 500 melhores porcas da raca Landrace - 1. e 2. leitegadas; 500 melhores porcas da raca Landrace - 1., 2. e 3. leitegadas; 500 ,melhores porcas da raca Large White - 1. leitegada; 500 melhores porcas da raca Large White - 1. e 2. leitegadas; 500 melhores porcas da raca Large White; 200 melhores porcas da raca Duroc - 1.leitegada; 200 melhores porcas da raca Duroc - 1. e 2. leitegadas; 200 melhores porcas da raca Duroc - 1., 2. e 3. leitegadas.bitstream/item/58272/1/doc43.pd
