3 research outputs found

    The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS)

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    The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) is a new ground-based sky survey designed to find transiting Neptunes and super-Earths. By covering at least sixteen times the sky area of Kepler we will find small planets around stars that are sufficiently bright for radial velocity confirmation, mass determination and atmospheric characterisation. The NGTS instrument will consist of an array of twelve independently pointed 20cm telescopes fitted with red-sensitive CCD cameras. It will be constructed at the ESO Paranal Observatory, thereby benefiting from the very best photometric conditions as well as follow up synergy with the VLT and E-ELT. Our design has been verified through the operation of two prototype instruments, demonstrating white noise characteristics to sub-mmag photometric precision. Detailed simulations show that about thirty bright super-Earths and up to two hundred Neptunes could be discovered. Our science operations are due to begin in 2014

    NGTS discovery of a highly inflated Saturn-mass planet and a highly irradiated hot Jupiter

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    We report the discovery of two new transiting giant exoplanets NGTS-26 b and NGTS-27 b by the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). NGTS-26 b orbits around a G6-type main sequence star every 4.52 days. It has a mass of 0.29-0.06+0.07 MJup and a radius of 1.33-0.05+0.06 RJup making it a Saturn-mass planet with a highly inflated radius. NGTS-27 b orbits around a slightly evolved G3-type star every 3.37 days. It has a mass of 0.59-0.07+0.10 MJup and a radius of 1.40±0.04 RJup, making it a relatively standard hot Jupiter. The transits of these two planetary systems were re-observed and confirmed in photometry by the SAAO 1.0-m telescope, 1.2-m Euler Swiss telescope as well as the TESS spacecraft, and their masses were derived spectroscopically by the CORALIE, FEROS and HARPS spectrographs. Both giant exoplanets are highly irradiated by their host stars and present an anomalously inflated radius, especially NGTS-26 b which is one of the largest objects among peers of similar mass

    The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS)

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    We describe the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS), which is a ground-based project searching for transiting exoplanets orbiting bright stars. NGTS builds on the legacy of previous surveys, most notably WASP, and is designed to achieve higher photometric precision and hence find smaller planets than have previously been detected from the ground. It also operates in red light,maximizing sensitivity to late K and earlyMdwarf stars. The survey specifications call for photometric precision of 0.1 per cent in red light over an instantaneous field of view of 100 deg 2 , enabling the detection of Neptune-sized exoplanets around Sun-like stars and super-Earths around M dwarfs. The survey is carried out with a purpose-built facility at Cerro Paranal, Chile, which is the premier site of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). An array of twelve 20 cm f/2.8 telescopes fitted with back-illuminated deep-depletion CCD cameras is used to survey fields intensively at intermediateGalactic latitudes. The instrument is also ideally suited to ground-based photometric follow-up of exoplanet candidates from space telescopes such as TESS, Gaia and PLATO. We present observations that combine precise autoguiding and the superb observing conditions at Paranal to provide routine photometric precision of 0.1 per cent in 1 h for stars with I-band magnitudes brighter than 13. We describe the instrument and data analysis methods as well as the status of the survey, which achieved first light in 2015 and began full-survey operations in 2016. NGTS data will be made publicly available through the ESO archive