24 research outputs found

    Etude chimique de la graine de Simarouba glauca D.C. Détermination de la structure des triglycérides

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    peer reviewedUne étude détatllée sur I'amande de la graine de Simarouba glauca D.C. est présentée. Cet arbuste tropical originarre d'Amérique Centrale est implanté depuis quelques années au Burundi. La graine est analysée et deux modes d'extraction des lipides totaux sont testés. Les paramètres caractérisant la matière grasse sont déterminés, L'analyse des triglycérides et la détermination de leur structure sont entrcprises suivant les méthodes de calcul proposées par Van Der Wal et par Wathelet. Des pourcentages élevés en 00St - 000 - StOSt - POSt - OOP sont rencontrés et les principaux triglycérides sont du type mono-insaturé symétrique (SlS), di-insaturé asymetrique (SII) et tri-insaturé (III)

    Composition chimique de l'endocarpe de Simarouba glauca D.C.

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    peer reviewedSimarouba glauca D.C. Simaroubacées, plante arbustive à graines oléagineuses est fort intéressante pour les pays tropicaux non seulement à cause de sa grande résistance aux climats arides mais surtout pour la source potentielle de matière grasse qu'elle représente. Dans un premier temps, les auteurs ont étudié l'amande de la graine de Simarouba. Dans cet artrcle, ils présentent pnncipalement une étude des lipides de I'endocarpe (coque) de cefte graine. lls déterminent la structure des triglycérides dont tes principaux sont du type : LnLL (11,88 %), OOO (9,87 %) LLL (5,63 %). StOP (7,23 %), LnLnL (6,77 %). OOP 16.47 %)

    Valuation of EuroQOL (EQ-5D) Health States in an Adult US Sample

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    While the EuroQOL instrument (EQ-5D) is being considered and used in clinical trials in the United States and Canada, and in large international multicentre studies, population weights for the instrument have never been established in North America. The primary purpose of this investigation was to derive a set of US-based population weights for the standard set of health states described in the EQ-5D health questionnaire. Valuations for EQ-5D health states were obtained via a postal survey using the visual analogue scale (VAS) format. A sample of 3500 adults from the continental US were surveyed. A response rate of 25.8% was obtained. Mean and median valuations for 45 distinct health states, including dead and unconscious, were calculated. An ordinary least squares (OLS) regression-based weighting scheme was constructed to impute scores for states not directly valued in the questionnaire formats. Valuations for the standard EQ-5D health states displayed similar characteristics to VAS valuations obtained in previous investigations in European countries. The OLS model fit the observed data relatively well, achieving an adjusted R2 of 0.42. However, the diagnostic testing indicated that the initial model was misspecified. Subsequent alternative models alleviated some, but not all, of the problems of misspecification. The EQ-5D valuations from adult Americans in this sample appeared to behave in much the same fashion as in previous valuation studies. However, the generalisability of results to the entire adult American population may be limited. Violations of assumptions of the OLS regression model indicate the need for further investigation into the modelling technique used in deriving a single index score.Pharmacoeconomics, Quality-of-life, Quality-of-life-rating-scales, Clinical-trial-design

    Weiterfuehrende Untersuchung zur Bildung von polybromierten Dioxinen und Furanen bei der thermischen Belastung flammgeschuetzter Kunststoffe und Textilien. Teilvorhaben 1

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    With 16 refs., 23 tabs.; 36 figs.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(91-082) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    The migration of Kischner wire from clavicle into pericardium and liver hilum: A 30-year journey [Kirschner telinin klavikuladan perikard ic¸ine ve karaciger hilusuna migrasyonu: 30 yillik bir yolculuk]

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    Although rare, thin wire or metallic apparatus which are used for orthopedic fixation may migrate after many years. In this article, we report a 60-year-old male case of the migration of the Kirschner wires used for fixation for the clavicle fracture after 30 years into the pericardium and liver. The Kirshner wire which was detected on chest X-ray incidentally was removed surgically. As such foreign bodies may lead to serious complications, removal is required once detected