10 research outputs found

    Certification of nontermination proofs using strategies and nonlooping derivations

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    © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland. The development of sophisticated termination criteria for term rewrite systems has led to powerful and complex tools that produce (non)termination proofs automatically. While many techniques to establish termination have already been formalized—thereby allowing to certify such proofs—this is not the case for nontermination. In particular, the proof checker CeTA was so far limited to (innermost) loops. In this paper we present an Isabelle/HOL formalization of an extended repertoire of nontermination techniques. First, we formalized techniques for nonlooping nontermination. Second, the available strategies include (an extended version of) forbidden patterns, which cover in particular outermost and context-sensitive rewriting. Finally, a mechanism to support partial nontermination proofs further extends the applicability of our proof checker

    Analyzing program termination and complexity automatically with AProVE

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    In this system description, we present the tool AProVE for automatic termination and complexity proofs of Java, C, Haskell, Prolog, and rewrite systems. In addition to classical term rewrite systems (TRSs), AProVE also supports rewrite systems containing built-in integers (int-TRSs). To analyze programs in high-level languages, AProVE automatically converts them to (int-)TRSs. Then, a wide range of techniques is employed to prove termination and to infer complexity bounds for the resulting rewrite systems. The generated proofs can be exported to check their correctness using automatic certifiers. To use AProVE in software construction, we present a corresponding plug-in for the popular Eclipse software development environment

    Hypnotherapy in Strabismus

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    Solving existentially quantified Horn clauses

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    Temporal verification of universal (i.e., valid for all computation paths) properties of various kinds of programs, e.g., procedural, multi-threaded, or functional, can be reduced to finding solutions for equations in form of universally quantified Horn clauses extended with well-foundedness conditions. Dealing with existential properties (e.g., whether there exists a particular computation path), however, requires solving forall-exists quantified Horn clauses, where the conclusion part of some clauses contains existentially quantified variables. For example, a deductive approach to CTL verification reduces to solving such clauses. In this paper we present a method for solving forall-exists quantified Horn clauses extended with well-foundedness conditions. Our method is based on a counterexample-guided abstraction refinement scheme to discover witnesses for existentially quantified variables. We also present an application of our solving method to automation of CTL verification of software, as well as its experimental evaluation