13 research outputs found

    Private Enforcement, Corruption, and Antitrust Design

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    Recent adoption of competition laws across the globe has highlighted the importance of institutional considerations for antitrust effectiveness and the need for comparative institutional analyses of antitrust that extend beyond matters of substantive law. Contributing to the resulting nascent research agenda, we examine how the rationale for enabling versus precluding private antitrust enforcement as one salient choice in antitrust design depends on whether antitrust enforcement is corruption-free or plagued by corruption. Contingent on the nature of adjudicatory bias, bribery either discourages private antitrust lawsuits or incentivizes firms to engage in frivolous litigation. Corruption expectedly reduces the effectiveness of antitrust enforcement at deterring antitrust violations. Yet private antitrust enforcement as a complement to public enforcement can be social welfare-enhancing even in the presence of corruption. Under some circumstances, corruption actually increases the relative social desirability of private antitrust enforcement. Our analysis highlights that the appropriate design of antitrust institutions is context-specific

    Displasia congénita de la válvula mitral, a propósito de un caso.

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    Congenital dysplasia of the mitral valve, outstanding genetic abnormality in the composition of collagen, which affects blood flow of the left ventricle to the left atrium in systole, with high mortality without early surgical approach. We report the case of a rural area of 4 years with heart murmur discovered at 4 months and not investigated. A year, crying and sucking dyspnea, diaphoresis, and difficulty gaining weight, mitral valve dysplasia with regurgitation, pulmonary hypertension (70 mm Hg ) with surgical indication. Sign up under treatment for heart failure, cachectic, with dyspnea at rest, orthopnea, cyanosis, chest bulging hyperdynamic shock prominent peak in the 7th intercostal space and left anterior axillary line. Mitral systolic murmur 4/6 with radiation to axilla, pulmonary systolic murmur 2/6. Important hepatomegaly. Distal coldness. Chest X-ray: Cardiomegaly 4/IV, ICT 0.72. Pulmonary vascular redistribution. EKG: biatrial and biventricular significant growth with FC 140x �. Echocardiogram significant growth in the four chambers . Patent ductus arteriosus. Mitral valve leaflets thickened, calcified, anterior and posterior cord redundant short , anterior leaflet prolapse and later retracted, regurgitation 4 +/4+. Tricuspid valve regurgitation with important. 90mmHg systolic pulmonary pressure. Preoperative: mechanical ventilation, inotropic support, furosemide infusion. Surgical correction: mitral valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis, tricuspid plasty, ductus closure, CIA discharge opening. Evolution: nutritional and clinically satisfactory. Surgical correction, albeit late mitral valve dysplasia in this girl was the only alternative capable of preventing death. With early diagnosis and prompt surgical correction, one could avoid the associated morbidity and mortality in these cases.La displasia congénita de la válvula mitral, excepcional anormalidad genética en la composición del colágeno, que condiciona reflujo de sangre del ventrículo izquierdo a la aurícula izquierda en sístole, con elevada morbimortalidad sin un abordaje quirúrgico temprano. Presentamos el caso de un paciente del área rural de 4 años, con soplo cardíaco descubierto a los 4 meses y no investigado. Al año, disnea al llanto y succión, diaforesis y dificultad para ganar peso, por displasia de la válvula mitral con regurgitación, hipertensión pulmonar (70mmHg) con indicación quirúrgica. Ingresa bajo tratamiento máximo para insuficiencia cardiaca, caquéctica, con disnea de reposo, ortopnea, cianosis peribucal, tórax abombado hiperdinámico, choque de punta prominente en 7mo espacio intercostal izquierdo y línea axilar anterior. Soplo sistólico mitral 4/6 con irradiación a axila, soplo sistólico pulmonar 2/6. Hepatomegalia importante. Frialdad distal. Rx tórax: Cardiomegalia 4/IV, ICT 0.72. Redistribución vascular pulmonar. EKG: crecimiento biauricular y biventricular importante con FC 140x�. Ecocardiograma: crecimiento importante de las cuatro cavidades. Ductus arterioso persistente. Válvula mitral: velos engrosados, calcificados, cuerda anterior redundante y posterior corta, velo anterior prolapsado y posterior retraído, regurgitación 4+/4+. Válvula tricúspide con regurgitación importante. Presión sistólica pulmonar 90mmHg. Preoperatorio: Ventilación mecánica, soporte inotrópico, furosemida en infusión. Corrección quirúrgica: Reemplazo de válvula mitral por prótesis mecánica, plastía tricuspídea, cierre de ductus, apertura de CIA de descarga. Evolución: satisfactoria nutricional y clínicamente. La corrección quirúrgica, aunque tardía de la displasia valvular mitral en esta niña, fue la única alternativa capaz de prevenir la muerte. Con el diagnóstico temprano y la corrección quirúrgica oportuna, se podría evitar la morbimortalidad asociada en estos casos

    It is all about power: Corruption, patriarchy and the political participation of women

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    Recent research shows a link between higher rates of political participation of women and less corruption, yet little is known about the link between attitudes towards female political leadership and the acceptance of corruption. In order to fill this knowledge gap, this study employs data from the sixth wave (2010–2014) of the world values surveys for ghana, nigeria, rwanda, south africa and zimbabwe. The study finds that people who agree that men are better political leaders than women, regardless of their gender, are more likely to state that corruption is justifiable. The findings corroborate the argument that corruption is deeply rooted in patriarchal structures, which need to be addressed to achieve both higher political participation of women and lower levels of corruption. This chapter is relevant to sustainable development goal (sdg) 5, target 5.5, which focuses on the political participation of women and sdg 16, target 16.5, which focuses on the reduction of corruption