79 research outputs found

    Dayaguna Campuran Soda Abu - Boraks Sebagai Anti Jamur Biru Dan Rayap

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    Kebanyakan kayu gubal dari jenis kayu keras mudah diserang jamur pewarna dan serangga Perusak kayu. Bahan pengawet boron relatif aman bagi manusia dan binatang peliharaan. Bahan pengawet dengan bahan dasar borak dan ditambah soda abu telah diformulasi. Contoh kayu diawetkan dalam larutan 5% (b/v) dari lima kondisi campuran soda abu-boraks, yaitu 1,0 : 1,5; 1,5 : 1,0; 1,0 : 1,0; 2,0 : 1,0, dan 1,0 : 2,0 (b/b). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi toksisitas formulasi campuran boraks-soda abu terhadap rayap dan jamur pewarna kayu. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan larutan 5% campuran soda abu - boraks (1,0 : 2,0) yang dinyatakan sebagai asam borat (H BO ) pada retensi 7,23 kg/m3terbukti efektif mencegah rayap tanah Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren dan rayap kayu kering Cryptotemes cynocephalus Light., serta dapat digolongkan ke dalam kelas efikasi sangat baik dengan masa proteksi 4 minggu terhadap jamur pewarna biru

    Analisis Biaya Manfaat Program Pembangunan Food Estate dalam Perspektif Perencanaan Wilayah : Studi Kasus Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    Food Estate Development Program is an investment project on food cropsubsector in the form of business activities with large-scale cultivation (> 25 ha), especially rice commodities. The present study aims to analyze economic feasibility of Food Estate Development Program. The methode used to answer the research was NPV, IRR, BCR, Pay Back Period and sensitivity analysis. The results show that the NPV is positive amounted 153.761,83 billions rupiah, IRR of 63%, BCR of 1,25, Pay Back Period of 8 years and the sensitivity analysis of sensitive to changes in prices of inputs and outputs. From the above considerations investment criteria, indicates that program is economically feasible

    Infrastructure, Economic Growth and Inequality in Indonesia Land Borders

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the impacts of infrastructure on economic growth and inequality in Indonesia land borders. Using static panel data regression and panel two stage least square (2SLS) estimation methods, this study shows that social infrastructure can raise per capita income. The social infrastructures being discussed are number of high schools and number of health facilities. Telecommunication facility can also raise per capita income. In addition, income inequality is found to be positively influenced by income per capita growth and industry sector laborer. It also suggests that infrastructure has indirect relation with income inequality through per capita income
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