27 research outputs found

    Sumoylation Dynamics During Keratinocyte Differentiation

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    SUMO modification regulates the activity of numerous transcription factors that have a direct role in cell cycle progression, apoptosis, cellular proliferation, and development, but its role in differentiation processes is less clear. Keratinocyte differentiation requires the coordinated activation of a series of transcription factors, and as several critical keratinocyte transcription factors are known to be SUMO substrates, we investigated the role of sumoylation in keratinocyte differentiation. In a human keratinocyte cell line model (HaCaT cells), calcium-induced differentiation led to the transient and coordinated transcriptional activation of the genes encoding critical sumoylation system components, including SAE1, SAE2, Ubc9, SENP1, Miz-1 (PIASxβ), SUMO2, and SUMO3. The increased gene expression resulted in higher levels of the respective proteins and changes in the pattern of sumoylated substrate proteins during the differentiation process. Similar to the HaCaT results, stratified human foreskin keratinocytes showed an upregulation of Ubc9 in the suprabasal layers. Lastly, abrogation of sumoylation by Gam1 expression severely disrupted normal HaCaT differentiation, consistent with an important role for sumoylation in the proper progression of this biological process

    Analysis of Global Sumoylation Changes Occurring during Keratinocyte Differentiation

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    Sumoylation is a highly dynamic process that plays a role in a multitude of processes ranging from cell cycle progression to mRNA processing and cancer. A previous study from our lab demonstrated that SUMO plays an important role in keratinocyte differentiation. Here we present a new method of tracking the sumoylation state of proteins by creating a stably transfected HaCaT keratinocyte cell line expressing an inducible SNAP-SUMO3 protein. The SNAP-tag allows covalent fluorescent labeling that is denaturation resistant. When combined with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the SNAP-tag technology provides direct visualization of sumoylated targets and can be used to follow temporal changes in the global cohort of sumoylated proteins during dynamic processes such as differentiation. HaCaT keratinocyte cells expressing SNAP-SUMO3 displayed normal morphological and biochemical features that are consistent with typical keratinocyte differentiation. SNAP-SUMO3 also localized normally in these cells with a predominantly nuclear signal and some minor cytoplasmic staining, consistent with previous reports for untagged SUMO2/3. During keratinocyte differentiation the total number of proteins modified by SNAP-SUMO3 was highest in basal cells, decreased abruptly after induction of differentiation, and slowly rebounded beginning between 48 and 72 hours as differentiation progressed. However, within this overall trend the pattern of change for individual sumoylated proteins was highly variable with both increases and decreases in amount over time. From these results we conclude that sumoylation of proteins during keratinocyte differentiation is a complex process which likely reflects and contributes to the biochemical changes that drive differentiation

    Staphylococcus aureus Keratinocyte Invasion Is Dependent upon Multiple High-Affinity Fibronectin-Binding Repeats within FnBPA

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a commensal organism and a frequent cause of skin and soft tissue infections, which can progress to serious invasive disease. This bacterium uses its fibronectin binding proteins (FnBPs) to invade host cells and it has been hypothesised that this provides a protected niche from host antimicrobial defences, allows access to deeper tissues and provides a reservoir for persistent or recurring infections. FnBPs contain multiple tandem fibronectin-binding repeats (FnBRs) which bind fibronectin with varying affinity but it is unclear what selects for this configuration. Since both colonisation and skin infection are dependent upon the interaction of S. aureus with keratinocytes we hypothesised that this might select for FnBP function and thus composition of the FnBR region. Initial experiments revealed that S. aureus attachment to keratinocytes is rapid but does not require FnBRs. By contrast, invasion of keratinocytes was dependent upon the FnBR region and occurred via similar cellular processes to those described for endothelial cells. Despite this, keratinocyte invasion was relatively inefficient and appeared to include a lag phase, most likely due to very weak expression of α5β1 integrins. Molecular dissection of the role of the FnBR region revealed that efficient invasion of keratinocytes was dependent on the presence of at least three high-affinity (but not low-affinity) FnBRs. Over-expression of a single high-affinity or three low-affinity repeats promoted invasion but not to the same levels as S. aureus expressing an FnBPA variant containing three high-affinity repeats. In summary, invasion of keratinocytes by S. aureus requires multiple high-affinity FnBRs within FnBPA, and given the importance of the interaction between these cell types and S. aureus for both colonisation and infection, may have provided the selective pressure for the multiple binding repeats within FnBPA

    In vitro culture conditions to study keratinocyte differentiation using the HaCaT cell line

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    In vitro models to study the process of keratinocyte differentiation have been hindered by the stringent culture requirements and limitations imposed by the inherent properties of the cells. Primary keratinocytes only have a finite life span, while transformed cell lines exhibit many phenotypic features not found in normal cells. The spontaneously immortalized HaCaT cell line has been a widely employed keratinocyte model due to its ease of propagation and near normal phenotype, but protocols for differentiation and gene delivery into HaCaT cells vary widely in the literature. Here we report culture conditions for maintaining HaCaT cells in a basal-like state, for efficient differentiation of these cells, and for delivery of transgenes by transfection or adenoviral infection. This technological report will provide guidance to a large audience of scientists interested in investigating mechanisms of differentiation and skin morphogenesis

    Cobalt oxalate nanoribbons as negative-electrode material for lithium-ion batteries

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    Orthorhombic cobalt oxalate dihydrate has been prepared in the form of nanoribbons by a reverse micelles method. The crystallographic structure of the resulting solid differs from the monoclinic massive product. A careful dehydration of the nanocrystals leads to anhydrous cobalt oxalate in which the nanoribbon-shaped particles are preserved and Co2+ ions are located in a centrosymmetric environment. CoC2O4 is used for the first time as high-capacity lithium storage materials with improved rate performance. The anhydrous solids react with lithium, leading to metallic cobalt and lithium oxalate, as shown by XAS and FTIR measurements. The new electrode material displays reversible capacities close to 900 mA h g-1 between 0 and 2 V versus lithium by a novel reaction mechanism which involves cobalt reduction-reoxidation. © 2009 American Chemical Society