429 research outputs found

    Hysteretic magnetotransport in p-type AlGaAs heterostructures with In/Zn/Au ohmic contacts

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    The two-terminal magneto-conductance of a hole gas in C-doped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with ohmic contacts consisting of alloyed In/Zn/Au displays a pronounced hysteresis of the conductance around zero magnetic field. The hysteresis disappears above magnetic fields of around 0.5 T and temperatures above 300 mK. For magnetic fields below 10 mT we observe a pronounced dip in the magneto-conductance. We tentatively discuss these experimental observations in the light of superconductivity of the ohmic contacts.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figures

    Single-hole transistor in p-type GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures

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    A single-hole transistor is patterned in a p-type, C-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure by AFM oxidation lithography. Clear Coulomb blockade resonances have been observed at T=300 mK. A charging energy of ~ 1.5 meV is extracted from Coulomb diamond measurements, in agreement with the lithographic dimensions of the dot. The absence of excited states in Coulomb diamond measurements, as well as the temperature dependence of Coulomb peak heights indicate that the dot is in the multi-level transport regime. Fluctuations in peak spacings larger than the estimated mean single-particle level spacing are observed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Electrical read-out of the local nuclear polarization in the quantum Hall effect

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    It is demonstrated that the now well-established `flip-flop' mechanism of spin exchange between electrons and nuclei in the quantum Hall effect can be reversed. We use a sample geometry which utilizes separately contacted edge states to establish a local nuclear spin polarization --close to the maximum value achievable-- by driving a current between electron states of different spin orientation. When the externally applied current is switched off, the sample exhibits an output voltage of up to a few tenths of a meV, which decays with a time constant typical for the nuclear spin relaxation. The surprizing fact that a sample with a local nuclear spin polarization can act as a source of energy and that this energy is well above the nuclear Zeeman splitting is explained by a simple model which takes into account the effect of a local Overhauser shift on the edge state reconstruction.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Waveform sampling using an adiabatically driven electron ratchet in a two-dimensional electron system

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    We utilize a time-periodic ratchet-like potential modulation imposed onto a two-dimensional electron system inside a GaAs/Alx_xGa1−x_{1-x}As heterostructure to evoke a net dc pumping current. The modulation is induced by two sets of interdigitated gates, interlacing off center, which can be independently addressed. When the transducers are driven by two identical but phase-shifted ac signals, a lateral dc pumping current I(ϕ)I(\phi) results, which strongly depends on both, the phase shift ϕ\phi and the waveform V(t)V(t) of the imposed gate voltages. We find that for different periodic signals, the phase dependence I(ϕ)I(\phi) closely resembles V(t)V(t). A simple linear model of adiabatic pumping in two-dimensional electron systems is presented, which reproduces well our experimental findings.Comment: 3 figure
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