298 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efektivitas Pemungutan Pajak Daerah ( Studi pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Tulungagung )

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    Local tax is contributing the highest revenue to Local Genuine Income (PAD). The government attempts to increase the effectiveness of local tax collection to improve PAD, especially through tax post. There are factors influencing the effectiveness of local tax revenue. The objective of research is to understand the influence of inflation rate, population rate, and Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) on local tax revenue in Tulungangung District in period 2008-2012. Data type is secondary data (time series) for period 2008-2012 obtained from the Official of Local Revenue and the Statistic Bureau (BPS) in Tulungagung District. Literature study is conducted to support data collection. Result of research indicates that the effectiveness of local tax collection in Tulungangung District in period 2008-2012 is entirely very effective. Of all three variables observed, which are inflation rate, population rate and PDRB, one with the most dominant influence on local tax revenue is population rate. Based these results, it may be suggested that the local government of Tulungangung District, especially the Official of Local Revenue of Tulungangung District, in determining local tax shall firstly socialize the importance of tax for the development such that taxpayer will be aware of paying tax in exchange for their welfare

    Implementasi Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penataan Ruang Dalam Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Studi Pada Penataan Ruang Dalam Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Di Kota Pasuruan)

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    The development process on each regional, particularly the urban, often put aside availability of Open Green Scape (OGS). Eventhough OGS is basic necessities a city. Constitution No.26 year 2007 about area arrangement explained that every area at least has 30% GOA from the whole area while Pasuruan City has 20.01% OGS at this time. The research intends to know how the government implements that constitution in order to reach number of OGS that determinated including the proponent and inhibitting factors. Researcher uses qualitative research method by descriptive approach. Based on research, the government publish PERDA No.31 year 2011 about RTRW Pasuruan City that existed decision about OGS that should be achieved by Pasuruan City year 2011-2013. The realizing, government do that according to priority and necessary by society, because the limits of fund and less communication. Then it need planning based on priority, good communication dan control by society

    Perpustakaan Umum di YOGYAKARTA dengan Pendalaman Desain Pencahayaan

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    Minat baca masyarakat Yogyakarta yang cukup tinggi tidak bisa diimbangi dengan peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas koleksi dari Perpustakaan Kota Yogyakarta. Akibatnya perpustakaan ini menjadi over capacity dan menuntut kebutuhan akan hadirnya sebuah perpustakaan baru yang bisa mewadahi kebutuhan masyarakat Yogyakarta akan informasi. Desain Perpustakaan Umum di Yogyakarta ini mengambil tema mendesain sebuah perpustakaan sebagai sebuah ruang publik yang modern dan menyenangkan. Kebutuhan utama pada sebuah perpustakaan adalah pencahayaan. Pencahayaan, baik itu pencahayaan aktif maupun pencahayaan pasif, di dalam perpustakaan digunakan sebagai penerangan untuk kegiatan yang dilakukan para pengunjung perpustakaan, seperti mencari buku, sirkulasi, membaca buku, dll. Selain itu, mengingat fungsi perpustakaan sebagai tempat membaca buku, maka diperlukan adanya perhatian khusus pada pencahayaan di dalamnya

    Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Menentukan Gaya Belajar Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar

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    Ilmu psikologi mempelajari perilaku manusia dan proses mental yang tidak menutup kemungkinan ada pemanfaatan teknologi terlibat di dalamnya, namun penggunaan dan pemanfaatan teknologi pada bidang ilmu psikologi ini dirasakan masih kurang. Salah satu metode yang masih banyak digunakan dalam ilmu psikologi yakni dengan cara membuat lembaran quesioner. Metode quesioner dapat dimodifikasi dalam bentuk aplikasi komputer, dimana aplikasi tersebut menggunakan pengetahuan dari para pakar psikologi diinputkan kedalam komputer yang disebut aplikasi sistem pakar. Aplikasi sistem pakar ini dirancang untuk mengetahui gaya belajar anak pada usia sekolah dasar. Aplikasi sistem pakar ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan menentukan gaya belajar anak. Selain itu, dapat digunakan sebagai penunjang dalam bidang ilmu psikologi serta dapat digunakan bagi keperluan masyarakat dan individu pada umumnya.Kata kunci: Sistem Pakar, Gaya Belajar Anak, Rule, Aplikasi, KonsultasiPsychology studies human behavior and mental processes is possible there involved the use of technology, but the use and utilization of technology in the field of psychology is felt still lacking. One method that is still widely used in psychology that is by making the questioner sheet. Questioner method can be modified in the form of computer applications, where the application is using the knowledge of experts of psychology entered into the computer called expert systems applications. Application of expert system is designed to determine the child\u27s learning style at primary school age. Application of expert systems is expected to overcome the problems of determining the child\u27s learning style. In addition, it can be used as a support in the field of psychology and can be used for public purposes and individuals in general

    Web Designing For Second-hand Cars Promotion And Sale On Autocar Showroom Using Php, Mysql, And Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

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    Along with the rapid development in information technology make every persongetting information easier. Internet is a fast and easy way to convey thatinformation reach the wider community. The use of website is very useful forpromoting, offering and informing the sales of cars for the Autocar Showroomsconsumers. The information is presented in a web page display that is easilyunderstood by consumers, start from the main menu to the specific searching ofcars based on brand, type and price of the car. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0,PHP and MySQL are a few examples of the many software tools that can solvethe problem
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