360 research outputs found

    Degenerate Dirac Neutrinos

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    A simple extension of the standard model is proposed in which all the three generations of neutrinos are Dirac particles and are naturally light. We then assume that the neutrino mass matrix is diagonal and degenerate, with a few eV mass to solve the dark matter problem. The self energy radiative corrections, however, remove this degeneracy and allow mixing of these neutrinos. The electroweak radiative corrections then predict a lower bound on the νμνe\nu_\mu - \nu_e mass difference which solves the solar neutrino problem through MSW mechanism and also predict a lower bound on the ντνμ\nu_\tau - \nu_\mu mass difference which is just enough to explain the atmospheric neutrino problem as reported by super Kamiokande.Comment: 11 pages latex fil

    Measurement of electron-neutrino electron elastic scattering

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    The cross section for the elastic scattering reaction nu_e+e- -> nu_e+e- was measured by the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector using a mu+ decay-at-rest nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The standard model of electroweak physics predicts a large destructive interference between the charge current and neutral current channels for this reaction. The measured cross section, sigma_{nu_e e-}=[10.1 +- 1.1(stat.) +- 1.0(syst.)]x E_{nu_e} (MeV) x 10^{-45} cm^2, agrees well with standard model expectations. The measured value of the interference parameter, I=-1.01 +- 0.13(stat.) +- 0.12(syst.), is in good agreement with the standard model expectation of I^{SM}=-1.09. Limits are placed on neutrino flavor-changing neutral currents. An upper limit on the muon-neutrino magnetic moment of 6.8 x 10^{-10} mu_{Bohr} is obtained using the nu_mu and \bar{nu}_mu fluxes from pi+ and mu+ decay.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Measurements of Charged Current Reactions of νe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C

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    Charged Current reactions of νe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C have been studied using a μ+\mu^+ decay-at-rest νe\nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The cross section for the exclusive reaction 12C(νe,e)12Ng.s.^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N_{g.s.} was measured to be (8.9±0.3±0.9)×1042(8.9\pm0.3\pm0.9)\times10^{-42} cm2^2. The observed energy dependence of the cross section and angular distribution of the outgoing electron agree well with theoretical expectations. Measurements are also presented for inclusive transitions to 12N^{12}N excited states, 12C(νe,e)12N^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N^* and compared with theoretical expectations. The measured cross section, (4.3±0.4±0.6)×1042(4.3\pm0.4\pm0.6)\times10^{-42} cm2^2, is somewhat lower than previous measurements and than a continuum random phase approximation calculation. It is in better agreement with a recent shell model calculation.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, accepted to PRC, replaced with the accepted on

    Off-diagonal structure of neutrino mass matrix in see-saw mechanism and electron-muon-tau lepton universality

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    By a simple extension of the standard model in which (eμτe-\mu -\tau ) universality is not conserved, we present a scenario within the framework of see-saw mechanism in which the neutrino mass matrix is strictly off-diagonal in the flavor basis. We show that a version of this scenario can accomodate the atmospheric νμντ\nu_\mu -\nu_\tau neutrino oscillations and νμνe\nu_\mu -\nu_e oscillations claimed by the LSND collaboration. PACS: 14.60.Pq; 14.60.St;13.15.+gComment: 5 pages, Revtex, 1 figure: The model accomodate another version which explains atmospheric neutrino data and the observed solar neutrino oscillations (large angle solution). In the previous version the value of \lambda parameter is changed to the expected one. This version now accomodates LSND result and solar neutrino oscillations (small angle MSW solution

    Framework for sentiment analysis of Arabic text

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    Dark matter concentration in the galactic center

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    It is shown that the matter concentration observed through stellar motion at the galactic center (Eckart & Genzel, 1997, MNRAS, 284, 576 and Genzel et al., 1996, ApJ, 472, 153) is consistent with a supermassive object of 2.5×1062.5 \times 10^6 solar masses composed of self-gravitating, degenerate heavy neutrinos, as an alternative to the black hole interpretation. According to the observational data, the lower bounds on possible neutrino masses are mν12.0m_\nu \geq 12.0 keV/c2/c^2 for g=2g=2 or mν14.3m_\nu \geq 14.3 keV/c2/c^2 for g=1g=1, where gg is the spin degeneracy factor. The advantage of this scenario is that it could naturally explain the low X-ray and gamma ray activity of Sgr A^*, i.e. the so called "blackness problem" of the galactic center.Comment: ApJ, 500, 591 (1998), AASTEX, aasms4.sty, v2 reference adde

    Neutrino-nucleus reactions on ^{12}C and ^{16}O

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    Exclusive and inclusive (νμ,μ),(νe,e)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-), (\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections and μ\mu^--capture rates are calculated for ^{12}C and ^{16}O using the consistent random phase approximation (RPA) and pairing model. After a pairing correction is introduced to the RPA results the flux-averaged theoretical (νμ,μ),(νe,e)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-), (\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections and μ\mu^--capture rates in 12^{12}C are in good agreement with experiment. In particular when one takes into account the experimental error bars, the recently measured range of values for the (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-) cross-section is in agreement with the present theoretical results. Predictions of (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-) and (νe,e)(\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections in ^{16}O are also presented.Comment: 13 pages, Revte

    Adjoint bulk scalars and supersymmetric unification in the presence of extra dimensions

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    There are several advantages of introducing adjoint superfields at intermediate energies around M=1013M=10^{13} GeV. Such as (i) gauge couplings still unify (ii) neutrino masses and mixings are produced (iii) primordial lepton asymmetry can be produced. We point out that if adjoint scalars have bulk excitations along with gauge bosons whereas fermions and the doublet scalar live on boundary then N=2 supersymmetric beta functions bi~\tilde{b_i} vanish. Thus even if extra dimensions open up at an intermediate scale μ0\mu_0 and all N=2 Yang-Mills fields as well as N=2 matter fields in the adjoint representation propagate in the bulk, still gauge couplings renormalize beyond μ0\mu_0 just like they do in 4-dimensions with adjoint scalars. Consequently unification is achieved in the presence to extra dimensions, mass scales are determined uniquely via Renormalization Group Equations(RGE) and unification scale remains high enough to suppress proton decay. This scenario can be falsified if we get signatures of extra dimensions at low energy.Comment: New references added. This version will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Neutrino Decay as an Explanation of Atmospheric Neutrino Observations

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    We show that the observed zenith angle dependence of the atmospheric neutrinos can be accounted for by neutrino decay. Furthermore, it is possible to account for all neutrino anomalies with just three flavors.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Statistical Analysis of Different Muon-antineutrino->Electron-antineutrino Searches

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    A combined statistical analysis of the experimental results of the LSND and KARMEN \numubnueb oscillation search is presented. LSND has evidence for neutrino oscillations that is not confirmed by the KARMEN experiment. This joint analysis is based on the final likelihood results for both data sets. A frequentist approach is applied to deduce confidence regions. At a combined confidence level of 36%, there is no area of oscillation parameters compatible with both experiments. For the complementary confidence of 1-0.36=64%, there are two well defined regions of oscillation parameters (sin^2(2th),Dm^2) compatible with both experiments.Comment: 25 pages, including 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.