487 research outputs found

    A solvable twisted one-plaquette model

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    We solve a hot twisted Eguchi-Kawai model with only timelike plaquettes in the deconfined phase, by computing the quadratic quantum fluctuations around the classical vacuum. The solution of the model has some novel features: the eigenvalues of the time-like link variable are separated in L bunches, if L is the number of links of the original lattice in the time direction, and each bunch obeys a Wigner semicircular distribution of eigenvalues. This solution becomes unstable at a critical value of the coupling constant, where it is argued that a condensation of classical solutions takes place. This can be inferred by comparison with the heat-kernel model in the hamiltonian limit, and the related Douglas-Kazakov phase transition in QCD2. As a byproduct of our solution, we can reproduce the dependence of the coupling constant from the parameter describing the asymmetry of the lattice, in agreement with previous results by Karsch.Comment: Minor corrections; final version to appear on IJMPA. 22 pages, Latex, 2 (small) figures included with eps

    Analytic results in 2+1-dimensional Finite Temperature LGT

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    In a 2+1-dimensional pure LGT at finite temperature the critical coupling for the deconfinement transition scales as βc(nt)=Jcnt+a1\beta_c(n_t) = J_c n_t + a_1, where ntn_t is the number of links in the ``time-like'' direction of the symmetric lattice. We study the effective action for the Polyakov loop obtained by neglecting the space-like plaquettes, and we are able to compute analytically in this context the coefficient a1a_1 for any SU(N) gauge group; the value of JcJ_c is instead obtained from the effective action by means of (improved) mean field techniques. Both coefficients have already been calculated in the large N limit in a previous paper. The results are in very good agreement with the existing Monte Carlo simulations. This fact supports the conjecture that, in the 2+1-dimensional theory, space-like plaquettes have little influence on the dynamics of the Polyakov loops in the deconfined phase.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 2 figures included with eps

    Lattice supersymmetry in 1D with two supercharges

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    A consistent formulation of a fully supersymmetric theory on the lattice has been a long standing challenge. In recent years there has been a renewed interest on this problem with different approaches. At the basis of the formulation we present in the following there is the Dirac-Kahler twisting procedure, which was proposed in the continuum for a number of theories, including N=4 SUSY in four dimensions. Following the formalism developed in recent papers, an exact supersymmetric theory with two supercharges on a one dimensional lattice is realized using a matrix-based model. The matrix structure is obtained from the shift and clock matrices used in two dimensional non-commutative field theories. The matrix structure reproduces on a one dimensional lattice the expected modified Leibniz rule. Recent claims of inconsistency of the formalism are discussed and shown not to be relevant.Comment: 14 pages, Presented by SA and AD at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4 2007, Regensburg, German

    Two dimensional QCD is a one dimensional Kazakov-Migdal model

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    We calculate the partition functions of QCD in two dimensions on a cylinder and on a torus in the gauge ∂0A0=0\partial_{0} A_{0} = 0 by integrating explicitly over the non zero modes of the Fourier expansion in the periodic time variable. The result is a one dimensional Kazakov-Migdal matrix model with eigenvalues on a circle rather than on a line. We prove that our result coincides with the standard expansion in representations of the gauge group. This involves a non trivial modular transformation from an expansion in exponentials of g2g^2 to one in exponentials of 1/g21/g^2. Finally we argue that the states of the U(N)U(N) or SU(N)SU(N) partition function can be interpreted as a gas of N free fermions, and the grand canonical partition function of such ensemble is given explicitly as an infinite product.Comment: DFTT 15/93, 17 pages, Latex (Besides minor changes and comments added we note that for U(N) odd and even N have to be treated separately

    Finite Temperature Lattice QCD in the Large N Limit

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    Our aim is to give a self-contained review of recent advances in the analytic description of the deconfinement transition and determination of the deconfinement temperature in lattice QCD at large N. We also include some new results, as for instance in the comparison of the analytic results with Montecarlo simulations. We first review the general set-up of finite temperature lattice gauge theories, using asymmetric lattices, and develop a consistent perturbative expansion in the coupling βs\beta_s of the space-like plaquettes. We study in detail the effective models for the Polyakov loop obtained, in the zeroth order approximation in βs\beta_s, both from the Wilson action (symmetric lattice) and from the heat kernel action (completely asymmetric lattice). The distinctive feature of the heat kernel model is its relation with two-dimensional QCD on a cylinder; the Wilson model, on the other hand, can be exactly reduced to a twisted one-plaquette model via a procedure of the Eguchi-Kawai type. In the weak coupling regime both models can be related to exactly solvable Kazakov-Migdal matrix models. The instability of the weak coupling solution is due in both cases to a condensation of instantons; in the heat kernel case, it is directly related to the Douglas-Kazakov transition of QCD2. A detailed analysis of these results provides rather accurate predictions of the deconfinement temperature. In spite of the zeroth order approximation they are in good agreement with the Montecarlo simulations in 2+1 dimensions, while in 3+1 dimensions they only agree with the Montecarlo results away from the continuum limit.Comment: 66 pages, plain Latex, figures included by eps

    Effective actions for finite temperature Lattice Gauge Theories

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    We consider a lattice gauge theory at finite temperature in (dd+1) dimensions with the Wilson action and different couplings βt\beta_t and βs\beta_s for timelike and spacelike plaquettes. By using the character expansion and Schwinger-Dyson type equations we construct, order by order in βs\beta_s, an effective action for the Polyakov loops which is exact to all orders in βt\beta_t. As an example we construct the first non-trivial order in βs\beta_s for the (3+1) dimensional SU(2) model and use this effective action to extract the deconfinement temperature of the model.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature
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