5 research outputs found

    Space vehicle-building design process issues and models. A framework

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    none3noHuman-crewed Space missions have had a renewed interest in recent years related to long-term strategies for humankind’s sustainability. It involves avantgarde scientific fields and deals with the vital problems of shielding astronauts from the hostile extra-terrestrial environment as well as to provide them comfort in order to guarantee an acceptable life quality during the Space missions. Due to these peculiarities, all extra-terrestrial dwellings are characterised by high level of technologies, punctual controls and constant maintenances. Moreover, Spacecrafts are not fully considered as “buildings” despite the crews’ long permanence and activities inside them. So far, the stringent conditions have required that their design and construction process must be tackled by mechanical and aerospace industries. From the perspective of long period missions, it is necessary to involve architects and building experts in order to enhance the user experience through the definition of more habitability and liveability requirements in Spacecrafts. This research wants to involve the participation of architects and building experts during the design process of a Space Vehicle-Building (SVB) by detecting a framework for Space architecture and construction Design Processes.mixedZhelun Zhu; Fioravanti A.; Coraglia U. M.Zhelun Zhu; Fioravanti A.; Coraglia U. M

    Open-ArcH: Verso un approccio aperto e flessibile alla rappresentazione e alla gestione delle informazioni del patrimonio storico-architettonico

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    L'Heritage Building Information Modeling è ormai adottato comunemente nei processi e nelle attività di indagine, progetto e intervento nell'ambito del patrimonio storico-architettonico, al fine di integrare la rappresentazione geometrica del manufatto con informazioni relative ad altre aree conoscitive. Progressivamente, però, diversi limiti stanno emergendo riguardo la sua effettiva capacità di gestire a pieno la complessità della conoscenza necessaria alla piena comprensione dell'organismo edilizio, e di rispondere ai requisiti informativi delle varie attività che compongo- no il processo di indagine e recupero. In questo contesto, il nostro lavoro si concentra sullo sviluppo di un approccio digitale più flessibile alla rappresentazione della conoscenza nel costruito storico - definito Open-ArcH - che si basa sull'integrazione di un ambiente BIM con le tecniche dei database a grafo e che punta ad una maggiore rispondenza ai requisiti informativi dei processi di indagine e recupero del costruito storico. Open-ArcH si pone due obiettivi principali: 1) sup- portare la formalizzazione di semantica complessa necessaria alla documentazione efficace del manufatto e 2) garantire flessibilità e accessibilità della base di conoscenza, al fine di garantire un ambiente collaborativo in cui i diversi specialisti coinvolti nel processo possano contribuire alla rappresentazione coerente e consistente del manufatto e della sua complessità. Il modello Open-ArcH è poi integrato in via sperimentale con un motore di intelligenza artificiale,al fine di valutare le possibilità di riconoscimento semantico tramite immagini delle varie componenti edilizie del manufatto

    Come è cambiata la percezione della sostenibilità e dell’impatto del cambiamento climatico sugli edifici nella Ricerca dopo il Covid 19. Un primo sondaggio/How the perception of sustainability and the impact of climate change on buildings has changed in Research after Covid 19. An early survey

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    The construction sector is one of the main contributors to the climate crisis in Europe, accounting for 36% of annual CO2 emissions due to 40% of annual energy consumption. Since 1987, the year in which the Brundtland Report was drawn up, the concept of Sustainability has been introduced in both the architectural and engineering fields. Being a particularly broad concept, attempts have been made over the years to simplify it, specifying its meaning through the subdivision into different types and/or areas of intervention (environmental, social, economic). However, the final purpose of each of these subdivisions has always been to try to reduce the impact generated by the construction sector. Even the UNI standards have tried to support AEC professionals by providing the rules for this new way of perceiving architecture. In fact, the construction industry is a complex machine, crucial for the economy of every single nation. Revenues are expected to rise from around 12trillionin2021tomorethan12 trillion in 2021 to more than 22 trillion by 2030, according to experts. This growth cannot disregard the incentives that various states have begun to distribute since 2021 in an attempt to jump-start the economy. For this reason, in addition to the impact of climate change, which is certainly less immediate in terms of the timing of action, it is also necessary to consider that three years ago the world was hit by an unexpected event, a global pandemic that suddenly upset and transformed the way people behave and perceive the world around them. This upheaval could hardly leave the AEC sector indifferent and unscathed. This first survey aims to provide, through the analysis of a selection of articles and the handling of specific data (e.g., keywords, index keywords, abstracts, distribution) extrapolated and deduced from them, an overview of how the perception of sustainability and the impact of climate change on buildings in the academia has changed since the outbreak of Covid 19

    Simulazione 4D BIM del cantiere per il progetto BENEDICT/BIM 4D construction site modelling for the BENEDICT project

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    Digitalization of the construction sector – Building Information Modelling – is surely the current answer to all the specific production issues that affect the Real Estate and Construction (REC) industrial sector. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process management strategy that can be of capital importance in improving construction efficiency. The BIM approach has many dimensions, i.e. goals and objectives, and the fourth one concerns time-oriented construction management. BIM 4D represents the simulation of the construction project concerning project planning, scheduling, controlling including jobsite design. It involves the development of the BIM-based information model of the construction jobsite by identifying the technological mod el that contains project information related to jobsite layout and the simulation of construction operations at a layout level and at a workspace level. The BIM 4D model simulates in a virtual environment the various subsequent construction stages as planned by the construction project schedule. “BENEDICT” is a European Erasmus plus project that has the aim of developing a web-based platform for BIM teaching that has a tight relationship with the REC industry. There fore, a BIM-enabled Learning Environment (BLE) can be used to implement BIM 4D project planning and control for learners and future practitioners

    Beyond monogenetic rare variants: tackling the low rate of genetic diagnoses in predominantly antibody deficiency

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