64 research outputs found


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    The antenatal prevention of congenital syphilis in a peri-urban settlement

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    The obstetric records of patients from Khayelitsha were examined to assess the efficiency of a system for the antenatal prevention of congenital syphilis, and to identify points of breakdown in the process. Seventy-seven (12,7%) of 607 mothers had serological evidence of syphilis, including 10 (32,3%) of31 mothers who had received no antenatal care. Of70 patients who required routine management, only 36 (51,4%) received 3 or more ofthe recommended 4 penicillin injections. Two main weaknesses in the system were identified. One was the centralisation of serological testing. This delayed results reaching the relevant unit, and was responsible for a high cumulative attrition of patients during the many stages necessitated by the centralised testing. The other was a 24,5% attrition of patients referred from the antenatal clinic to a separate sexually transmitted diseases clinic

    Morbidity after total abdominal hysterectomy

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    Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), the commonest major gynaecological operation performed at the Groote Schuur and Somerset Hospitals, is associated with considerable financial and social problems for the family. A retrospective series of 300 consecutive patients who had undergone TAH is presented. This series was analysed for factors influencing the prevalence of wound haematoma, sepsis and dehiscence, pain and decreased mobility, the main parameters of postoperative morbidity. The four factors found to be important in minimizing postoperative complications of TAH were: (i) the experience of the surgeon; (ii) the use of the Pfannenstiel rather than the subumbilical midline incision; (iii) closure of the skin with Dermalon rather than with black silk; and (iv) drainage of the wound

    Reproducibility of bone mineral density measurement in daily practice.

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    BACKGROUND: Bone mineral density (BMD) measurements are frequently performed repeatedly for each patient. Subsequent BMD measurements allow reproducibility to be assessed. OBJECTIVE: To examine the reproducibility of BMD by dual energy x ray absorptiometry (DXA) and to investigate the practical value of different measures of reproducibility in a group of postmenopausal women. METHODS: Ninety five women, mean age 59.9 years, underwent two subsequent BMD measurements of spine and hip. Reproducibility was expressed as smallest detectable difference (SDD), coefficient of variation (CV), and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Sources of variation were investigated by multilevel analysis. RESULTS: The median interval between measurements was 0 days (range 0-45). The mean difference (SD) between the measurements (g/cm(2)) was -0.001 (0.02) and -0.0004 (0.02) at L1-4 and the total hip, respectively. At L1-4 and the total hip, SDD (g/cm(2)) was +/-0.05 and +/-0.04 and CV (%) was 1.92 and 1.59, respectively. The ICC at spine and hip was 0.99. CONCLUSIONS: Reproducibility in the postmenopausal women studied was good. In a repeated DXA scan a BMD change exceeding 2 radical 2CV (%), the least significant change (LSC), or the SDD should be regarded as significant. Use of the SDD is preferable to use of the CV and LSC (%) because of its independence from BMD and its expression in absolute units. Expressed as SDD, a BMD change of at least +/-0.05 g/cm(2) at L1-4 and +/-0.04 g/cm(2) at the total hip should be considered significant

    Maternal mortality in South Africa in 2001: From demographic census to epidemiological investigation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Maternal mortality remains poorly researched in Africa, and is likely to worsen dramatically as a consequence of HIV/AIDS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The 2001 census of South Africa included a question on deaths in the previous 12 months, and two questions on external causes and maternal mortality, defined as "pregnancy-related deaths". A microdata sample from the census permits researchers to assess levels and differentials in maternal mortality, in a country severely affected by high death rates from HIV/AIDS and from external causes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After correcting for several minor biases, our estimate of the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in 2001 was 542 per 100,000 live births. This level is much higher than previous estimates dating from pre-HIV/AIDS times. This high level occurred despite a relatively low proportion of maternal deaths (6.4%) among deaths of women aged 15–49 years, and was due to the astonishingly high level of adult mortality, some 4.7 times higher than expected from mortality below age 15 or above age 50. The main reasons for these excessive levels were HIV/AIDS and external causes of deaths. Our regional estimates of MMR were found to be consistent with other findings in the Cape Town area, and with the Agincourt DSS. The differentials in MMR were considerable: 1 to 9.2 for population groups (race), 1 to 3.2 for provinces, and 1 to 2.4 for levels of education. Relationship with income and wealth were complex, with highest values for middle income and middle wealth index. The effect of urbanization was small, and reversed in a multivariate analysis. Higher risks in provinces were not necessarily associated with lower income, lower education or higher proportions of home delivery, but correlated primarily with the prevalence of HIV/AIDS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Demographic census microdata offer the opportunity to conduct an epidemiologic analysis of maternal mortality. In the case of South Africa, the level of MMR increased dramatically over the past 10 years, most likely because of HIV/AIDS. Indirect causes of maternal deaths appear much more important than direct obstetric causes. The MMR appears no longer to be a reliable measure of the quality of obstetric care or a measure of safe motherhood.</p

    The usefulness of growth hormone treatment for psychological status in young adult survivors of childhood leukaemia: an open-label study

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    -1 SD) were included in the study. A final group of 13 patients (9 males and 4 females), mean age 23.7 ± 2.9 years (range 20 – 29.7) completed a 2-year treatment with GH. IQ and neuropsychological performance were assessed at pre-treatment (T1) and after one (T2) and two (T3) years. ANOVA was performed with assessment at T1, T2 and T3 as repeated measurements factor. Relations between test score changes and changes of IGF-I levels were determined by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results Scores on the cognitive tests were in the normal range. Verbal short- and long-term memory performance decreased between T1 and T2, and increased between T2 and T3. Performance at T3 was not significantly different from that at T1. Performance for sustained attention improved from T1 to T2 and from T1 to T3. Visual-spatial memory was improved after one year of GH treatment. A significant positive correlation was found for Δ IGF-I (T2-T1) with difference scores of visual-spatial memory (T2-T1 and T3-T1), indicating that IGF-I increase after one year of GH treatment is associated with increase in cognitive-perceptual performance at month 12 and 24. Conclusion Since the level of intellectual functioning of our patient cohort was in the normal range the present finding that GH treatment has negative effects on verbal memory and positive on attention and visual-spatial memory warrants similar studies in other groups of ALL survivors. Also, a lower dose of GH should be determined inducing as much IGF as needed to improve verbal as well as visual cognitive functions. The present findings indicate that more knowledge is needed before GH treatment may be recommended to enhance cognitive functions in ALL survivors

    Pediatric DXA: technique and interpretation

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    This article reviews dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) technique and interpretation with emphasis on the considerations unique to pediatrics. Specifically, the use of DXA in children requires the radiologist to be a “clinical pathologist” monitoring the technical aspects of the DXA acquisition, a “statistician” knowledgeable in the concepts of Z-scores and least significant changes, and a “bone specialist” providing the referring clinician a meaningful context for the numeric result generated by DXA. The patient factors that most significantly influence bone mineral density are discussed and are reviewed with respect to available normative databases. The effects the growing skeleton has on the DXA result are also presented. Most important, the need for the radiologist to be actively involved in the technical and interpretive aspects of DXA is stressed. Finally, the diagnosis of osteoporosis should not be made on DXA results alone but should take into account other patient factors

    Development and pretesting of an information, education and communication (IEC) focused antenatal care handbook in Pakistan

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    BACKGROUND: Improvement of maternal morbidity and mortality indicators remains a major challenge for developing countries. Antenatal care is one of the key strategies in maintaining safe motherhood. The objective of this study was to develop and pretest a culturally relevant Antenatal Care Handbook (ANC handbook) utilizing the principles of information, education, and communication (IEC). We developed the ANC handbook after an extensive review of existing literature, available instruments (for keeping track of pregnancy and informing pregnant women), and seeking expert opinion. To pretest the ANC handbook, a cross-sectional approach was adopted, and information was collected from 300 expectant women, 150 women each from the community and from the health facility arm. Trained field workers conducted the pretesting from May 2004 to June 2004. Feedback on messages for pregnant mothers contained in the handbook was also assessed. At the same time, the ANC handbook was reviewed by 25 health care providers (including community health workers, physicians, nurses, and other health staff working at various kinds of health care facilities). Data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. FINDINGS: Twenty-three percent of the interviewed women were primigravida, 50% were multigravida and 27% were grandmultipara. The mean age of the women in the community sample was 25.8 SD: 4.9 years and in the hospital sample it was 25.7 SD: 5.2 years. No significant differences were observed between women interviewed at community or health facilities related to their understanding of ANC messages, and the majority of messages were well understood. Similarly, health care providers found all of the instruments useful and workable in the health system. Finally, feedback from pregnant women and health care staff regarding different components of the handbook were incorporated and later verified by them. CONCLUSIONS: Findings of pretesting reveal that a majority of pregnant women have an understanding of the culturally relevant ANC handbook. The handbook was found to be practical by healthcare paraprofessionals and community workers for use in different tiers of the health care system in Pakistan. The ANC handbook can be applied in the health service sector of Pakistan and can be adopted with relevant cultural modifications by countries with a similar context

    Possible avoidable factors in the perinatal mortality associated with placenta praevia

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