7 research outputs found

    Ro艣linne grzyby endofityczne jako 藕r贸d艂o paklitakselu

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    Endophytic fungi were isolated from different parts of the plants Corylus avellana (Corylaceae) and Ocimum basilicum (Lamiaceae) and then identified to the genus level based on the morphology of the fungal culture and the characteristics of the spores. The fungicidal and antitumor activity of isolates and extracts obtained from them was determined. We found that a few isolates from Corylus avellana and Ocimum basilicum produced metabolites that inhibited the growth of Oomycetes fungi to a highly significant extent. In the potato disc bioassay only an extract from the isolate C-9 showed an inhibitory action in tumor development. Paclitaxel presence in extract from the isolate C-9 was confirmed using the thin layer chromatography method (TLC) and UV-VIS spectroscopic analysis. The above results indicated that the tested samples revealed an antitumor activity. The detection of paclitaxel in the isolate C-9 suggests that the antitumor activity resulted probably from the presence of this taxane in the tested material.Endofity grzybowe izolowano z r贸偶nych cz臋艣ci tkanek Corylus avellana (Corylaceae) i Ocimum basilicum (Lamiaceae). Nast臋pnie przypisywano do rodzaju w oparciu o cechy morfologiczne i budow臋 struktur zarodnikuj膮cych. Sprawdzano aktywno艣膰 grzybob贸jcz膮 oraz przeciwnowotworow膮 izolat贸w oraz uzyskanych z nich ekstrakt贸w. Stwierdzono, 偶e niekt贸re izolaty z Corylus avellana i Ocimum basilicum wytwarzaj膮 metabolity hamuj膮ce w znacznym stopniu wzrost grzyb贸w z klasy Oomycetes. W badaniu na kr膮偶kach ziemniak贸w, tylko ekstrakt z izolatu C-9 wykazywa艂 dzia艂anie hamuj膮ce rozw贸j tumor贸w. Obecno艣膰 paklitakselu w ekstrakcie z izolatu C-9 potwierdzono, stosuj膮c metod臋 chromatografii TLC oraz analizy spektroskopowej UV-VIS. Powy偶sze wyniki sugeruj膮, 偶e grzyby endofityczne mog膮 wytwarza膰 paklitaksel, kt贸ry jest odpowiedzialny za aktywno艣膰 przeciwnowotworow膮 badanych pr贸bek i 偶e grzyby endofityczne mog膮 znale藕膰 zastosowanie do produkcji paklitakselu w procesie fermentacji

    Imidazolium and Pyridinium Ionic Liquids from Mandelic Acid Derivatives: Synthesis and Bacteria and Algae Toxicity Evaluation

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    A new class of low bacterial and algal toxicity imidazolium and pyridinium halide ionic liquids (ILs), produced by a short synthesis from substituted mandelic acid derivatives is disclosed. Melting points for most of the ILs were above or close to 100 degrees C; however, one imidazolium example has a glass transition temperature below room temperature (RT; -3.3 degrees C). The series of 8 ILs enables an investigation of toxicity on modifying the heterocycle, aromatic ring substitution, ester group, and proximity of cation to aromatic ring present within mandelic acid constituent. Two pyridinium salts, methyl 2-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-pyridinium acetate, bromide salt and methyl 2-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(2-pyridiniumacetoxy)acetate, bromide salt have low toxicity to all bacteria strains (including Vibrio fischeri), and freshwater green algae (C. Vulgaris and P. subcapitata) screened. All eight pyridinium and imidazolium ILs have low toxicity to Gram-positive (B. subtilis) and Gram-negative (E. coli, P. fluorescens, P. putida (CP1), and P. putgida (KT 2440)) bacteria strains, although a significant range in IC50 values was obtained. Mandelate derived ILs have EC50 (C. Vulgaris and P. subcapitata) values 10(3)-10(7) higher (less toxic) than other C14-C18 ionic liquids previously reported

    Design of Sustainable Chemical ProductsThe Example of Ionic Liquids

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