1,693 research outputs found

    Describing transverse dynamics and space-time evolution at RHIC in a hydrodynamic model with statistical hadronization

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    A hydrodynamic model coupled to the statistical hadronization code Therminator is used to study a set of observables in the soft sector at RHIC. A satisfactory description of the pT-spectra and elliptic flow is obtained, similarly to other hydrodynamic models. With the Gaussian initial conditions the transverse femtoscopic radii are also reproduced, providing a possible solution of the RHIC HBT puzzle.Comment: to appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennesse

    Measurement of π\pi, K, p transverse momentum spectra with ALICE in proton-proton collisions at s=\sqrt{s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV

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    Results of the measurement of the π\pi, K, p transverse momentum (ptp_{\mathrm{t}}) spectra at mid-rapidity in proton-proton collisions at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV are presented. Particle identification was performed using the energy loss signal in the Inner Tracking System (ITS) and the Time Projection Chamber (TPC), while information from the Time-of-Flight (TOF) detector was used to identify particles at higher transverse momentum. From the spectra at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV the mean transverse momentum () and particle ratios were extracted and compared to results obtained for collisions at s=0.9\sqrt{s} = 0.9 TeV and lower energies.Comment: Quark Matter 2011 proceeding

    Early dynamics of transversally thermalized matter

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    We argue that the idea that the parton system created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is formed in a state with transverse momenta close to thermodynamic equilibrium and its subsequent dynamics at early times is dominated by pure transverse hydrodynamics of the perfect fluid is compatible with the data collected at RHIC. This scenario of early parton dynamics may help to solve the problem of early equilibration.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Talk given by M. Chojnacki at Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, Indi

    The Use of an Individualized Levels System and Extinction to Increase Task Compliance and to Decrease Aggressive Behavior with a Child with Autism

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    In a token economy level system, as an individual progresses from one task level to the next, there is an increase in the demand of tasks and an increase in the magnitude of reinforcers earned. The motivation for the individual in level systems stems from the increasing of value of reinforcers earned at each level. In this study a level system in concordance with an extinction procedure for aggressive behaviors was employed as a behavioral intervention. In this single-subject design study, a 5-year-old boy with autism was observed across a variety of 15 minute teaching sessions, implementing synchronously, the reinforcement for task compliant behaviors and extinction for aggressive behavior. Based upon a prior behavioral function analysis, it was hypothesized that, as a function of the intervention, compliance behaviors would increase, and the frequency of aggressive behaviors will decrease. Overall, the intervention was a success. On-task compliance behaviors increased, response latency for on-task behaviors were faster, and aggressive behaviors decreased to 0 levels. These results are further evidence of theoretical and practical importance for the use of a token economy level system

    Instability of Boost-invariant hydrodynamics with a QCD inspired bulk viscosity

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    We solve the relativistic Navier-Stokes equations with homogeneous boost-invariant boundary conditions, and perform a stability analysis of the solution. We show that, if the bulk viscosity has a peak around TcT_c as inferred from QCD-based arguments, the background solution "freezes" at TcT_c to a nearly constant temperature state. This state is however highly unstable with respect to certain inhomogeneous modes. Calculations show that these modes have enough time to blow up and tear the system into droplets. We conjecture that this is how freeze-out occurs in the QGP created in heavy ion collisions, and perhaps similar transitions in the early universe.Comment: Accepted for publication, Rapid Communication in Physical Review C Discussion extended, derivation and conclusions not change

    Early dynamics of transversally thermalized matter

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    We argue that the idea that the parton system created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is formed in a state with transverse momenta close to thermodynamic equilibrium and its subsequent dynamics at early times is dominated by pure transverse hydrodynamics of the perfect fluid is compatible with the data collected at RHIC. This scenario of early parton dynamics may help to solve the problem of early equilibration.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Talk given by M. Chojnacki at Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, Indi

    Directed flow in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We study the generation of directed flow in the hydrodynamic expansion of the hot matter formed in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at 200GeV. The experimentally observed negative directed flow in a wide range of central pseudorapidities isreproduced assuming that the fireball is tilted away from the collision axis. The tilt of the source is consistent with a preferential emission in the forward/backward hemisphere from forward/backward participating nucleons. The model reproduces the experimentally observed scaling of the directed flow when going from Au-Au to Cu-Cu systems.Comment: figure adde

    Temperature dependent sound velocity in hydrodynamic equations for relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We analyze the effects of different forms of the sound-velocity function cs(T) on the hydrodynamic evolution of matter formed in the central region of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. At high temperatures (above the critical temperature Tc) the sound velocity is calculated from the recent lattice simulations of QCD, while in the low temperature region it is obtained from the hadron gas model. In the intermediate region we use different interpolations characterized by the values of the sound velocity at the local maximum (at T = 0.4 Tc) and local minimum (at T = Tc). In all considered cases the temperature dependent sound velocity functions yield the entropy density, which is consistent with the lattice QCD simulations at high temperature. Our calculations show that the presence of a distinct minimum of the sound velocity leads to a very long (about 20 fm/c) evolution time of the system, which is not compatible with the recent estimates based on the HBT interferometry. Hence, we conclude that the hydrodynamic description is favored in the case where the cross-over phase transition renders the smooth sound velocity function with a possible shallow minimum at Tc.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, talk given at SQM'07 Levoca, Slovaki

    Highly-anisotropic and strongly-dissipative hydrodynamics with transverse expansion

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    A recently formulated framework of highly-anisotropic and strongly-dissipative hydrodynamics (ADHYDRO) is used to describe the evolution of matter created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. New developments of the model contain: the inclusion of asymmetric transverse expansion (combined with the longitudinal boost-invariant flow) and comparisons of the model results with the RHIC data, which have become possible after coupling of ADHYDRO with THERMINATOR. Various soft-hadronic observables (the transverse-momentum spectra, the elliptic flow coefficient v_2, and the HBT radii) are calculated for different initial conditions characterized by the value of the initial pressure asymmetry. We find that as long as the initial energy density profile is unchanged the calculated observables remain practically the same. This result indicates the insensitivity of the analyzed observables to the initial anisotropy of pressure and suggests that the complete thermalization of the system may be delayed to easily acceptable times of about 1 fm/c
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