2,677 research outputs found

    Realistic Anomaly Mediation with Bulk Gauge Fields

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    We present a simple general framework for realistic models of supersymmetry breaking driven by anomaly mediation. We consider a 5-dimensional "brane universe" where the visible and hidden sectors are localized on different branes, and the standard model gauge bosons propagate in the bulk. In this framework there can be charged scalar messengers that have contact interactions with the hidden sector, either localized in the hidden sector or in the bulk. These scalars obtain soft masses that feed into visible sector scalar masses at two loop order via bulk gauge interactions. This contribution is automatically flavor-blind, and can be naturally positive. If the messengers are in the bulk this contribution is automatically the same order of magnitude as the anomaly mediated contribution, independent of the brane spacing. If the messengers are localized to a brane the two effects are of the same order for relatively small brane spacings. The gaugino masses and A terms are determined completely by anomaly mediation. In order for anomaly mediation to dominate over radion mediation the radion must be is stabilized in a manner that preserves supersymmetry, with supergravity effects included. We show that this occurs in simple models. We also show that the mu problem can be solved by the vacuum expectation value of a singlet in this framework.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Radion Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We point out that in supersymmetric theories with extra dimensions, radius stabilization can give rise to a VEV for the FF component of the radius modulus. This gives an important contribution to supersymmetry breaking of fields that propagate in the bulk. A particularly attractive class of models is obtained if the standard-model gauge fields propagate in the bulk, while the quark and lepton fields are localized on a brane. This leads to gaugino mediated supersymmetry breaking without the need for singlets in the hidden sector. We analyze a simple explicit model in which this idea is realized

    Calculable Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking on Deformed Moduli Spaces

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    We consider models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking in which the extremization of a tree-level superpotential conflicts with a quantum constraint. We show that in such models the low-energy effective theory near the origin of moduli space is an O'Raifeartaigh model, and the sign of the mass-squared for the pseudo-flat direction at the origin is calculable. We analyze vector-like models with gauge groups SU(N) and Sp(2N) with and without global symmetries. In all cases there is a stable minimum at the origin with an unbroken U(1)_R symmetry.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Realistic Anomaly-mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We consider supersymmetry breaking communicated entirely by the superconformal anomaly in supergravity. This scenario is naturally realized if supersymmetry is broken in a hidden sector whose couplings to the observable sector are suppressed by more than powers of the Planck scale, as occurs if supersymmetry is broken in a parallel universe living in extra dimensions. This scenario is extremely predictive: soft supersymmetry breaking couplings are completely determined by anomalous dimensions in the effective theory at the weak scale. Gaugino and scalar masses are naturally of the same order, and flavor-changing neutral currents are automatically suppressed. The most glaring problem with this scenario is that slepton masses are negative in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We point out that this problem can be simply solved by coupling extra Higgs doublets to the leptons. Lepton flavor-changing neutral currents can be naturally avoided by approximate symmetries. We also describe more speculative solutions involving compositeness near the weak scale. We then turn to electroweak symmetry breaking. Adding an explicit \mu term gives a value for B\mu that is too large by a factor of order 100. We construct a realistic model in which the \mu term arises from the vacuum expectation value of a singlet field, so all weak-scale masses are directly related to m_{3/2}. We show that fully realistic electroweak symmetry breaking can occur in this model with moderate fine-tuning.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX2e, 3 eps figure

    The relationship of the Hebrew priesthood to the Canaanite priesthood

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    Gaugino Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We consider supersymmetric theories where the standard-model quark and lepton fields are localized on a "3-brane" in extra dimensions, while the gauge and Higgs fields propagate in the bulk. If supersymmetry is broken on another 3-brane, supersymmetry breaking is communicated to gauge and Higgs fields by direct higher-dimension interactions, and to quark and lepton fields via standard-model loops. We show that this gives rise to a realistic and predictive model for supersymmetry breaking. The size of the extra dimensions is required to be of order 10-100 times larger than fundamental scale (e.g. the string scale). The spectrum is similar to (but distinguishable from) the predictions of "no-scale" models. Flavor-changing neutral currents are naturally suppressed. The \mu term can be generated by the Giudice-Masiero mechanism. The supersymmetric CP problem is naturally solved if CP violation occurs only on the observable sector 3-brane. These are the simplest models in the literature that solve all supersymmetric naturalness problems.Comment: Refs. added. 12 pages, 1 figur

    The natural/neglected relationship: liberalism, identity and India-Australia relations

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    Published online: 27 Oct 2015Recent commentary on India–Australia relations has defined the relationship as ‘natural’ and based on ‘shared values’ and ‘shared history’. The relationship has simultaneously been considered ‘neglected’. The paradoxical juxtaposition of a natural/neglected partnership is yet to be adequately explained. We consider the historical construction of liberalism in both states as a facet of state identity to argue that, far from creating a natural relationship, differing liberal identities have served to keep these two states apart. This is illustrated through case studies of divergent opinions over the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea and the rise of China.Priya Chacko & Alexander E. Davi

    Supersymmetry in Slow Motion

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    We construct new theories of electroweak symmetry breaking that employ a combination of supersymmetry and discrete symmetries to stabilize the weak scale up to and beyond the energies probed by the LHC. These models exhibit conventional supersymmetric spectra but the fermion-sfermion-gaugino vertices are absent. This closes many conventional decay channels, thereby allowing several superpartners to be stable on collider time scales. This opens the door to the possibility of directly observing R-hadrons and three flavors of sleptons inside the LHC detectors.Comment: A reference added. The discussion on the Higgs sector expanded. The version accepted for publication in JHE

    A Shift in Central Metabolism Accompanies Virulence Activation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    The availability of energy has significant impact on cell physiology. However, the role of cellular metabolism in bacterial pathogenesis is not understood. We investigated the dynamics of central metabolism during virulence induction by surface sensing and quorum sensing in early-stage biofilms of the multidrug-resistant bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa We established a metabolic profile for P. aeruginosa using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), which reports the activity of NADH in live cells. We identified a critical growth transition period during which virulence is activated. We performed FLIM measurements and direct measurements of NADH and NAD+ concentrations during this period. Here, planktonic (low-virulence) and surface-attached (virulence-activated) populations diverged into distinct metabolic states, with the surface-attached population exhibiting FLIM lifetimes that were associated with lower levels of enzyme-bound NADH and decreasing total NAD(H) production. We inhibited virulence by perturbing central metabolism using citrate and pyruvate, which further decreased the enzyme-bound NADH fraction and total NAD(H) production and suggested the involvement of the glyoxylate pathway in virulence activation in surface-attached populations. In addition, we induced virulence at an earlier time using the electron transport chain oxidase inhibitor antimycin A. Our results demonstrate the use of FLIM to noninvasively measure NADH dynamics in biofilms and suggest a model in which a metabolic rearrangement accompanies the virulence activation period.IMPORTANCE The rise of antibiotic resistance requires the development of new strategies to combat bacterial infection and pathogenesis. A major direction has been the development of drugs that broadly target virulence. However, few targets have been identified due to the species-specific nature of many virulence regulators. The lack of a virulence regulator that is conserved across species has presented a further challenge to the development of therapeutics. Here, we identify that NADH activity has an important role in the induction of virulence in the pathogen P. aeruginosa This finding, coupled with the ubiquity of NADH in bacterial pathogens, opens up the possibility of targeting enzymes that process NADH as a potential broad antivirulence approach
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