8 research outputs found

    First Meeting

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    The transcription of this meeting was published in the Review and Herald, June 6, 1946, page 12. After singing the hymn “Nearer, My God to Thee,” General Conference President J. L. McElhany opens the 45th General Conference Session. The Congregation sings hymn 664, the same hymn used at the opening of the 1st General Conference Session. W. A. Spicer gives prayer. The A Cappella Choir of Washington Missionary College, under the leadership of Minnie Iverson Wood, sings Holy Lord God. J. L. McElhany and Secretary E. D. Dick proceed with business. J. L. McElhany give an address. Secretary E. D. Dick presents greetings from those who were unable to attend including: Elder C. H. Watson, Sydney, Australia; Dr. Hoiberg, Senior Specialist of Evangelical Affairs; A. Minck, President of the Central European Division; Russian Division officials Grigorieff (President), Galladsheff (Secretary), and Melnik (Treasurer). Dick reads a letter from Brother D. Drinhaus, representing the eleven missionaries who were serving in the Dutch East Indies and were taken to an internment camp in Dehra Dun near the Himalayan Mountains almost 7 years ago. He also presents greetings from E. A. Moon (Southern Africa Division); the Zambesi Union Committee; S. G. Maxwell (Superintendent of Southeast African Union); E. R. Osmunson (Superintendent of South India Union Mission; brother Manley, (Superintendent of Burma Mission), M. J. Sorensen (Ethiopia), and Elder Cartwell (China). A letter of response to the messages is pesented. Announcements precede closing hymn 255, “How Firm a Foundation.” F. M. Wilcox gives prayer

    Morning Church Service

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    A description of the day can be found in Review and Herald, June 9, 1946, page 52. The sermon transcription is found in Review and Herald, June 16, 1946, page 220. Recording begins part way into the morning service. (0:0) J. L. McElhany welcomes the congregation, introduces his study, and asks the choir to sing (4:19) The A Capella Choir sings “What a Gathering of the Faithful That Will Be” (6:14) J. L. McElhany continues his sermon “The Time of the Final Triumph” (44:01) W. H. Branson gives a prayer of consecration (49:24) Unknown person provides announcements (52:38) Elder L. K. Dickson, Vice President of the General Conference, leads hymn No. 19 “There’s a Land that is Fairer than Day” [In the Sweet By and By] (56:29) Same unknown person from (49:24) gives exit directions (57:12) Elder W. A. Spicer gives the benedictio