212 research outputs found

    The Indirect Search for Dark Matter from the centre of the Galaxy with the Fermi LAT

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    Dark matter (DM) constitutes around a 25% of the Universe, while baryons only a 4%. DM can be reasonably assumed to be made of particles, and many theories (Super-symmetry, Universal Extra Dimensions, etc.) predict Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) as natural DM candidates at the weak scale. Self-annihilation (or decay) of WIMPs might produce secondary gamma-rays, via hadronization or as final state radiation. Since its launch in the 2008, the Large Area Telescope on-board of the Fermi gamma-ray Space Telescope has detected the largest amount of gamma-rays to date, in the 20MeV 300GeV energy range, allowing to perform a very sensitive indirect experimental search for DM (by means of high-energy gamma-rays). DM forms large gravitationally bounded structures, the halos, which can host entire galaxies, such as the Milky Way. The DM distribution in the central part of the halos is not experimentally know, despite a very large density enhancement might be present. As secondary gamma rays production is very sensitive to WIMP density, a very effective search can be performed from the regions where the largest density is expected. Therefore the information provided by the DM halo N-body simulations are crucial. The largest gamma-ray signal from DM annihilation is expected from the centre of the Galaxy. In the same region a large gamma-ray background is produced by bright discrete sources and the cosmic-rays interacting with the interstellar gas and the photons fields. Here we report an update of the indirect search for DM from the Galactic Center (GC).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Invited talk presented at the Workshop "SciNeGHE 2010", September 8-10, 2010, Trieste, Italy. To appear in Il Nuovo Cimento C - Colloquia on physic

    Cartilage and bone regeneration: how close are we to bedside?

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    The treatment/regeneration of bone and cartilage diseases or defects, whether induced by rheumatism, joint dysplasia, trauma, or surgery presents great challenges that have not been fully solved by the current therapies. In the last few years, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have been proposing advanced tools and technologies for bone and cartilage tissue regeneration, and some of which have successfully reached the market. Beyond the source of cells, the creation of superior structures for replacing defective bone and cartilage requires strong research in biomechanical signaling and synthesis of advanced biomaterials to mimic human tissues at the most varied levels. Natural and synthetic polymers, bioresorbable inorganic materials, and composites have been investigated for its potential as scaffolding materials with enhanced mechanical and biological properties. Porous scaffolds, hydrogels, and fibers are the most commonly biomimetic structures used for bone and cartilage tissue engineering. Herein, the concepts and current treatment strategies for bone and cartilage repair, as well as biomimetic strategies for bone and cartilage tissue engineering are overviewed. A global review of the ongoing clinical trials and of the scaffolds commercially available for the repair of osteochondral tissue is also presented.(undefined

    Retrospective study of canine cutaneous tumors submitted to a diagnostic pathology laboratory in Northern Portugal (2014-2020)

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    Background Cutaneous neoplastic diseases are the most and second-most frequently reported tumors in male and female dogs, respectively. The aims of this study were to report the occurrence of canine cutaneous tumors in a pathology laboratory located in Northern Portugal between 2014 and 2020, and to characterize and categorize the anatomical locations, breed, age, and sex of the animals affected with different types of neoplasms. Results Throughout the 7-year study, 1,185 cases were diagnosed as cutaneous tumors, with 62.9% being classified as benign, and 37.1% as malignant. Mast cell tumors (22.7%) were the most frequently diagnosed tumor type, followed by benign soft tissue tumors (9.7%), sebaceous gland tumors (8.1%), vascular tumors (7.9%) and soft tissue sarcomas (7.6%). Cutaneous tumors commonly exhibited multicentric occurrence (14.6%) followed by single occurrence in hindlimb (12.1%), forelimb (8.6%), buttock (7.1%), abdominal (6.5%) and costal (5.2%) areas. The odds of developing cutaneous neoplasia were higher with increasing age (p < 0.001). Females had an increased odds of developing skin tumors compared to males (crude OR = 2.99, 95% (2.51, 3.55); adj OR = 2.93, 95% (2.46, 3.49). Purebred dogs, as a group, showed a reduced odds of developing cutaneous tumors when compared to mixed-breed dogs (crude OR = 0.63, 95% (0.53, 0.74); adj OR = 0.75, 95% (0.62, 0.89). Conclusions Mast cell tumors, benign soft tissue tumors and sebaceous tumors were the most common histotypes encountered. The epidemiological survey achieved with this study demonstrates the relative frequency of different types of tumors in this particular population. Furthermore, the results herein achieved can act as a basis or a beneficial reference for local veterinarians helping in the establishment of a preliminary and presumptive diagnosis of canine cutaneous tumors histotypes

    Novel bilayered Gellan gum/Gellan gum hydroxyapatite scaffolds for osteochondral tissue engineering applications

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    Osteoarthritis is a major cause of disability during aging. By the age of 60, close to 100% of the population will have histologic changes of degeneration in their knee cartilage (Loeser, 2000). Because of its avascular nature, cartilage has little capacity to self-regenerate. Despite the progress already achieved in osteochondral regeneration, some limitations have to be overcome. The formation of fibrocartilage has to be avoided and the innervation has to be improved. Further, one main feature to be promoted is the induction of vascularization in the bony part but not in the cartilage part and to avoid de-differentiation processes. A promising strategy could pass through the development and optimization of novel culture systems. The ideal approach could integrate scaffolds presenting regions with different physical characteristics, combined with different growth factors to support different stem cells fates, regarding the complex tissue physiology to be regenerate. This work aims to develop novel bilayered gellan gum (GG)/gellan gumhydroxyapatite (HAp) hydrogels based structures for osteochondral tissue engineering applications. Bilayered GG/GG-HAp hydrogels were produced by joining both solutions of GG 2% (w/v) with and without HAp (20% wt.) for bony and cartilage parts, respectively. The solutions were introduced into a silicone mould with 20:10 mm (height and diameter, respectively). Gelation of GG was promoted by immersion in PBS solution for 24 h. The architecture of the bilayered scaffolds was investigated by micro-computed tomography. Results have shown that the freeze-dried bilayered scaffolds composed by low acyl GG(2%(w/ v)/low acyl GG(2%(w/v)-HAp20%(w/w) possess a porosity of 83.4 ± 0.8%, pore size of 279.3 ± 38.6 lm and interconnectivity of 62.2 ± 5.4%. Degradability assays are being performed with the intent to use this system to culture human adipose derived stem cells inducing cell co-differentiation into chondrocytes and osteoblasts. Ultimately, the developed bilayered scaffolds will provide new therapeutic possibilities for the regeneration of osteochondral defects

    Gellan gum-based hydrogel bilayered scaffolds for osteochondral tissue engineering

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    It has been shown that hydrogel bilayered scaffolds combining cartilage- and bone-like layers are most advantageous for treating osteochondral defects. In this study, it is proposed the use of low acyl gellan gum (LAGG) for developing bilayered hydrogel scaffolds for osteochondral tissue engineering. The cartilage-like layer of the GG-based bilayered hydrogel scaffolds is composed of LAGG (2 wt%). By adding a 2 wt% LAGG aqueous solution to different amounts of HAp (5-20 wt%) it was possible to produce the bone-like layer. In vitro bioactivity tests were performed by means of soaking the LAGG/LAGG-HAp hydrogel scaffolds in a simulated body fluid solution up to 14 days. Scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses demonstrated that apatite formation is limited to the bone-like layer of the LAGG/LAGG-HAp bilayered hydrogel scaffolds

    Portland cement clinker production using concentrated solar energy : a proof-of-concept approach

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of producing Portland cement clinker upon direct exposure of the raw materials under concentrated solar radiation using the PSA high concentration solar furnace SF40. For this purpose, a short thermal cycle ( < 40 min) was devised including 5 min dwell times at temperatures in the range 900-950 degrees C and 1250-1300 degrees C, followed by 10-15 min at 1500-1550 degrees C. The chemical and mineralogical data of the grey clinker produced are encouraging since values of 51.0 +/- 6.9% C3S, 22.7 +/- 5.3% C2S, 8.6 +/- 0.4% C(3)A and 10.8 +/- 0.7% C(4)AF are similar to those observed for conventional clinker used for the production of Portland cement in accordance to EN 197-1 standard. White clinker, in turn, could not be produced by direct irradiation in this setup conditions because of its low absorptance of solar energy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3DICE coding matrix multidirectional macro-architecture modulates cell organization, shape, and co-cultures endothelization network

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    Natural extracellular matrix governs cells providing biomechanical and biofunctional outstanding properties, despite being porous and mostly made of soft materials. Among organs, specific tissues present specialized macro-architectures. For instance, hepatic lobules present radial organization, while vascular sinusoids are branched from vertical veins, providing specific biofunctional features. Therefore, it is imperative to mimic such structures while modeling tissues. So far, there is limited capability of coupling oriented macro-structures with interconnected micro-channels in programmable long-range vertical and radial sequential orientations. Herein, a three-directional ice crystal elongation (3DICE) system is presented to code geometries in cryogels. Using 3DICE, guided ice crystals growth templates vertical and radial pores through bulky cryogels. Translucent isotropic and anisotropic architectures of radial or vertical pores are fabricated with tunable mechanical response. Furthermore, 3D combinations of vertical and radial pore orientations are coded at the centimeter scale. Cell morphological response to macro-architectures is demonstrated. The formation of endothelial segments, CYP450 activity, and osteopontin expression, as liver fibrosis biomarkers, present direct response and specific cellular organization within radial, linear, and random architectures. These results unlock the potential of ice-templating demonstrating the relevance of macro-architectures to model tissues, and broad possibilities for drug testing, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.The authors are grateful for the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) distinction attributed to R. F. Canadas (SFRH/ BD/92565/2013), and to J. M. Oliveira (IF/00423/2012, IF/01285/ 2015). R. F. Canadas is also thankful to FCT, Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), and Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizaç˜ao (POCI) for funding the B-Liver Project (PTDC/EMD-EMD/29139/2017). The authors are also thankful to FCT for supporting the project Hierarchitech (M-ERA-NET/0001/2014) and for the funds provided under the 3 BioMeD project (JICAM/0001/2017). The authors acknowledge that this material and collaboration is based in part upon work supported by Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD), 2016/CON15/CAN6). U. Demirci is also grateful for the Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection Seed Award. The authors are also grateful for the support provided by Diana Bicho and Nicolas Cristini on scaffold characterization and cell culture, respectively

    Vancomycin-Loaded, Nanohydroxyapatite-Based Scaffold for Osteomyelitis Treatment: In Vivo Rabbit Toxicological Tests and In Vivo Efficacy Tests in a Sheep Model

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    The treatment for osteomyelitis consists of surgical debridement, filling of the dead space, soft tissue coverage, and intravenous administration of antimicrobial (AM) agents for long periods. Biomaterials for local delivery of AM agents, while providing controllable antibiotic release rates and simultaneously acting as a bone scaffold, may be a valuable alternative; thus, avoiding systemic AM side effects. V-HEPHAPC is a heparinized nanohydroxyapatite (nHA)/collagen biocomposite loaded with vancomycin that has been previously studied and tested in vitro. It enables a vancomycin-releasing profile with an intense initial burst, followed by a sustained release with concentrations above the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for MRSA. In vitro results have also shown that cellular viability is not compromised, suggesting that V-HEPHAPC granules may be a promising alternative device for the treatment of osteomyelitis. In the present study, V-HEPHAPC (HEPHAPC with vancomycin) granules were used as a vancomycin carrier to treat MRSA osteomyelitis. First, in vivo Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) toxicological tests were performed in a rabbit model, assuring that HEPHAPC and V-HEPHAPC have no relevant side effects. Second, V-HEPHAPC proved to be an efficient drug carrier and bone substitute to control MRSA infection and simultaneously reconstruct the bone cavity in a sheep model.This work was financed by FEDER-Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020-Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020; by Portuguese funds through FCT/MCTES in the framework of the project institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274); by the Project Biotherapies (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012); and by the project HEPHAPC Program RESOLVE, Norte 2020 (NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000018). The authors would also like to acknowledge the technical support for histology and histochemical studies of Rui Fernandes and Rossana Correia and all the staff from HEMS/i3S, as well as the support of all the staff and students at the Hospital Veterinario-Universidade de Evora