145 research outputs found

    A Technical-Economic Comparison between Conventional Tillage and Conservative Techniques in Paddy-Rice Production Practice in Northern Italy

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    In this study a technical-economic comparison was conducted to compare three different agronomic practices applied to paddy rice cultivation areas in Italy: one based on conventional tillage (CT), and two adopting conservative agriculture approaches, namely minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT). Data about production inputs (seed, fertilizers, agrochemicals, fuel) and working time were measured for each technique during the whole production season in three experimental fields. The total production costs were computed by adding the mechanization costs, calculated through the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) EP (Engineering Practice) 496.3 methodology, and the production input costs. The results of the study highlighted a significant reduction of total costs obtained with both minimum ( 1216%) and no-tillage ( 1219%) compared to conventional tillage

    Potenzialità dei droni

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    Analysis of Hazardous Emissions of Hand-Operated Forestry Machines Fuelled with Standard Mix or Alkylate Gasoline

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    In addition to safety, small hand-operated forestry machines can be criticised for affecting the operators\u2019 health, especially because of high levels of exhaust gas emissions, noise and vibrations. In this study, gas emissions, noise and hand-arm vibrations (HAV) levels have been measured on chainsaws, hedge cutters and blowers fuelled with two different types of fuel: a commercial RON 95 gasoline with the addition of 2% of synthetic oil suitable for two-stroke engines and, as an alternative, a specific advanced mixture available on the market, based on alkylate gasoline. For two different running conditions, i.e. with the engine at idle speed and when executing a typical working routine (maximum speed with load), tests were carried out for: \u21d2 ggas emissions, using a gas analyser, for measuring the volatile organic compounds (VOC) values \u21d2 gnoise, using a sound level meter, to record the levels at both of the operator\u2019s ears \u21d2 gHAV, using a tri-axial accelerometer fixed on the handgrip(s) of the machines. The results demonstrated that, when using the alkylate fuel, the VOC emissions were reduced, in the considered machines, from 23 to over 77%, while for noise and HAV, the differences in level were not statistically significant. The present study confirms that the reduction in the amount of emissions can be remarkably improved by adopting advanced fuels that lead to a more efficient combustion process

    Analisi tecnico-economica di cantieri per la difesa delle colture con tecnologie a diverso grado di innovazione

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    Nel presente studio \ue8 stata condotta un\u2019analisi tecnico-economica su tre cantieri a diverso grado di innovazione per la distribuzione di agrofarmaci su colture specializzate, a partire da dati scientifici presenti in letteratura. In particolare, il lavoro si \ue8 concentrato sull\u2019applicazione di fungicidi in vigneto e in meleto nel contesto del centro-sud europeo. L\u2019analisi ha permesso di confrontare i costi totali legati ai trattamenti (ovvero comprendenti costi per macchine e agrofarmaci) tra: a) un cantiere trattore-atomizzatore convenzionale (L0), b) un cantiere con atomizzatore in grado di realizzare una distribuzione on-off in funzione della presenza o meno della parete vegetale (L1), e c) un cantiere con atomizzatore a distribuzione variabile in funzione della densit\ue0 della chioma (L2). Adottando i cantieri L1 e L2 \ue8 stato osservato un risparmio in agrofarmaci compreso tra il 10 e il 35% rispettivamente. In particolare, su vigneto l\u2019adozione del cantiere L1 \ue8 risultata conveniente gi\ue0 per superfici comprese tra 10 e 100 ha mentre, oltre i 100 ha, \ue8 apparso pi\uf9 conveniente il cantiere L2. In meleto, L1 e risultato conveniente per superfici aziendali superiori a 17 ha, mentre la configurazione L2 non \ue8 apparsa mai la soluzione pi\uf9 sostenibile dal punto di vista economico. Infine, in vista di un possibile scenario futuribile, \ue8 stato valutato l\u2019impiego di una piattaforma robotizzata completamente autonoma in grado di effettuare distribuzioni mirate sui focolai di malattia. L\u2019analisi ha dimostrato che il valore a nuovo del robot, stabilito a partire dal risparmio ottenibile grazie alla minore quantit\ue0 di agrofarmaci distribuiti e alla minore richiesta di manodopera necessaria rispetto ai cantieri L0 e L2, non appare ad oggi realistico considerando gli attuali costi di produzione

    Controllo fuzzy di digestori a doppio stadio: sperimentazione a scala di laboratorio per la produzione di bioidrogeno e biometano

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    Il processo a doppio stadio \ue8 una semplice variante della tradizionale digestione anaerobica di biomasse che avviene in due distinti reattori in serie, che permette rese complessive migliori, oltre alla produzione di una significativa quantit\ue0 di idrogeno a fianco del classico biogas ricco in metano. A tali benefici corrispondono per\uf2 incrementi nei costi impiantistici e nella complessit\ue0 di gestione di processo che deve bilanciare le diverse esigenze dei due stadi alimentati sequenzialmente. Lo studio esplora l\u2019uso di un controllo a logica fuzzy per ottimizzare in modo dinamico il carico organico dell\u2019alimentazione, adeguandolo all\u2019andamento del processo sulla base dei valori delle principali variabili misurati online da sensori online. Nell\u2019ambito di una sperimentazione di lunga durata \ue8 stato monitorato il funzionamento di due identici impianti a doppio stadio a scala di laboratorio, confrontando il comportamento di un impianto alimentato dal sistema a controllo fuzzy con uno alimentato a carico costante. Grazie alla capacit\ue0 di adattare dinamicamente il carico organico in funzione dello stato di processo, il sistema fuzzy ha dimostrato sia capacit\ue0 di produrre significativamente pi\uf9 energia, sia di recuperare instabilit\ue0 di processo determinate da sovralimentazioni. Infine, il carattere interdisciplinare della ricerca viene poi discusso alla luce dell\u2019interessante tema del Convegno, ricavandone alcuni aspetti attuali della figura del Meccanico Agrario

    Proposal to estimate the engine oil consumption in agricultural tractors

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    Lubrication plays a crucial role in a tractor engines' efficiency and durability. Without suitable lubrication, excessive friction will significantly reduce an engine's power, and high-intensity wear will damage the moving parts in a short period of time. A set of 178 agricultural tractor models from 20 different international manufacturers located in Europe, North America and Asia was used in this study. The tractor models were produced between 2000 and 2015 with rated engine power ranging from 30 to 428.8 kW. Rated engine power, crankcase oil capacity, and oil change intervals were derived from official test reports. Engine oil consumption was calculated using the method described in ASABE Standard D497.7, clause 3.4. A linear relationship between rated engine power and hourly oil consumption rate was confirmed, but the regression coefficients deviated from current values in the ASABE Standard. These results indicate that ASABE equation coefficients should be updated to more accurately estimate engine oil consumption for use in technical/economical evaluations and in the analysis of operating costs of new tractor models

    Meccanica agraria e zootecnia: mungitura robotizzata, analisi dei consumi energetici

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    Negli ultimi trent\u2019anni le produzioni zootecniche sono state caratterizzate da un intenso sviluppo tecnologico al quale la Meccanica Agraria ha contribuito fortemente giocando un ruolo fondamentale nell\u2019incrementare la produttivit\ue0 del lavoro, garantire e migliorare il benessere animale, assicurare un\u2019intensificazione sostenibile dei processi produttivi. L\u2019automazione delle operazioni di stalla e in particolare della mungitura, che rappresenta la fase pi\uf9 onerosa in termini economici e fisici, e per la quale non pu\uf2 ancora ritenersi concluso il processo evolutivo, \ue8 probabilmente l\u2019ambito in cui il Meccanico Agrario che opera in contesti zootecnici \ue8 maggiormente coinvolto. Ad oggi nel mondo sono installati circa 45.000 sistemi automatici di mungitura o AMS (Automatic Milking System), di cui oltre 700 in Italia, e questo numero \ue8 destinato a crescere nei prossimi anni nel contesto di una generale tendenza all\u2019automazione della stalla da latte, aumentando il consumo energetico relativo alla mungitura robotizzata. L\u2019energia utilizzata da un AMS dipende da molti fattori, tra cui la generazione di appartenenza, le configurazioni e le impostazioni della macchina, nonch\ue9 le condizioni operative. Il lavoro qui presentato ha avuto come scopo quello di misurare e analizzare il consumo elettrico di due generazioni successive di AMS installati in aziende da latte del nord Italia, caratterizzate da contesti operativi diversi. La prova sperimentale \ue8 stata condotta su quattro AMS con differenti configurazioni (stallo singolo, unit\ue0 centrale con una o due unit\ue0 di mungitura). Il consumo elettrico (giornaliero, giornaliero per bovina munta, per mungitura, per 100 litri di latte) di ogni AMS (unit\ue0 di mungitura e compressore dell\u2019aria) \ue8 stato misurato utilizzando due multimetri collegati ai quadri elettrici rispettivamente dell\u2019AMS e del compressore dell\u2019aria. Il periodo di misura \ue8 stato di 24 h per ciascun sistema, utilizzando una frequenza di campionamento di 0,2 Hz. Il consumo elettrico degli AMS \ue8 risultato condizionato principalmente dalla gestione aziendale piuttosto che dalle caratteristiche e architetture delle singole macchine

    A retrofit variable-rate control system for pressurized slurry tankers

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    n the last several decades, livestock effluent management practices and field slurry spreading operations have received increasing attention due to their economic and environmental implications. In this study, a variable-rate control system for pressurized slurry tankers was developed according a retrofit approach (i.e., as a self-standing module that can be adapted and mounted on existing slurry tanker equipment). The system provides farmers with a useful tool for achieving compliance with environmental protection regulations and for developing good practices for livestock and nitrogen management. This system is suitable for new and used pressurized tanker equipment. For field-testing purposes, this system was mounted on a double-axis 10 m3 slurry tanker equipped with a crawling nozzle distribution unit. Field experiments were conducted at two typical forward speeds (2 and 3 km h-1) and three different nitrogen application rates (170, 250, and 340 kg ha-1). Based on the experimental results, the system was generally capable of limiting the differences between the nominal and measured application rates to less than 9%. In addition, the data analysis indicated that the slurry spreading was not significantly affected by the forward speed of the tanker. The uniformity of nitrogen spreading was evaluated according to the UNI EN 13406:2002 standard. The results showed that the transverse field distribution was uniform throughout the working width of the machine and at all tested operating conditions, with maximum deviations that were limited to less than 15%

    Characterization of the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and analysis of the PR1 molecular marker in Vitis vinifera L. inoculated with the nematode Xiphinema index

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    Upon pathogen attack, plants very quickly undergo rather complex physico-chemical changes, such as the production of new chemicals or alterations in membrane and cell wall properties, to reduce disease damages. An underestimated threat is represented by root parasitic nematodes. In Vitis vinifera L., the nematode Xiphinema index is the unique vector of Grapevine fanleaf virus, responsible for fanleaf degeneration, one of the most widespread and economically damaging diseases worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in grapevines attacked by X. index. BVOCs play a role in plant defensive mechanisms and are synthetized in response to biotic damages. In our study, the BVOC profile was altered by the nematode feeding process. We found a decrease in \u3b2-ocimene and limonene monoterpene emissions, as well as an increase in \u3b1-farnesene and \u3b1-bergamotene sesquiterpene emissions in nematode-treated plants. Moreover, we evaluated the PR1 gene expression. The transcript level of PR1 gene was higher in the nematode-wounded roots, while in the leaf tissues it showed a lower expression compared to control grapevines

    Evaluation of borage extracts as potential biostimulant using a phenomic, agronomic, physiological and biochemical approach

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    Biostimulants are substances able to improve water and nutrient use efficiency and counteract stress factors by enhancing primary and secondary metabolism. Premise of the work was to exploit raw extracts from leaves (LE) or flowers (FE) of Borago officinalis L., to enhance yield and quality of Lactuca sativa ‘Longifolia,’ and to set up a protocol to assess their effects. To this aim, an integrated study on agronomic, physiological and biochemical aspects, including also a phenomic approach, has been adopted. Extracts were diluted to 1 or 10 mL L–1, sprayed onto lettuce plants at the middle of the growing cycle and 1 day before harvest. Control plants were treated with water. Non-destructive analyses were conducted to assess the effect of extracts on biomass with an innovative imaging technique, and on leaf photosynthetic efficiency (chlorophyll a fluorescence and leaf gas exchanges). At harvest, the levels of ethylene, photosynthetic pigments, nitrate, and primary (sucrose and total sugars) and secondary (total phenols and flavonoids) metabolites, including the activity and levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) were assessed. Moreover, a preliminary study of the effects during postharvest was performed. Borage extracts enhanced the primary metabolism by increasing leaf pigments and photosynthetic activity. Plant fresh weight increased upon treatments with 10 mL L–1 doses, as correctly estimated by multi-view angles images. Chlorophyll a fluorescence data showed that FEs were able to increase the number of active reaction centers per cross section; a similar trend was observed for the performance index. Ethylene was three-fold lower in FEs treatments. Nitrate and sugar levels did not change in response to the different treatments. Total flavonoids and phenols, as well as the total protein levels, the in vitro PAL specific activity, and the levels of PAL-like polypeptides were increased by all borage extracts, with particular regard to FEs. FEs also proved efficient in preventing degradation and inducing an increase in photosynthetic pigments during storage. In conclusion, borage extracts, with particular regard to the flower ones, appear to indeed exert biostimulant effects on lettuce; future work will be required to further investigate on their efficacy in different conditions and/or species
