3,327 research outputs found

    Stepping outside normative neoliberal discourse: youth and disability meet – the case of Jody McIntyre

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    In May 2010, amidst the ‘global financial crisis’ a Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government succeeded a 12-year reign of New Labour in the United Kingdom, and ushered in massive welfare cuts. Although New Labour tabled major welfare and disability benefit reform, they arguably did not activate the harshest of these. This paper focuses on the backlash of youth and disability in the form of demonstrations; two groups that are being hit hard by the political shift to work-first welfare in an era of employment scarcity. The case of young disabled activist Jody McIntyre is used to explore parallels and divergences in neoliberal and ‘populist’ discourses of ‘risky’, troubling’ youth and disability

    Southern Hemisphere automated supernova search

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    The Perth Astronomy Research Group has developed an automated supernova search program, using the 61 cm Perth–Lowell reflecting telescope at Perth Observatory in Western Australia, equipped with a CCD camera. The system is currently capable of observing about 15 objects per hour, using 3 min exposures, and has a detection threshold of 18th–19th magnitude. The entire system has been constructed using low‐cost IBM‐compatible computers. Two original discoveries (SN 1993K, SN 1994R) have so far been made during automated search runs. This paper describes the hardware and software used for the supernova search program, and shows some preliminary results from the search system

    Anvelopni solitoni i modulacijska nestabilnost u elektronsko-pozitronskoj plazmi

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    We have studied the formation of envelope soliton in a electron-positron plasma. The deduced nonlinear Schrödinger equation yields information about the modulational instability of the system for the different ranges of the plasma parameters. It is important to note that the modulational stability depends on the positron-electron density ratio. The theory is applicable to solitary waves in space plasmas.Proučavamo stvaranje anvelopnih solitona u elektronsko-pozitronskoj plazmi. Izvedena nelinearna Schrodingerova jednadžba daje podatke o modulacijskoj nestabilnosti sustava za razna područja parametara plazme. Važno je primijetiti kako modulacijska nestabilnost ovisi o omjeru gustoće elektrona i pozitrona. Teorija se može primijeniti na solitonske valove u svemirskoj plazmi

    A finite element data assimilation method for the wave equation

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    We design a primal-dual stabilized finite element method for the numerical approximation of a data assimilation problem subject to the acoustic wave equation. For the forward problem, piecewise affine, continuous, finite element functions are used for the approximation in space and backward differentiation is used in time. Stabilizing terms are added on the discrete level. The design of these terms is driven by numerical stability and the stability of the continuous problem, with the objective of minimizing the computational error. Error estimates are then derived that are optimal with respect to the approximation properties of the numerical scheme and the stability properties of the continuous problem. The effects of discretizing the (smooth) domain boundary and other perturbations in data are included in the analysis