12 research outputs found

    Roślinność wodna i bagienna Jeziora Czarnego w sąsiedztwie Manchan-Ełysu (Zachodnie Zabajkale)

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    This article discusses geological structure, landform and climatic conditions of the study area. The main parameters of the Chernoye Lake were discussed also. Based on phytoso-ciological analyzes, 10 plant associations have been identified in the litoral zone of this small reservoir: the aquatic com-munity – Potametum perfoliati, aquatic-wetland rushes Phragmitetum communis, Caricetum rostratae, Typhetum laxmannii, Scirpetum radicantis, Eleocharitetum palustris and Eleocharitetum sareptanae prov. and wetland therophyte communities – Senecionetum congesti, Bidentetum tripartitae and Beckmannio syzigachnes-Persicarietum hydropiperis prov. Two new plant communities, previously unknown for science, have been identified and described: Eleocharitetum sareptanae prov. and Beckmannio syzigachnes-Persicarietum hydropiperis prov. A new taxon for Buryatia was found here: Tephroseris palustris

    Matricarietum discoideo-recutitae Jarolimek et al. 1997 and Matricario-Anthemidetum cotulae Dihoru 1975 ex Mucina 1987 – two poorly known associations from the Malvion neglectae (Gutte 1966) Hejny 1978 alliance in rural areas of North-West Poland

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    Studies were conducted in 50 villages of mediaeval origin in NW Poland. In eight of them were found patches of two Malvion neglectae associations: Matricarietum discoideo-recutitae and Matricario-Anthemidetum cotulae. The documentation comprising 19 phytosociological relevés was made according to the Braun-Blanquet approach in the years 2011–2013. Only one relevé dates from 2006 and was made in N Wielkopolska. Two new subassociations: Matricarietum discoideo-recutitae medicaginetosum lupulinae and M. d.-r. typicum were described. As a result of decline of traditional forms of management in villages both associations, and especially Matricario-Anthemidetum cotulae, are contemporarily strongly endangered

    Szata roslinna projektowanego rezerwatu Ciswickie Bagna kolo Grodzca we wschodniej Wielkopolsce

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    The paper presents results of geobotanical investigations carried out in the projected “Ciswickie Bagna” nature reserve near Grodziec (eastern Wielkopolska). Rich flora of vascular plants consists of 274 taxons, including 10 species protected by law, e.g. Osmunda regalis L. In 41 plant communities found, 24 are endangered in the Wielkopolska including the E category (dying out, directly threatened with extinction) represented by as many as 7 associations with the most valuable forest community of the reserve Vaccinio uliginosi–Pinetum Kleist 1929 nom. inv

    Matricarietum discoideo-recutitae Jarolimek et al. 1997 and Matricario-Anthemidetum cotulae Dihoru 1975 ex Mucina 1987 - two poorly known associations from the Malvion neglectae (Gutte 1966) Hejny 1978 alliance in rural areas of North-West Poland

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    Studies were conducted in 50 villages of mediaeval origin in NW Poland. In eight of them were found patches of two Malvion neglectae associations: Matricarietum discoideo-recutitae and Matricario-Anthemidetum cotulae. The documentation comprising 19 phytosociological relevés was made according to the Braun-Blanquet approach in the years 2011–2013. Only one relevé dates from 2006 and was made in N Wielkopolska. Two new subassociations: Matricarietum discoideo-recutitae medicaginetosum lupulinae and M. d.-r. typicum were described. As a result of decline of traditional forms of management in villages both associations, and especially Matricario-Anthemidetum cotulae, are contemporarily strongly endangered

    Nowe stanowiska dlugosza krolewskiego [Osmunda regalis L.] we wschodniej Wielkopolsce

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    In the present paper two new localities of the royal fern (Osmunda regalis L.) from Ciświca Nowa and Łomów near Stawisko (Forest District Grodziec) are described. The occurrence of this species in different forest communities is shortly characterized

    Interesujace stanowisko kruszczyka blotnego Epipactis palustris [L.] Crantz w Kozieglowach kolo Poznania

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    In the present paper a new locality of marsh helleborine (Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz) on the administrative boundary of Poznan city and Koziegłowy village is described. It is on an artificially constructed railway enbankment, hence being a highly antropogenic location. The occurrence of this species on such untypical locality is shortly characterized