3,198 research outputs found

    Ambipolar charge carrier transport in mixed organic layers of phthalocyanine and fullerene

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    Mixed layers of copper-phthalocyanine (p-conductive) and fullerene (n-conductive) are used for the fabrication of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) and inverters. Regarding the electrical characteristics of these donor-acceptor blends they show ambipolar charge carrier transport, whereas devices made from only one of the materials show unipolar behavior. Such mixed films are model systems for ambipolar transport with adjustable field-effect mobilities for electrons and holes. By variation of the mixing ratio it is possible to balance the transport of both charge-carrier types. In this paper we discuss the variation of mobility and threshold voltage with the mixing ratio and demonstrate ambipolar inverters as a leadoff application. The gained results were analyzed by simulations using an analytical model for ambipolar transistors and subsequently compared to complementary inverters

    Dynamic alterations in gene expression after Wnt-mediated induction of avian neural crest

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    The Wnt signaling pathway is important in the formation of neural crest cells in many vertebrates, but the downstream targets of neural crest induction by Wnt are largely unknown. Here, we examined quantitative changes in gene expression regulated by Wnt-mediated neural crest induction using quantitative PCR (QPCR). Induction was recapitulated in vitro by adding soluble Wnt to intermediate neural plate tissue cultured in collagen, and induced versus control tissue were assayed using gene-specific primers at times corresponding to premigratory (18 and 24 h) or early (36 h) stages of crest migration. The results show that Wnt signaling up-regulates in a distinct temporal pattern the expression of several genes normally expressed in the dorsal neural tube (slug, Pax3, Msx1, FoxD3, cadherin 6B) at "premigratory" stages. While slug is maintained in early migrating crest cells, Pax3, FoxD3, Msx1 and cadherin 6B all are down-regulated by the start of migration. These results differ from the temporal profile of these genes in response to the addition of recombinant BMP4, where gene expression seems to be maintained. Interestingly, expression of rhoB is unchanged or even decreased in response to Wnt-mediated induction at all times examined, though it is up-regulated by BMP signals. The temporal QPCR profiles in our culture paradigm approximate in vivo expression patterns of these genes before neural crest migration, and are consistent with Wnt being an initial neural crest inducer with additional signals like BMP and other factors maintaining expression of these genes in vivo. Our results are the first to quantitatively describe changes in gene expression in response to a Wnt or BMP signal during transformation of a neural tube cell into a migratory neural crest cell

    Origins of the avian neural crest: the role of neural plate-epidermal interactions

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    We have investigated the lineage and tissue interactions that result in avian neural crest cell formation from the ectoderm. Presumptive neural plate was grafted adjacent to non-neural ectoderm in whole embryo culture to examine the role of tissue interactions in ontogeny of the neural crest. Our results show that juxtaposition of non-neural ectoderm and presumptive neural plate induces the formation of neural crest cells. Quail/chick recombinations demonstrate that both the prospective neural plate and the prospective epidermis can contribute to the neural crest. When similar neural plate/epidermal confrontations are performed in tissue culture to look at the formation of neural crest derivatives, juxtaposition of epidermis with either early (stages 4–5) or later (stages 6–10) neural plate results in the generation of both melanocytes and sympathoadrenal cells. Interestingly, neural plates isolated from early stages form no neural crest cells, whereas those isolated later give rise to melanocytes but not crest-derived sympathoadrenal cells. Single cell lineage analysis was performed to determine the time at which the neural crest lineage diverges from the epidermal lineage and to elucidate the timing of neural plate/epidermis interactions during normal development. Our results from stage 8 to 10+ embryos show that the neural plate/neural crest lineage segregates from the epidermis around the time of neural tube closure, suggesting that neural induction is still underway at open neural plate stages

    Snail2 directly represses cadherin6B during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions of the neural crest

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    The neural crest, a transient population of migratory cells, forms the craniofacial skeleton and peripheral nervous system, among other derivatives in vertebrate embryos. The transcriptional repressor Snail2 is thought to be crucial for the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that promotes neural crest delamination from the neural tube; however, little is known about its downstream targets. To this end, we depleted avian Snail2 in the premigratory neural crest using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides and examined effects on potential targets by quantitative PCR. Several dorsal neural tube genes were upregulated by alleviating Snail2 repression; moreover, the cell adhesion molecule cadherin6B was derepressed within 30 minutes of blocking Snail2 translation. Examination of the chick cadherin6B genomic sequence reveals that the regulatory region contains three pairs of clustered E boxes, representing putative Snail2 binding sites. Furthermore, in vivo and in vitro biochemical analyses demonstrate that Snail2 directly binds to these sites and regulates cadherin6B transcription. These results are the first to describe a direct target of Snail2 repression in vivo and in the context of the EMT that characterizes neural crest developmen


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    Objectives: The goal of this project was to determine the nutritional needs of preschool age children to help guide intervention development. The research aims were 1) to examine and describe young child (ages one to five) nutritional status as it relates to key nutrients associated with stunting and wasting; 2) to determine what key macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies (primarily iron and zinc) are associated with wasting and stunting. Methodology: Study sample: Sixty-seven families with children ages one to five who participating in routine health care clinic visits during the UK Shoulder to Shoulder Global health brigade visits. Study design: A cross-sectional survey was conducted collecting demographic data, medical history, and dietary intake. Objective measures of height/length and weight were completed; and blood samples were drawn to measure serum micronutrient levels. Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR) identified nutrient intakes for analytical comparison based on growth parameters. Nutritional and health status were compared to food security and World Health Organization growth reference points of standard deviations on Z-scores of height-for-age and weight-for-age. Analyses: Chi Square, ANOVA, and binary logistic regression tests were run using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Results: Low serum levels of zinc and iron corresponded to low levels of dietary intake of zinc and iron, limited food security and moderate stunting z = -0 to 1.99 Standard Deviation. Conclusion: This study will inform a comprehensive nutritional intervention for this population. The evidence that specific nutrients are limiting will focus the health promotion objectives

    Creation and study of the Pinot noir variety lineage

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    The objective of the study presented here is to obtain pure line genotypes able to transmit to cross progeny the most useful characters to wine grapes, particularly the berry colour of Pinot noir. From the very heterogenous Pinot noir variety we chose a clone INRA-Colmar as the initial parent of a generation series. In the first 3 generations of self pollination we selected only red berries genotypes. After the 4th generation we made 'pedigree' selections with seedling separation, retaining not only the red berries population but also some white ones. This series of generations shows only a weak 'inbreeding' effect. Numerous populations with strong vigour and high fertility were observed. During these crosses, types of bunches and berries have appeared which were very different in shape from the original parent. Types range from the round berries of the Pinot noir to elliptical, ovoid, troncovoid, cylindrical or other kinds of berries. Berry size is also highly variable. We obtained bunches from small to very big with variable compactness. We obtained homogenous populations for such characters as berry colour, sexual type, vigour and fertility. These characters can be considered as homozygous after the 6th generation. This study shows the necessity of making numerous generations of self pollination to obtain homozygous forms of useful characters, which are generally polygenic. These observations must be confirmed by test crosses and in the meantime the self pollination program will be continued to enable us to fix the unstable characters

    Dorsalization of the neural tube by the non-neural ectoderm

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    The patterning of cell types along the dorsoventral axis of the spinal cord requires a complex set of inductive signals. While the chordamesoderm is a well-known source of ventralizing signals, relatively little is known about the cues that induce dorsal cell types, including neural crest. Here, we demonstrate that juxtaposition of the non-neural and neural ectoderm is sufficient to induce the expression of dorsal markers, Wnt-1, Wnt-3a and Slug, as well as the formation of neural crest cells. In addition, the competence of neural plate to express Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a appears to be stage dependent, occurring only when neural tissue is taken from stage 8–10 embryos but not from stage 4 embryos, regardless of the age of the non-neural ectoderm. In contrast to the induction of Wnt gene expression, neural crest cell formation and Slug expression can be induced when either stage 4 or stage 8–10 neural plates are placed in contact with the non-neural ectoderm. These data suggest that the non-neural ectoderm provides a signal (or signals) that specifies dorsal cell types within the neural tube, and that the response is dependent on the competence of the neural tissue

    Analysis of cranial neural crest migratory pathways in axolotl using cell markers and transplantation

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    We have examined the ability of normal and heterotopically transplanted neural crest cells to migrate along cranial neural crest pathways in the axolotl using focal DiI injections and in situ hybridization with the neural crest marker, AP-2. DiI labeling demonstrates that cranial neural crest cells migrate as distinct streams along prescribed pathways to populate the maxillary and mandibular processes of the first branchial arch, the hyoid arch and gill arches 1-4, following migratory pathways similar to those observed in other vertebrates. Another neural crest marker, the transcription factor AP-2, is expressed by premigratory neural crest cells within the neural folds and migrating neural crest cells en route to and within the branchial arches. Rotations of the cranial neural folds suggest that premigratory neural crest cells are not committed to a specific branchial arch fate, but can compensate when displaced short distances from their targets by migrating to a new target arch. In contrast, when cells are displaced far from their original location, they appear unable to respond appropriately to their new milieu such that they fail to migrate or appear to migrate randomly. When trunk neural folds are grafted heterotopically into the head, trunk neural crest cells migrate in a highly disorganized fashion and fail to follow normal cranial neural crest pathways. Importantly, we find incorporation of some trunk cells into branchial arch cartilage despite the random nature of their migration. This is the first demonstration that trunk neural crest cells can form cartilage when transplanted to the head. Our results indicate that, although cranial and trunk neural crest cells have inherent differences in ability to recognize migratory pathways, trunk neural crest can differentiate into cranial cartilage when given proper instructive cues