491 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the contradictions of socially oriented activities of NGOs as service provides in two Russian regions (St. Petersburg and Sverdlovsk oblast). In the mixed system of social welfare, the importance of the non-profit sector is increasing, but the processes taking place due to the diverse regional practices are ambiguous. We focus on the issues of interaction of the non-profit sector with the state, reasons for strengthening the commercial interests of NGOs, interaction with regional authorities and the risks of the social service system at the regional level. The theoretical framework of the study is the transformation of welfare state into welfare-service state. The study used empirical data obtained by street and telephone surveys of population, interviews with representatives of NGOs, state service institutions and regional government. The analysis demonstrates that the key constraining factors for the development of NGOs as service providers are administrative barriers to access state fonds, inappropriate ways of government’s interaction with private services providers in a changing environment, the continued lack of confidence to NGO’ activities among the majority of the population. NGOs are limitedly represented in the social service provider registries for a number of reasons: high bureaucratic requirements; difficultly implemented requirements for reporting for cost recovery; strong control on NGO’s activities by the authorities; untimely informing concerning grant competitions; non-transparency of competitive procedures. The formal approach of authorities indicates that the institutional advantages of NGOs, their ability to social innovations are not considered. Overcoming the barriers for NGOs as social service providers should be also considered as a resource for increasing the public trust in private sector. © 2020 National Research University Higher School of Economics. All rights reserved

    Experimental estimation of tungsten impurity sputtering due to Type I ELMs in JET-ITER-like wall using pedestal electron cyclotron emission and target Langmuir probe measurements

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    The ITER baseline scenario, with 500 MW of DT fusion power and Q = 10, will rely on a Type I ELMy H-mode and will be achieved with a tungsten (W) divertor. W atoms sputtered from divertor targets during mitigated ELMs are expected to be the dominant source in ITER. W impurity concentration in the plasma core can dramatically degrade its performance and lead to potentially damaging disruptions. Understanding the physics of the target W source due to sputtering during ELMs and inter-ELMs is important and can be helped by experimental measurements with improved precision. It has been established that the ELMy target ion impact energy has a simple linear dependence with the pedestal electron temperature measured by Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE). It has also been shown that Langmuir Probes (LP) ion flux measurements are reliable during ELMs due to the surprisingly low electron temperature. Therefore, in this paper, LP and ECE measurements in JET-ITER-Like-Wall (ILW) unseeded Type I ELMy H-mode experiments have been used to estimate the W sputtering flux from divertor targets in ELM and inter-ELM conditions. Comparison with similar estimates using W I spectroscopy measurements shows a reasonable agreement for the ELM and inter-ELM W source. The main advantage of the method involving LP measurements is the very high time resolution of the diagnostic (∼10 μs) allowing very precise description of the W sputtering source during ELMs.EURATOM 633053MSMT INGO LG14002Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia UID/FIS/50010/201

    An analytical expression for ion velocities at the wall including the sheath electric field and surface biasing for erosion modeling at JET ILW

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    For simulation of plasma-facing component erosion in fusion experiments, an analytical expression for the ion velocity just before the surface impact including the local electric field and an optional surface biasing effect is suggested. Energy and angular impact distributions and the resulting effective sputtering yields were produced for several experimental scenarios at JET ILW mostly involving PFCs exposed to an oblique magnetic field. The analytic solution has been applied as an improvement to earlier ERO mod- elling of localized, Be outer limiter, RF-enhanced erosion, modulated by toggling of a remote, however magnetically connected ICRH antenna. The effective W sputtering yields due to D and Be ion impact in Type-I and Type-III ELMs and inter-ELM conditions were also estimated using the analytical approach and benchmarked by spectroscopy. The intra-ELM W sputtering flux increases almost 10 times in comparison to the inter-ELM flux.EURATOM 63305

    Contradictions in the Development of the Welfare Non-Profit Sector in Russia

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    Received 28 April 2023. Accepted 8 August 2023. Published online 6 October 2023.The article focuses on the core contradictions within the development of the social non-profit sector in Russia. The empirical basis of the study comprises statistical data, legal documents regulating the social services’ sphere, research data from previous studies conducted in Russia, as well as qualitative data collected for this study. The introduction provides background information on the stages of reforming the social service system in Russia. The first part is devoted to the contradictions between international trends and Russian patterns. In line with a neoliberal approach, non-profit NGOs play a significant role as key actors in social work providing social services for different client groups. At the same time, they are not independent and Russian civil society is not yet strong enough to realize social rights of citizens. In the next section, some of the key issues of interaction between the government and NGOs are discussed. An analysis of the current situation demonstrates that while a social partnership between the state and NGOs is affirmed by authorities on official level, in practice, the state still dominates the social sector. The article then focuses on how Russian NGOs have reoriented their efforts toward financial sustainability through government support.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) under the project No. 19–18–00246-P, titled “Challenges of the transformation of welfare state in Russia: institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”, implemented at St. Petersburg State University

    Social investment: Problems and development strategies

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    We present the findings of a survey aimed at identifying expert opinions about social investment policies. Our sample includes respondents from Russian regions (n = 160) involved in the production of social services – specialists and heads of state social institutions, non-profit organizations, social entrepreneurs, and authorities. Research findings suggest key factors that might contribute to the development of non-profit sector of social services and social entrepreneurship. The state and local governments are considered by experts as the main investors, while financial investments in the form of budget subsidies and grants are the most anticipated forms for solving regional social issues. Investing in infrastructure and personnel is among the most popular areas for social investment related to the development of new suppliers. According to the respondents, the priority spheres for social entrepreneurship are investments to children, youth, health, and active longevity. The survey participants view social investment as a strategy for the social development of regions based on the achievement of social goals combined with economic results. The professional community considers the lack of interest in the new type of entrepreneurship among residents of the regions, including private investors, and the weak interest of local governments as risks for social investment policy and social entrepreneurship © 2022. Terra Economicus.All Rights Reserved.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-18-00246Funding: The research is prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-18-00246 “Challenges of transformation of the welfare state in Russia: Institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”, implemented at St. Petersburg State University

    Bis(acetyl­acetonato-κ2 O,O′)(2-amino-1-methyl-1H-benzimidazole-κN 3)oxido­vanadium(IV)

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    The title mixed-ligand oxidovanadium(IV) compound, [VO(C5H7O2)2(C8H9N3)], contains a VIV atom in a distorted octahedral coordination, which is typical for such complexes. The vanadyl group and the N-heterocyclic ligand are cis to each other. The coordination bond is located at the endocyclic N atom of the benzimidazole ligand. Intra­molecular hydrogen bonds between the exo-NH2 group H atoms and acetyl­acetonate O atoms stabilize the crystal structure

    Inflammation of adipose tissue. Is there a place for statins to correct adiposopathy?

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    This review is devoted to the analysis of data on the effect of inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzymate-reductase on the endocrine function of adipose tissue in obesity. Violation of metabolism of adipose tissue, as well as the amount of fat, are a a key factor in the pathophysiology of obesity and the development of concomitant diseases. Statins are competitive inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-kofermenta reductase (HMG-COA reductase) that catalyze the initial stage of cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver. Therefore, traditionally, the liver is considered as the main target organ for statins. The results of studies of molecular mechanisms of action of statins on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, adipokine and inflammatory balance in adipose tissue on the example of isolated adipocytes (in vivo) and in living organism (in vitro) are presented. Effect of statins on the action of insulin, as well as the possibility of developing pathological conditions associated with insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2). The proven clinical effects of cholesterol-lowering action of statins, allow new insights and to further explore their possible impact on other links in the development of obesity, and potentially to use them as therapeutic agents for pharmacological correction of obesity and the fight against cardiovascular diseases

    сопроводительное письмо 2

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    Today, despite all the measures taken, cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of temporary invalidization, disability and mortality. Obesity is a major risk factor of cardiovascular diseases and complications from them. However, not all fat depots have the same proinflammatory, paracrine and metabolic activity. Recent studies have shown that the accumulation of visceral fat, and not subcutaneous fat, is associated with an increase in cardiometabolic risk. At the same time, there is evidence that an increase in the area of visceral fat is a protective mechanism against lipotoxicity. The purpose of this review is to discuss current literature data reflecting the characteristics of the visceral, epicardial and perivascular fat depots, and also their association with cardiovascular diseases

    Effect of metformin on transcriptome and adipokinome of adipocytes of local fat deposts of patients with ischemic heart disease

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    BACKGROUND: The information available to date on the effect of metformin on the transcriptome and secretory capacity of adipocytes in human adipose tissue (AT) is scarce and contradictory. The study analyzed whether metformin in vitro modulates gene expression and secretion of adiponectin and leptin in the AT of subcutaneous (SAT), epicardial (EAT) and perivascular (PVAT) localization of patients with ischemic artery disease (IHD).AIM: To assess the effect of metformin at various concentrations (1 and 10 mmol / L) on the level of expression of adiponectin and leptin genes and their content in adipocytes of subcutaneous, epicardial and perivascular AT of patients with IHD.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 134 patients with IHD and indications for direct myocardial revascularization by coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). During the operation, biopsies of SAT, EAT and PVAT were obtained for 3–5 gram, which served as a source of adipocytes. Isolated adipocytes were cultured for 24 hours with and without metformin (1 and 10 mmol / L). After a day of incubation, the expression of the ADIPOQ and LEP genes and the level of secretion of adiponectin and leptin in the culture medium of adipocytes were determined. Statistical processing was performed using the GraphPad Prism 6 software package (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA, USA) and Statistica software, 6.1 (Dell Software, Inc., Round Rock, TX, USA).RESULTS: The adipocytes of the EAT and PVAT of patients with IHD were characterized by an imbalance in the adipokine system, manifested by a low level of ADIPOQ expression and a high LEP expression in comparison with adipocytes of the SAT. Metformin increased the level of ADIPOQ expression and its secretion by adipocytes regardless of their location, while a low concentration (1 mmol / L) in adipocytes of EAT had a stronger effect compared to 10 mmol / L. Metformin had a multidirectional effect on the level of leptin in adipocytes, which depended on their localization: both in low (1 mmol / L) and high concentrations (10 mmol / L), the drug reduced the level of LEP expression and protein secretion in the culture medium of adipocytes of the SAT. EAT had no significant effect on adipocytes. In PVAT, metformin increased the expression and secretion of leptin regardless of concentration.CONCLUSION: Metformin has a direct effect on adipocytes in SAT, EAT, and PVAT and is able to modulate their activity, which is a promising strategy for maintaining the balance of adipokines in AT, especially epicardial and perivascular localization


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    Presence of myocardial infarction in patients with obesity can lead to an uncontrolled increase in proinflammatory cytokines and unfavorable course of the pathological process. Objective: to study the relationship of key inflammatory factors and the development of complications at different terms after myocardial infarction in patients with visceral obesity. The study involved 94 men with myocardial infarction. Visceral obesity was diagnosed by multi-slice computed tomography (LightspeedVCT 64 ,General Electric,USA). On the 1st and 12th day of hospitalization, we determined serum concentrations of interleukins (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 IL-10 and IL-12), and C-reactive protein. Adverse cardiovascular events were documented during the next year. The most informative indicators were identified by a stepwise logistic regression analysis. In patients with myocardial infarction an imbalance of cytokine profile revealed, i.e., an increase in proinflammatory markers (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, CRP), along with decrease in IL-10, being more pronounced in cases of visceral obesity. Among the studied markers, closest relationship was observed between visceral obesity and serum concentrations of IL-6 and CRP. Over the year, adverse cardiovascular events proved to be more frequent in patients with visceral obesity. Post-infarction complication risk was associated with higher concentrations of IL-6, IL-12 and IL-10 deficiency. Hence, development of adverse cardiovascular events within a year after myocardial infarction is more typical to the patients with visceral obesity, and is accompanied by activation of proinflammatory cytokines and IL-10 deficiency