6,484 research outputs found

    Quantum causal histories

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    Quantum causal histories are defined to be causal sets with Hilbert spaces attached to each event and local unitary evolution operators. The reflexivity, antisymmetry, and transitivity properties of a causal set are preserved in the quantum history as conditions on the evolution operators. A quantum causal history in which transitivity holds can be treated as ``directed'' topological quantum field theory. Two examples of such histories are described.Comment: 16 pages, epsfig latex. Some clarifications, minor corrections and references added. Version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Exclusive channels in semi-inclusive production of pions and kaons

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    We investigate the role of exclusive channels in semi-inclusive electroproduction of pions and kaons. Using the QCD factorization theorem for hard exclusive processes we evaluate the cross sections for exclusive pseudoscalar and vector meson production in terms of generalized parton distributions and meson distribution amplitudes. We investigate the uncertainties arising from the modeling of the nonperturbative input quantities. Combining these results with available experimental data, we compare the cross sections for exclusive channels to that obtained from quark fragmentation in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. We find that rho^0 production is the only exclusive channel with significant contributions to semi-inclusive pion production at large z and moderate Q^2. The corresponding contribution to kaon production from the decay of exclusively produced phi and K^* is rather small.Comment: 33 pages, 18 figure

    Uncorrelated and correlated nanoscale lattice distortions in the paramagnetic phase of magnetoresistive manganites

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    Neutron scattering measurements on a magnetoresistive manganite La0.75_{0.75}(Ca0.45_{0.45}Sr0.55_{0.55})0.25_{0.25}MnO3_3 show that uncorrelated dynamic polaronic lattice distortions are present in both the orthorhombic (O) and rhombohedral (R) paramagnetic phases. The uncorrelated distortions do not exhibit any significant anomaly at the O-to-R transition. Thus, both the paramagnetic phases are inhomogeneous on the nanometer scale, as confirmed further by strong damping of the acoustic phonons and by the anomalous Debye-Waller factors in these phases. In contrast, recent x-ray measurements and our neutron data show that polaronic correlations are present only in the O phase. In optimally doped manganites, the R phase is metallic, while the O paramagnetic state is insulating (or semiconducting). These measurements therefore strongly suggest that the {\it correlated} lattice distortions are primarily responsible for the insulating character of the paramagnetic state in magnetoresistive manganites.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures embedde

    Regularization of the Hamiltonian constraint and the closure of the constraint algebra

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    In the paper we discuss the process of regularization of the Hamiltonian constraint in the Ashtekar approach to quantizing gravity. We show in detail the calculation of the action of the regulated Hamiltonian constraint on Wilson loops. An important issue considered in the paper is the closure of the constraint algebra. The main result we obtain is that the Poisson bracket between the regulated Hamiltonian constraint and the Diffeomorphism constraint is equal to a sum of regulated Hamiltonian constraints with appropriately redefined regulating functions.Comment: 23 pages, epsfig.st

    KMS states on Quantum Grammars

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    We consider quantum (unitary) continuous time evolution of spins on a lattice together with quantum evolution of the lattice itself. In physics such evolution was discussed in connection with quantum gravity. It is also related to what is called quantum circuits, one of the incarnations of a quantum computer. We consider simpler models for which one can obtain exact mathematical results. We prove existence of the dynamics in both Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures, construct KMS states on appropriate C*-algebras. We show (for high temperatures) that for each system where the lattice undergoes quantum evolution, there is a natural scaling leading to a quantum spin system on a fixed lattice, defined by a renormalized Hamiltonian.Comment: 22 page

    Graphical Evolution of Spin Network States

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    The evolution of spin network states in loop quantum gravity can be described by introducing a time variable, defined by the surfaces of constant value of an auxiliary scalar field. We regulate the Hamiltonian, generating such an evolution, and evaluate its action both on edges and on vertices of the spin network states. The analytical computations are carried out completely to yield a finite, diffeomorphism invariant result. We use techniques from the recoupling theory of colored graphs with trivalent vertices to evaluate the graphical part of the Hamiltonian action. We show that the action on edges is equivalent to a diffeomorphism transformation, while the action on vertices adds new edges and re-routes the loops through the vertices.Comment: 24 pages, 21 PostScript figures, uses epsfig.sty, Minor corrections in the final formula in the main body of the paper and in the formula for the Tetrahedral net in the Appendi

    Production of Polarized Vector Mesons off Nuclei

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    Using the light-cone QCD dipole formalism we investigate manifestations of color transparency (CT) and coherence length (CL) effects in electroproduction of longitudinally (L) and transversally (T) polarized vector mesons. Motivated by forthcoming data from the HERMES experiment we predict both the A and Q^2 dependence of the L/T- ratios, for rho^0 mesons produced coherently and incoherently off nuclei. For an incoherent reaction the CT and CL effects add up and result in a monotonic A dependence of the L/T-ratio at different values of Q^2. On the contrary, for a coherent process the contraction of the CL with Q^2 causes an effect opposite to that of CT and we expect quite a nontrivial A dependence, especially at Q^2 >> m_V^2.Comment: Revtex 24 pages and 14 figure

    Causality in Spin Foam Models

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    We compute Teitelboim's causal propagator in the context of canonical loop quantum gravity. For the Lorentzian signature, we find that the resultant power series can be expressed as a sum over branched, colored two-surfaces with an intrinsic causal structure. This leads us to define a general structure which we call a ``causal spin foam''. We also demonstrate that the causal evolution models for spin networks fall in the general class of causal spin foams.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e, many eps figure

    Closed-Flux Solutions to the Constraints for Plane Gravity Waves

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    The metric for plane gravitational waves is quantized within the Hamiltonian framework, using a Dirac constraint quantization and the self-dual field variables proposed by Ashtekar. The z axis (direction of travel of the waves) is taken to be the entire real line rather than the torus (manifold coordinatized by (z,t) is RxR rather than S1S_1 x R). Solutions to the constraints proposed in a previous paper involve open-ended flux lines running along the entire z axis, rather than closed loops of flux; consequently, these solutions are annihilated by the Gauss constraint at interior points of the z axis, but not at the two boundary points. The solutions studied in the present paper are based on closed flux loops and satisfy the Gauss constraint for all z.Comment: 18 pages; LaTe
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