648 research outputs found

    Lamb Shift in Muonic Hydrogen

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    The Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen continues to be a subject of experimental and theoretical investigation. Here my older work on the subject is updated to provide a complementary calculation of the energies of the 2p-2s transitions in muonic hydrogen.Comment: 15 pages, no figures. 2 small misprints corrected. Published in Phys. Rev.

    Hyperfine Structure of S-States in Muonic Helium Ion

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    Corrections of orders alpha^5 and alpha^6 are calculated in the hyperfine splittings of 1S and 2S - energy levels in the ion of muonic helium. The electron vacuum polarization effects, the nuclear structure corrections and recoil corrections are taken into account. The obtained numerical values of the hyperfine splittings -1334.56 meV (1S state), -166.62 meV (2S state) can be considered as a reliable estimate for the comparison with the future experimental data. The hyperfine splitting interval Delta_{12}=(8 Delta E^{hfs}(2S)- Delta E^{hfs}(1S)) = 1.64 meV can be used for the check of quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Periodicities in geomagnetic-activity indices and solar-wind parameters, and their possible solar origin

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    We have examined the average behaviors of the solar-wind parameters and the geomagnetic-activity indices. There is a good correlation between the increasing pressure at the magnetopause and the intense magnetospheric disturbances. The ultra-low frequency power spectra for the geomagnetic disturbances have been analyzed and tested. Although the spectrum shows remarkable and stable peaks at the wavelengths 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3 years, additional significant peaks of 73 d, 1.5 y, 5.1 y and 9.2 y for Ap and 73 d and 1.4 y for the product BSV 2 are also found. However, the 73-d and 5.1-y variations correspond to a non-obvious physical process in the Sun. The Sun may reflect some irregular variations, basically not fundamental, which appear at different times. A comparison of both spectra for periods > 0.5 year suggests different solar origins. Both spectra have different power amplitudes and peaks at different locations. Our study confirmed 1.4–1.5 year oscillations in BSV 2 measurements between 1987 and 2000, and located slightly higher than the Kp peaks (∼ 1.3 y). Although many papers have discussed periodicities in the Ap index, a 9.2-year period has not been reported previously. There is some indication of an association with the coronal-hole variations in the southern hemisphere of the Sun. The conjunction of the Sun observations and SW measurements may be used to estimate the disturbances in the geomagnetic activity in the heliosphere

    North-South asymmetry of cosmic-ray density gradients throughout the epoch 1955-1991

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    We have computed the magnitude and direction of the asymmetry of cosmic-ray particle density gradient in the heliosphere during the period 1955-1991. Data obtained by twenty-one detectors (neutron monitors, surface and underground muon telescopes) in both terrestrial hemispheres between 1955 and 1991 are analyzed as a function of the sense of interplanetary magnetic field. Their median rigidity of response (Rm) covers the following range: 10 GV � Rm � 185 GV. Significant differences are frequently observed between the diurnal variations measured in toward and away polarity days. The cosmic-ray density gradient displayed insignificant changes near solar maxima and reversed in sign after the reversal polarity periods. The resultant cosmic-ray gradients are: a north-south symmetric gradient which occurred during minima and maxima solar activity epochs, and a N-S asymmetrical gradient which is related to the N-S asymmetry in the activity on the Sun. Northward and southward cosmic-ray latitudinal (or perpendicular) gradients were frequently observed. The solar diurnal phases of toward polarity days north of the HCS (or away) during the period 1981-87 (qA < 0) existed a few hours later than those recorded for toward (or away) days south of HCS during the positive IMF period 1971-78, as well as the time shift depends on the rigidity of the particle. In addition, quite a change occurred on phase for the north neutron monitors and muon telescopes than for those located on the southern hemisphere

    Dimuon production by laser-wakefield accelerated electrons

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    We analyze μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- pair production generated by high-energy electrons emerging from a laser-wakefield accelerator. The μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- pairs are created in a solid thick high-ZZ target, following the electron accelerating plasma region. Numerical estimates are presented for electron beams obtained presently in the LBL TW laser experiment \cite{C2} and possible future developments. Reactions induced by the secondary bremsstrahlung photons dominate the dimuon production. According to our estimates, a 20 pC electron bunch with energy of 1 (10) GeV may create about 200 (6000) muon pairs. The produced μ±\mu^\pm can be used in studying various aspects of muon-related physics in table top installations. This may be considered as an important step towards the investigation of more complicated elementary processes induced by laser driven electrons.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Proton polarizability and the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen

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    The proton structure and proton polarizability corrections to the Lamb shift of electronic hydrogen and muonic hydrogen were evaluated on the basis of modern experimental data on deep inelastic structure functions. Numerical value of proton polarizability contribution to (2P-2S) Lamb shift is equal to 4.4 GHz.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2.09, 2 figures, uses linedraw.st

    Finite nuclear size and Lamb shift of p-wave atomic states

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    We consider corrections to the Lamb shift of p-wave atomic states due to the finite nuclear size (FNS). In other words, these are radiative corrections to the atomic isotop shift related to FNS. It is shown that the structure of the corrections is qualitatively different from that for s-wave states. The perturbation theory expansion for the relative correction for a p1/2p_{1/2}-state starts from αln(1/Zα)\alpha\ln(1/Z\alpha)-term, while for s1/2s_{1/2}-states it starts from Zα2Z\alpha^2 term. Here α\alpha is the fine structure constant and ZZ is the nuclear charge. In the present work we calculate the α\alpha-terms for 2p2p-states, the result for 2p1/22p_{1/2}-state reads (8α/9π)[ln(1/(Zα)2)+0.710](8\alpha/9\pi)[\ln(1/(Z\alpha)^2)+0.710]. Even more interesting are p3/2p_{3/2}-states. In this case the ``correction'' is by several orders of magnitude larger than the ``leading'' FNS shift.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure