25 research outputs found

    Processo de transição de extrativismo de mel para a apicultura em comunidade ribeirinha de Corumbá, MS.

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    A apicultura se apresenta como um incremento da renda para essa comunidade, pois perceberam que a venda do mel é mais estável e com maior valor agregado que outras atividades econômicas que tradicionalmente comercializam com os pescadores/turistas que visitam a região.CONBRAPI 2018

    Caderno de normas do regulamento de produção da indicação de procedência do mel do Pantanal.

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    A apicultura é uma atividade produtiva do meio rural que pode ser desenvolvida em larga escala no Pantanal, devido à existência de extensas áreas que foram submetidas a reduzidas alterações antrópicas no processo de ocupação quando comparada com outras regiões do Brasil; apresentando ainda uma flora nativa muito variada, que pode proporcionar a produção de mel e de outros produtos apícolas em grandes quantidades. Tudo isso se traduz em um potencial econômico alternativo a ser desenvolvido na região pantaneira, principalmente se os produtos apícolas forem obtidos em sistemas de produção com maior agregação de valor como o sistema orgânico e/ou com de indicação de procedência, do que os similares do sistema convencional de produção. O ?Caderno de Normas do Regulamento de Produção da Indicação de Procedência do Mel do Pantanal? aqui apresentado é um sumário dos procedimentos mínimos que devem ser adotados para que a produção apícola obtida no Pantanal na área geográfica delimitada da indicação de procedência do ?Mel do Pantanal? nos estados do Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso, a qual é baseada no mapa de Biomas do Brasil do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), possa ser certificada como estando em conformidade com esse protocolo. Por se tratar de um alimento saudável, com aplicações em diversas áreas relacionadas a saúde e ao bem estar humano, o mel é cada vez mais consumido por um público de maior poder aquisitivo e exigente em suas escolhas. Esta certificação vem somar e atribuir excelente reputação, valor e identidade própria ao Mel do Pantanal, além de distingui-lo de seus similares disponíveis no mercado. O apelo "ecologicamente correto" de um alimento que é produzido de forma harmônica à preservação ambiental e por pessoas da região agrega valor e diferencia o mel pantaneiro. Cabe destacar que a indicação geográfica (IG), um dos tipos de indicação de procedência registrado e emitido pelo Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI), que resultou na IG do Mel do Pantanal, é a primeira de uma região produtora de mel e também a primeira da região Centro-Oeste sendo um dos mais expressivos resultados de um processo oriundo da ação sinérgica de diversas instituições.bitstream/item/139098/1/DOC137.pd

    A systematic genetic screen identifies new factors influencing centromeric heterochromatin integrity in fission yeast

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    BACKGROUND: Heterochromatin plays important roles in the regulation and stability of eukaryotic genomes. Both heterochromatin components and pathways that promote heterochromatin assembly, including RNA interference, RNAi, are broadly conserved between the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and humans. As a result, fission yeast has emerged as an important model system for dissecting mechanisms governing heterochromatin integrity. Thus far, over 50 proteins have been found to contribute to heterochromatin assembly at fission yeast centromeres. However, previous studies have not been exhaustive, and it is therefore likely that further factors remain to be identified. RESULTS: To gain a more complete understanding of heterochromatin assembly pathways, we have performed a systematic genetic screen for factors required for centromeric heterochromatin integrity. In addition to known RNAi and chromatin modification components, we identified several proteins with previously undescribed roles in heterochromatin regulation. These included both known and newly characterised splicing-associated proteins, which are required for proper processing of centromeric transcripts by the RNAi pathway, and COP9 signalosome components Csn1 and Csn2, whose role in heterochromatin assembly can be explained at least in part by a role in the Ddb1-dependent degradation of the heterochromatin regulator Epe1. CONCLUSIONS: This work has revealed new factors involved in RNAi-directed heterochromatin assembly in fission yeast. Our findings support and extend previous observations that implicate components of the splicing machinery as a platform for RNAi, and demonstrate a novel role for the COP9 signalosome in heterochromatin regulation. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0481-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Nocturnal enuresis—theoretic background and practical guidelines

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    Nocturnal polyuria, nocturnal detrusor overactivity and high arousal thresholds are central in the pathogenesis of enuresis. An underlying mechanism on the brainstem level is probably common to these mechanisms. Enuretic children have an increased risk for psychosocial comorbidity. The primary evaluation of the enuretic child is usually straightforward, with no radiology or invasive procedures required, and can be carried out by any adequately educated nurse or physician. The first-line treatment, once the few cases with underlying disorders, such as diabetes, kidney disease or urogenital malformations, have been ruled out, is the enuresis alarm, which has a definite curative potential but requires much work and motivation. For families not able to comply with the alarm, desmopressin should be the treatment of choice. In therapy-resistant cases, occult constipation needs to be ruled out, and then anticholinergic treatment—often combined with desmopressin—can be tried. In situations when all other treatments have failed, imipramine treatment is warranted, provided the cardiac risks are taken into account

    Small chromosomal regions position themselves autonomously according to their chromatin class

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    The spatial arrangement of chromatin is linked to the regulation of nuclear processes. One striking aspect of nuclear organization is the spatial segregation of heterochromatic and euchromatic domains. The mechanisms of this chromatin segregation are still poorly understood. In this work, we investigated the link between the primary genomic sequence and chromatin domains. We analyzed the spatial intranuclear arrangement of a human artificial chromosome (HAC) in a xenospecific mouse background in comparison to an orthologous region of native mouse chromosome. The two orthologous regions include segments that can be assigned to three major chromatin classes according to their gene abundance and repeat repertoire: (1) gene-rich and SINE-rich euchromatin; (2) gene-poor and LINE/LTR-rich heterochromatin; and (3) genedepleted and satellite DNA-containing constitutive heterochromatin. We show, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and 4C-seq technologies, that chromatin segments ranging from 0.6 to 3 Mb cluster with segments of the same chromatin class. As a consequence, the chromatin segments acquire corresponding positions in the nucleus irrespective of their chromosomal context, thereby strongly suggesting that this is their autonomous property. Interactions with the nuclear lamina, although largely retained in the HAC, reveal less autonomy. Taken together, our results suggest that building of a functional nucleus is largely a self-organizing process based on mutual recognition of chromosome segments belonging to the major chromatin classes

    Characterization of rat urinary bladder strips and their phasic contractions.

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    <p>Comparison of intact vs. denuded used unpaired Students t-test. Data is presented as mean±SEM.</p><p>n – strips, N – animals, SEM – standard error of the mean, ** p<.01, *** p<.001.</p><p>Characterization of rat urinary bladder strips and their phasic contractions.</p

    Effect of NFA on phasic activity in intact (a–c) and denuded detrusor strips (d–f).

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    <p>a) A representative trace of the effect of 10 µM NFA on phasic contractions of an intact strip; bars below the trace indicate expanded regions. Effect of 3 µM, 10 µM and 30 µM NFA on b) the amplitude and c) the frequency of phasic activity in intact rat bladder strips. d) A representative trace of the effect of 30 µM NFA on phasic contractions of a denuded strip; bars below the trace indicate expanded regions. Effect of 3 µM, 10 µM and 30 µM NFA on: e) the amplitude, and f) the frequency of phasic activity in denuded rat bladder strips Baselines were pooled together for illustrative purposes. Data is presented as mean±SEM. <b>+</b> p = 0.087, * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001 vs. paired baseline phasic activity</p

    Molecular and immunohistochemical expression of Ano1 in rat urinary bladder.

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    <p>a) Expression of Ano1 mRNA (239 bp) was detected in detrusor (d) and mucosa (m) of rat urinary bladder; positive control was amplified with GAPDH primers (171 bp). b) Vimentin and Ano1 immunopositive cells were found in mucosa and in detrusor layer. First column shows vimentin staining; second column shows Ano1. In merged images staining shows vimentin in red, Ano1 in green and nuclei in blue. Yellow arrows show cells expressing both Ano1 and vimentin, in mucosa (first panel), detrusor layer (second panel), at higher magnification (third panel) and a negative control (fourth panel).</p

    Nicht-neurogene Harninkontinenz/Enuresis

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