88 research outputs found

    Maternal exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) promotes the transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset reproductive dysfunctions through the female germline in mice

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    Endocrine disruptors (EDS) are compounds known to promote transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset disease in subsequent generations after maternal exposure during fetal gonadal development. This study was designed to establish whether gestational and lactational exposure to the plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) at environmental doses promotes transgenerational effects on reproductive health in female offspring, as adults, over three generations in the mouse. Gestating F0 mouse dams were exposed to 0, 0.05, 5 mg/kg/day DEHP in the diet from gestational day 0.5 until the end of lactation. The incidence of adult-onset disease in reproductive function was recorded in F1, F2 and F3 female offspring. In adult Fl females, DEHP exposure induced reproductive adverse effects with: i) altered ovarian follicular dynamics with reduced primordial follicular reserve and a larger growing pre-antral follicle population, suggesting accelerated follicular recruitment; ii) reduced oocyte quality and embryonic developmental competence; iii) dysregulation of the expression profile of a panel of selected ovarian and pre-implantation embryonic genes. F2 and F3 female offspring displayed the same altered reproductive morphological phenotype and gene expression profiles as Fl, thus showing transgenerational transmission of reproductive adverse effects along the female lineage. These findings indicate that in mice exposure to DEHP at doses relevant to human exposure during gonadal sex determination significantly perturbs the reproductive indices of female adult offspring and subsequent generations. Evidence of transgenerational transmission has important implications for the reproductive health and fertility of animals and humans, significantly increasing the potential biohazards of this toxicant

    Diagnostic potential of simplified methods for measuring glomerular filtration rate to detect chronic kidney disease in dogs

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    Background: Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the most sensitive indicator of initial renal function decline during chronic kidney disease (CKD), but conventional protocols for measuring GFR are labor-intensive and stressful for the dog. Objectives: To assess the diagnostic potential for detecting CKD with simplified GFR protocols based on iohexol plasma clearance. Animals: Seventeen CKD positive and 23 CKD negative dogs of different breeds and sex. Methods: Prospective nonrandomised study. Plasma iohexol was measured 5, 15, 60, 90, 180 min after injection. GFR was calculated using five samples (GFR5) or simplified protocols based on one, two, or three samples. GFR5 and simplified GFR were compared by Bland-Altmann and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) analysis, and diagnostic accuracy for CKD by receiver operating characteristic curves. A grey zone for each protocol was bounded by the fourth quartile of the CKD positive population (lower cut-off) and the first quartile of the CKD negative population (upper cut-off). Results: All simplified protocols gave reliable GFR measurements, comparable to reference GFR5 (CCC > 0.92). Simplified protocols which included the 180-min sampling granted the best GFR measure (CCC: 0.98), with strong diagnostic potential for CKD (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve \ub1 SE: 0.98 \ub1 0.01). A double cut-off including a zone of CKD uncertainty guaranteed reliable diagnosis outside the grey area, and identified borderline dogs inside it. Conclusions: The simplified GFR protocols offer an accurate, hands-on tool for CKD diagnosis in dogs. The grey zone might help decision-making in the management of early kidney dysfunction

    Exposure to di(2-ethyl-hexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in utero and during lactation causes long-term pituitary-gonadal axis disruption in male and female mouse offspring

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    The present study examined the effects in mice of exposure to di(2-ethyl-hexyl) phthalate (DEHP) throughout pregnancy and lactation on the development and function of the pituitary-gonadal axis in male and female offspring once they have attained adulthood. Groups of two to three dams were exposed with the diet from gestational d 0.5 until the end of lactation, at 0, 0.05, 5, and 500 mg DEHP/kg \ub7 d. The experiment was repeated three times (total: seven to 10 dams per treatment). The 500-mg dose caused complete pregnancy failure, whereas exposure to doses of 0.05 and 5 mg did not affect pregnancy and litter size. In total, about 30 male and 30 female offspring per group were analyzed. Offspring of the DEHP-treated groups, compared with controls, at sexual maturity showed: 1) lower body weight (decrease 20-25%, P < 0.001); 2) altered gonad weight (testes were 3c13% lighter and ovaries 3c40% heavier; P < 0.001); 3) poor germ cell quality (semen was 3c50% less concentrated and 20% less viable, and 3c10% fewer oocytes reached MII stage, P < 0.001); 4) significant lower expression of steroidogenesis and gonadotropin-receptor genes in the gonads; and 5) up-regulated gonadotropin subunit gene expression in the pituitary. In conclusion, our findings suggest that, in maternally exposed male and female mice, DEHP acts on multiple pathways involved in maintaining steroid homeostasis. Specifically, in utero and lactational DEHP exposure may alter estrogen synthesis in both sexes. This, in turn, induces dysregulation of pituitary-gonadal feedback and alters the reproductive performance of exposed animals

    Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls in Cd-1 mice : reproductive toxicity and intergenerational transmission

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    Several studies indicate that in-utero and peri-natal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) induces adverse reproductive effects but it remains unclear whether such effects may be transmitted to subsequent generations. We therefore investigated the association between maternal exposure to PCBs and reproductive health in male and female offspring over three generations.Mouse dams were fed 0, 1, 10, 100 \u3bcg/kg/day of a PCB mixture (101+118) during pregnancy and lactation. PCB levels were measured in the tissues of both dams and offspring.PCB concentrations at all doses investigated were greater in the offspring than in the dams (P 640.0001) confirming that the progeny were exposed as a result of maternal exposure. In F1 offspring, exposure to PCBs resulted in reductions in: i) testis weight (P 640.05) and seminiferous tubule diameter (P 640.05); ii) sperm viability (P 640.0001) and developmental capacity (P 640.05); iii) ovary weight (P 640.05); iv) oocyte developmental capacity (P 640.05), and in v) increased follicular atresia (P 640.0001).In females, adverse effects were observed only in the F1 animals. In contrast, male offspring exhibited reduced sperm viability and altered seminiferous tubule distribution up to the third generation, showing intergenerational transmission.In summary, our data indicate that exposure to PCBs at the time of gonadal sex determination perturbed, significantly, the reproductive physiology of male and female offspring in adulthood. Furthermore, male reproductive deficiencies may be observed in at least two further generations. These findings have significant implications for reproductive health and fertility of animals and humans

    An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of bovine prolactin in plasma

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    Highly purified pituitary bovine prolactin (bPRL) has been used in a sensitive non-competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of prolactin (PRL) concentrations in plasma. In this assay affinity purified polyclonal antibodies were immobilzed to the solid phase in order to capture the antigen, and were also biotinylated as the detector antibody. The method was found to be reproducible (3% variability between calibration curves) and has been optimized for measuring bPRL concentration in plasma samples, giving an intra-assay coefficient of variation of about 5% and an interassay coefficient of variation of about 9%. The sensitivity of the assay was found to be as low as 0.1 ng/ml of bPRL

    Purification to homogeneity of bovine prolactin by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography

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    Homogeneous bovine prolactin (bPRL) has been obtained using a procedure based on high-performance anion-exchange chromatography. The procedure enables up to 6 mg of 99.4% pure bPRL to be obtained per hour, with a recovery of 32.4%. The purity of the protein was checked by N-terminal sequencing and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The highly purified bPRL obtained with this method is suitable for complete structural and immunochemical studies

    Monoclonal antibodies can reveal immunoreactivity differences between pituitary and recombinant bovine growth hormone

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    Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to pituitary bovine growth hormone (bGH) were used to assay the immunoreactivity of a recombinant form of bGH. The recombinant hormone used differed from the pituitary principally in the presence of a short amino acid sequence starting with methionine added to the N-terminal end of the molecule. Monoclonal antibody 1D2 recognized the recombinant hormone with greater affinity than the pituitary hormone, whereas MAb 5G1 bound the recombinant molecule with a lower strength than the pituitary. The other MAbs showed different behavior depending on the type of immunoassay used. Results indicate that the recombinant bGH molecule has been altered in its immunological structure, and suggest a possible interaction of the added N-terminal fragment with the three-dimensional structure of the hormone
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