20 research outputs found

    A deep level set method for image segmentation

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    This paper proposes a novel image segmentation approachthat integrates fully convolutional networks (FCNs) with a level setmodel. Compared with a FCN, the integrated method can incorporatesmoothing and prior information to achieve an accurate segmentation.Furthermore, different than using the level set model as a post-processingtool, we integrate it into the training phase to fine-tune the FCN. Thisallows the use of unlabeled data during training in a semi-supervisedsetting. Using two types of medical imaging data (liver CT and left ven-tricle MRI data), we show that the integrated method achieves goodperformance even when little training data is available, outperformingthe FCN or the level set model alone

    Unbiased Shape Compactness for Segmentation

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    We propose to constrain segmentation functionals with a dimensionless, unbiased and position-independent shape compactness prior, which we solve efficiently with an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Involving a squared sum of pairwise potentials, our prior results in a challenging high-order optimization problem, which involves dense (fully connected) graphs. We split the problem into a sequence of easier sub-problems, each performed efficiently at each iteration: (i) a sparse-matrix inversion based on Woodbury identity, (ii) a closed-form solution of a cubic equation and (iii) a graph-cut update of a sub-modular pairwise sub-problem with a sparse graph. We deploy our prior in an energy minimization, in conjunction with a supervised classifier term based on CNNs and standard regularization constraints. We demonstrate the usefulness of our energy in several medical applications. In particular, we report comprehensive evaluations of our fully automated algorithm over 40 subjects, showing a competitive performance for the challenging task of abdominal aorta segmentation in MRI.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 201

    EL-GAN: Embedding Loss Driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Lane Detection

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    Convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to semantic segmentation problems. However, there are many problems that are inherently not pixel-wise classification problems but are nevertheless frequently formulated as semantic segmentation. This ill-posed formulation consequently necessitates hand-crafted scenario-specific and computationally expensive post-processing methods to convert the per pixel probability maps to final desired outputs. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) can be used to make the semantic segmentation network output to be more realistic or better structure-preserving, decreasing the dependency on potentially complex post-processing. In this work, we propose EL-GAN: a GAN framework to mitigate the discussed problem using an embedding loss. With EL-GAN, we discriminate based on learned embeddings of both the labels and the prediction at the same time. This results in more stable training due to having better discriminative information, benefiting from seeing both `fake' and `real' predictions at the same time. This substantially stabilizes the adversarial training process. We use the TuSimple lane marking challenge to demonstrate that with our proposed framework it is viable to overcome the inherent anomalies of posing it as a semantic segmentation problem. Not only is the output considerably more similar to the labels when compared to conventional methods, the subsequent post-processing is also simpler and crosses the competitive 96% accuracy threshold.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    A persistent homology-based topological loss function for multi-class CNN segmentation of cardiac MRI

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    With respect to spatial overlap, CNN-based segmentation of short axis cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) images has achieved a level of performance consistent with inter observer variation. However, conventional training procedures frequently depend on pixel-wise loss functions, limiting optimisation with respect to extended or global features. As a result, inferred segmentations can lack spatial coherence, including spurious connected components or holes. Such results are implausible, violating the anticipated topology of image segments, which is frequently known a priori. Addressing this challenge, published work has employed persistent homology, constructing topological loss functions for the evaluation of image segments against an explicit prior. Building a richer description of segmentation topology by considering all possible labels and label pairs, we extend these losses to the task of multi-class segmentation. These topological priors allow us to resolve all topological errors in a subset of 150 examples from the ACDC short axis CMR training data set, without sacrificing overlap performance.Comment: To be presented at the STACOM workshop at MICCAI 202

    Structure Preserving Stain Normalization of Histopathology Images Using Self Supervised Semantic Guidance

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    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Although generative adversarial network (GAN) based style transfer is state of the art in histopathology color-stain normalization, they do not explicitly integrate structural information of tissues. We propose a self-supervised approach to incorporate semantic guidance into a GAN based stain normalization framework and preserve detailed structural information. Our method does not require manual segmentation maps which is a significant advantage over existing methods. We integrate semantic information at different layers between a pre-trained semantic network and the stain color normalization network. The proposed scheme outperforms other color normalization methods leading to better classification and segmentation performance

    Development and Validation of a Deep Learning-Based Microsatellite Instability Predictor from Prostate Cancer Whole-Slide Images

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    Microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) is a tumor agnostic biomarker for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. However, MSI status is not routinely tested in prostate cancer, in part due to low prevalence and assay cost. As such, prediction of MSI status from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained whole-slide images (WSIs) could identify prostate cancer patients most likely to benefit from confirmatory testing and becoming eligible for immunotherapy. Prostate biopsies and surgical resections from de-identified records of consecutive prostate cancer patients referred to our institution were analyzed. Their MSI status was determined by next generation sequencing. Patients before a cutoff date were split into an algorithm development set (n=4015, MSI-H 1.8%) and a paired validation set (n=173, MSI-H 19.7%) that consisted of two serial sections from each sample, one stained and scanned internally and the other at an external site. Patients after the cutoff date formed the temporal validation set (n=1350, MSI-H 2.3%). Attention-based multiple instance learning models were trained to predict MSI-H from H&E WSIs. The MSI-H predictor achieved area under the receiver operating characteristic curve values of 0.78 (95% CI [0.69-0.86]), 0.72 (95% CI [0.63-0.81]), and 0.72 (95% CI [0.62-0.82]) on the internally prepared, externally prepared, and temporal validation sets, respectively. While MSI-H status is significantly correlated with Gleason score, the model remained predictive within each Gleason score subgroup. In summary, we developed and validated an AI-based MSI-H diagnostic model on a large real-world cohort of routine H&E slides, which effectively generalized to externally stained and scanned samples and a temporally independent validation cohort. This algorithm has the potential to direct prostate cancer patients toward immunotherapy and to identify MSI-H cases secondary to Lynch syndrome

    Gender classification from 3D face images using multi-task sparse representation over reduced

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    International audienceIn this paper, we address the problem of gender classification based on facial images. The Speeded Up Robust Feature (SURF) algorithm descriptors are used as features to built dictionaries and a multi-task Sparse Representation Classification (SRC) is used as classifier to determine the gender of an individual face. Our approach uses smaller and compact dictionaries by removing the redundant atoms from the constructed ones. The feasibility of using the SURF on the shape index map for gender classification is demonstrated through experimental investigation conducted on FRGCv2 dataset. The proposed approach achieves 91.04±1.19% of correct gender classification rate using only 5% of the size of the dictionary and 97.83 ± 0.76% is obtained using 23% of the size of the dictionary

    Face Recognition from Unconstrained 3D Face Images using Multi-Task Sparse Representation

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    International audienceWe propose and evaluate a three-dimensional (3D) face recognition approach that applies the speeded up robust feature (SURF) algorithm to the depth representation of shape index map, under real-world conditions, using only a single gallery sample for each subject. First, the 3D scans are preprocessed, then SURF is applied on the shape index map to find interest points and their descriptors. Each 3D face scan is represented by keypoints descriptors, and a large dictionary is built from all the gallery descriptors. At the recognition step, descriptors of a probe face scan are sparsely represented by the dictionary. A multitask sparse representation classification is used to determine the identity of each probe face. The feasibility of the approach that uses the SURF algorithm on the shape index map for face identification/authentication is checked through an experimental investigation conducted on Bosphorus, University of Milano Bicocca, and CASIA 3D datasets. It achieves an overall rank one recognition rate of 97.75%, 80.85%, and 95.12%, respectively, on these datasets