11 research outputs found


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    O artigo discute o estudo da história da EAD, elucidando os principais momentos de seudesenvolvimento, delineando fases que compreendem representativamente a tecnologia,necessidade social e inclusão social. A EAD se encontra legitimidade na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases daEducação Nacional - LDB - nº 9.394/96 e regulamentada pelo Decreto nº 5.622 de dezembro de 2005e pela Portaria Ministerial nº 4.361/2004. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de elucidaros principais momentos da história da EAD, delineando fases que compreendem a relação entretecnologia, necessidade social e inclusão social, por meio de uma abordagem metodológicaconsubstanciada em referenciais bibliográficos. Portanto, é possível concluir que a EAD é fruto darealidade do ritmo acelerado das inovações das múltiplas tecnologias de informação e comunicação eda introdução dessas na educação, que se constituíram em recurso educativo com propósito deoportunizar acesso a educação de qualidade a todos, em iguais condições e que ela se renova àcada fase histórica, buscando ser aplicada como ferramenta tecnológica verdadeiramente inclusiva,com proposta pedagógica em consolidação pela avaliação da qualidade e em expansão estimulandouma aprendizagem interativa e que promova autonomia acadêmica de maneira responsável, crítica ecriativa


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    O artigo discute o estudo da história da EAD, elucidando os principais momentos de seudesenvolvimento, delineando fases que compreendem representativamente a tecnologia,necessidade social e inclusão social. A EAD se encontra legitimidade na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases daEducação Nacional - LDB - nº 9.394/96 e regulamentada pelo Decreto nº 5.622 de dezembro de 2005e pela Portaria Ministerial nº 4.361/2004. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de elucidaros principais momentos da história da EAD, delineando fases que compreendem a relação entretecnologia, necessidade social e inclusão social, por meio de uma abordagem metodológicaconsubstanciada em referenciais bibliográficos. Portanto, é possível concluir que a EAD é fruto darealidade do ritmo acelerado das inovações das múltiplas tecnologias de informação e comunicação eda introdução dessas na educação, que se constituíram em recurso educativo com propósito deoportunizar acesso a educação de qualidade a todos, em iguais condições e que ela se renova àcada fase histórica, buscando ser aplicada como ferramenta tecnológica verdadeiramente inclusiva,com proposta pedagógica em consolidação pela avaliação da qualidade e em expansão estimulandouma aprendizagem interativa e que promova autonomia acadêmica de maneira responsável, crítica ecriativa

    Building a field- and model-based climatology of local water and energy cycles in the cultivated Sahel - annual budgets and seasonality

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    In the sub-Saharan Sahel, energy and water cycling at the land surface is pivotal for the regional climate, water resources and land productivity, yet it is still very poorly documented. As a step towards a comprehensive climatological description of surface fluxes in this area, this study provides estimates of long-term average annual budgets and seasonal cycles for two main land use types of the cultivated Sahelian belt: rainfed millet crop and fallow bush. These estimates build on the combination of a 7-year field data set from two typical plots in southwestern Niger with detailed physically based soil-plant-atmosphere modeling, yielding a continuous, comprehensive set of water and energy flux and storage variables over this multiyear period. In the present case in particular, blending field data with mechanistic modeling makes the best use of available data and knowledge for the construction of the multivariate time series. Rather than using the model only to gap-fill observations into a composite series, model-data integration is generalized homogeneously over time by generating the whole series with the entire data-constrained model simulation. Climatological averages of all water and energy variables, with associated sampling uncertainty, are derived at annual to sub-seasonal scales from the time series produced. Similarities and differences in the two ecosystem behaviors are highlighted. Mean annual evapotranspiration is found to represent similar to 82-85% of rainfall for both systems, but with different soil evaporation/plant transpiration partitioning and different seasonal distribution. The remainder consists entirely of runoff for the fallow, whereas drainage and runoff stand in a 40-60% proportion for the millet field. These results should provide a robust reference for the surface energy-and water-related studies needed in this region. Their significance and the benefits they gain from the innovative data-model integration approach are thoroughly discussed. The model developed in this context has the potential for reliable simulations outside the reported conditions, including changing climate and land cover

    An Alternative Relationship to Unemployment: Conceptualizing Unemployment Normalization

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    Unemployment is widely described as a situation that engenders stress, malaise, and a loss of identity for those affected by it. Whereas the deleterious effects of unemployment are clear, people may also develop an alternative relationship to unemployment and hold other perceptions of this transition period. Some studies have indeed pointed toward a shift in the social work norm, whereas others have questioned the negative impact of unemployment on some individuals. Yet to date, few studies have directly focused on the process through which these other, less negative perceptions of unemployment may arise. The present article thus explores one possible experience that we have termed unemployment normalization. We conceptualize unemployment normalization as an emotional regulation process based on cognitive reappraisal. This article suggests some variables that may influence it and presents a roadmap for future research

    Construction d'une climatologie fondés sur l'observation et la modélisation des bilans hydriques et énergétiques de deux types de cultures dominantes dans le Sahel cultivé. Bilans annuels et saisonnalité

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    International audienceIn the sub-Saharan Sahel, energy and water cyclingat the land surface is pivotal for the regional climate,water resources and land productivity, yet it is still verypoorly documented. As a step towards a comprehensive climatological description of surface fluxes in this area, thisstudy provides estimates of long-term average annual budgetsand seasonal cycles for two main land use types of thecultivated Sahelian belt: rainfed millet crop and fallow bush.These estimates build on the combination of a 7-year fielddata set from two typical plots in southwestern Niger withdetailed physically based soil-plant-atmosphere modeling,yielding a continuous, comprehensive set of water and energyflux and storage variables over this multiyear period. Inthe present case in particular, blending field data with mechanistic modeling makes the best use of available data andknowledge for the construction of the multivariate time series.Rather than using the model only to gap-fill observationsinto a composite series, model-data integration is generalizedhomogeneously over time by generating the wholeseries with the entire data-constrained model simulation. Climatological averages of all water and energy variables, withassociated sampling uncertainty, are derived at annual to subseasonal scales from the time series produced. Similaritiesand differences in the two ecosystem behaviors are highlighted.Mean annual evapotranspiration is found to represent82-85% of rainfall for both systems, but with differentsoil evaporation/plant transpiration partitioning and differentseasonal distribution. The remainder consists entirelyof runoff for the fallow, whereas drainage and runoff standin a 40-60% proportion for the millet field. These resultsshould provide a robust reference for the surface energy- andwater-related studies needed in this region. Their significanceand the benefits they gain from the innovative data-modelintegration approach are thoroughly discussed. The modeldeveloped in this context has the potential for reliable simulations outside the reported conditions, including changingclimate and land cover

    Building a field- and model-based climatology of local water and energy cycles in the cultivated Sahel - annual budgets and seasonality

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    In the sub-Saharan Sahel, energy and water cycling at the land surface is pivotal for the regional climate, water resources and land productivity, yet it is still very poorly documented. As a step towards a comprehensive climatological description of surface fluxes in this area, this study provides estimates of long-term average annual budgets and seasonal cycles for two main land use types of the cultivated Sahelian belt: rainfed millet crop and fallow bush. These estimates build on the combination of a 7-year field data set from two typical plots in southwestern Niger with detailed physically based soil-plant-atmosphere modeling, yielding a continuous, comprehensive set of water and energy flux and storage variables over this multiyear period. In the present case in particular, blending field data with mechanistic modeling makes the best use of available data and knowledge for the construction of the multivariate time series. Rather than using the model only to gap-fill observations into a composite series, model-data integration is generalized homogeneously over time by generating the whole series with the entire data-constrained model simulation. Climatological averages of all water and energy variables, with associated sampling uncertainty, are derived at annual to sub-seasonal scales from the time series produced. Similarities and differences in the two ecosystem behaviors are highlighted. Mean annual evapotranspiration is found to represent similar to 82-85% of rainfall for both systems, but with different soil evaporation/plant transpiration partitioning and different seasonal distribution. The remainder consists entirely of runoff for the fallow, whereas drainage and runoff stand in a 40-60% proportion for the millet field. These results should provide a robust reference for the surface energy-and water-related studies needed in this region. Their significance and the benefits they gain from the innovative data-model integration approach are thoroughly discussed. The model developed in this context has the potential for reliable simulations outside the reported conditions, including changing climate and land cover