118 research outputs found

    The Professional Degree as Marital Property Under North Carolina\u27s Equitable Distribution Statute

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    The Legislature in enacting the North Carolina Act for Equitable Distribution of Marital Property altered the common law approach of dividing property upon divorce strictly according to record title. Under the new statute, marriage is viewed as a joint venture to acquire property through monetary and non-monetary efforts of each spouse. The Legislature authorizes the courts to reward these mutual efforts by dividing marital property in an equitable fashion. Marital property is that real or personal property acquired during marriage which is traceable to the joint efforts of both spouses. Under the new statute, only that property classified as marital property becomes divisible by the court. The appellate courts of North Carolina have had little opportunity to interpret the new statute and have not faced the difficult issue of whether a professional degree obtained by one spouse during marriage should be classified as marital property. The statute classifies professional licenses as separate, non-divisible property. While this classification exempts the professional license from distribution in North Carolina, the Legislature left unclear the issue of whether a professional degree could be valued and distributed upon divorce. Other equitable distribution states have faced the issue. This comment focuses on these states\u27 approaches and outlines North Carolina courts\u27 possible responses when the contributing spouse demands a share of the other\u27s future earnings derived from the professional degree

    The Professional Degree as Marital Property Under North Carolina\u27s Equitable Distribution Statute

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    The Legislature in enacting the North Carolina Act for Equitable Distribution of Marital Property altered the common law approach of dividing property upon divorce strictly according to record title. Under the new statute, marriage is viewed as a joint venture to acquire property through monetary and non-monetary efforts of each spouse. The Legislature authorizes the courts to reward these mutual efforts by dividing marital property in an equitable fashion. Marital property is that real or personal property acquired during marriage which is traceable to the joint efforts of both spouses. Under the new statute, only that property classified as marital property becomes divisible by the court. The appellate courts of North Carolina have had little opportunity to interpret the new statute and have not faced the difficult issue of whether a professional degree obtained by one spouse during marriage should be classified as marital property. The statute classifies professional licenses as separate, non-divisible property. While this classification exempts the professional license from distribution in North Carolina, the Legislature left unclear the issue of whether a professional degree could be valued and distributed upon divorce. Other equitable distribution states have faced the issue. This comment focuses on these states\u27 approaches and outlines North Carolina courts\u27 possible responses when the contributing spouse demands a share of the other\u27s future earnings derived from the professional degree

    Early blood pressure, antihypotensive therapy and outcomes at 18–22 months’ corrected age in extremely preterm infants

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    Investigate relationships between early blood pressure (BP) changes, receipt of anti-hypotensive therapy, and 18 – 22 month corrected age (CA) outcomes for extremely preterm infants

    Stronger and More Vulnerable: A Balanced View of the Impacts of the NICU Experience on Parents

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    For parents, the experience of having an infant in the NICU is often psychologically traumatic. No parent can be fully prepared for the extreme stress and range of emotions of caring for a critically ill newborn. As health care providers familiar with the NICU, we thought that we understood the impact of the NICU on parents. But we were not prepared to see the children in our own families as NICU patients. Here are some of the lessons our NICU experience has taught us. We offer these lessons in the hope of helping health professionals consider a balanced view of the NICU's impact on families

    Early postnatal hypotension and developmental delay at 24 months of age among extremely low gestational age newborns

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    To evaluate, in extremely low gestational age newborns (ELGANs), relationships between indicators of hypotension during the first 24 postnatal hours and developmental delay at 24 months of age

    Chiral Heterocyclic Ligands. XI. Self-assembly and X-Ray Crystal Structures of Chiral Silver Coordination Polymers of (S)-(-)-Nicotine

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    Three chiral coordination polymers have been prepared by reaction of (S)-(-)-nicotine with silver(I) salts. X-Ray crystal structure determinations revealed that these all contain polymer chains in which the nicotine molecule acts as a bridging ligand between four-coordinate silver atoms. In one case additional bridging by nitrate anions leads to a three-dimensional network structure

    Evolving blood pressure dynamics for extremely preterm infants

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    ObjectiveTo examine changes in arterial blood pressure (ABP) after birth in extremely preterm infants.Study DesignProspective observational study of infants 230/7 – 266/7 weeks gestational age (GA). Antihypotensive therapy use and ABP measurements were recorded for the first 24 hours.ResultsA cohort of 367 infants had 18,709 ABP measurements recorded. ABP decreased for the first three hours, reached a nadir at 4 – 5 hours, then increased at an average rate of 0.2 mmHg / hour. The rise in ABP from hour 4 – 24 was similar for untreated infants (n=164) and infants given any antihypotensive therapy (n=203), a fluid bolus (n=135), or dopamine (n=92). GA specific trends were similar. ABP tended to be lower as GA decreased, but varied widely at each GA.ConclusionArterial blood pressure increased spontaneously over the first 24 postnatal hours for extremely preterm infants. The rate of rise in ABP did not change with antihypotensive therapy

    Early postnatal hypotension is not associated with indicators of white matter damage or cerebral palsy in extremely low gestational age newborns

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    ObjectivesTo evaluate, in extremely low gestational age newborns (ELGANs), relationships between indicators of early postnatal hypotension and cranial ultrasound indicators of cerebral white matter damage imaged in the nursery and cerebral palsy diagnoses at 24 month follow-up.MethodsThe 1041 infants in this prospective study were born at < 28 weeks gestation, were assessed for 3 indicators of hypotension in the first 24 postnatal hours, had at least one set of protocol cranial ultrasound scans, and were evaluated with a structured neurologic exam at 24 months corrected age. Indicators of hypotension included: 1) lowest mean arterial pressure (MAP) in the lowest quartile for gestational age; 2) treatment with a vasopressor; and 3) blood pressure lability, defined as the upper quartile of the difference between each infant’s lowest and highest MAP. Outcomes included indicators of cerebral white matter damage, i.e. moderate/severe ventriculomegaly or an echolucent lesion on cranial ultrasound, and cerebral palsy diagnoses at 24 months gestation. Logistic regression was used to evaluate relationships among hypotension indicators and outcomes, adjusting for potential confounders.ResultsTwenty-one percent of surviving infants had a lowest blood pressure in the lowest quartile for gestational age, 24% were treated with vasopressors, and 24% had labile blood pressure. Among infants with these hypotension indicators, 10% percent developed ventriculomegaly and 7% developed an echolucent lesion. At 24-months follow-up, 6% had developed quadriparesis, 4% diparesis, and 2% hemiparesis. After adjusting for confounders, we found no association between indicators of hypotension, and indicators of cerebral white matter damage or a cerebral palsy diagnosis.ConclusionsThe absence of an association between indicators of hypotension and cerebral white matter damage and or cerebral palsy suggests that early hypotension may not be important in the pathogenesis of brain injury in ELGANs

    Retinopathy of prematurity and risk factors: a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Increased survival of extremely low birth infants due to advances in antenatal and neonatal care has resulted in a population of infants at high risk of developing retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Therapeutic interventions include the use of antenatal and postnatal steroids however, their effects on the severity of ROP is in dispute. In addition, it has not been investigated whether severe ROP is due to therapeutic interventions or due to the severity of illness. The aim of the present study was to assess the association between the incidence of severe retinopathy of prematurity (greater than stage 2 – International classification of ROP) and mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy, gestational age, antenatal and postnatal steroids in extremely low birth weight infants. METHODS: Neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit in Lansing, Michigan, during 1993–2000 were followed to determine factors influencing the development of severe retinopathy of prematurity. Ophthalmologic examinations were started at 6 weeks and followed until resolution. We used logistic regression to estimate the relative risk (odds ratio) associated with risk factors of ROP. RESULTS: Of the neonates with ≤ 1500 g birth weight, admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, 85% (616/725) survived. Severe retinopathy of prematurity was detected in 7.8% of 576 neonates who had eye examinations. Neonates of lower gestational age (≤ 25 weeks and 26–28 weeks) had an increased odds ratio of 8.49 and 3.19 for the development of severe retinopathy of prematurity, respectively, compared to those 29 weeks and older. Late postnatal steroid treatment starting after 3 weeks of life showed 2.9-fold increased odds ratio, in particular administration for two weeks and more (OR: 4.09, 95% CI: 1.52–11.03). With increasing antenatal steroids courses the risk of severe retinopathy of prematurity decreased, however, it was not significant. Lower gestational age, dependence on ventilation, and use of postnatal steroids were intertwined. Simultaneous presence of these factors seems to indicate severe disease status. CONCLUSION: Prolonged and late postnatal steroids treatment in very low birth weight infants may pose an increased risk for the development of severe retinopathy of prematurity; however, use of postnatal steroids may also be a marker for severity of illness. Further studies need to focus on biologic markers in the pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity and to better understand the influence of therapies

    Increasing illness severity in very low birth weight infants over a 9-year period

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    BACKGROUND: Recent reports have documented a leveling-off of survival rates in preterm infants through the 1990's. The objective of this study was to determine temporal changes in illness severity in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants in relationship to the outcomes of death and/or severe IVH. METHODS: Cohort study of 1414 VLBW infants cared for in a single level III neonatal intensive care unit in Delaware from 1993–2002. Infants were divided into consecutive 3-year cohorts. Illness severity was measured by two objective methods: the Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP), based on data from the 1(st )day of life, and total thyroxine (T(4)), measured on the 5(th )day of life. Death before hospital discharge and severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) were investigated in the study sample in relation to illness severity. The fetal death rate was also investigated. Statistical analyses included both univariate and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Illness severity, as measured by SNAP and T(4, )increased steadily over the 9-year study period with an associated increase in severe IVH and the combined outcome of death and/or severe IVH. During the final 3 years of the study, the observed increase in illness severity accounted for 86% (95% CI 57–116%) of the variability in the increase in death and/or severe IVH. The fetal death rate dropped from 7.8/1000 (1993–1996) to 5.3/1000 (1999–2002, p = .01) over the course of the study. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate a progressive increase in illness in VLBW infants over time, associated with an increase in death and/or severe IVH. We speculate that the observed decrease in fetal death, and the increase in neonatal illness, mortality and/or severe IVH over time represent a shift of severely compromised patients that now survive the fetal time period and are presented for care in the neonatal unit