49 research outputs found

    On Mineral Resources for Ferroalloy Production

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    The article addresses the issues associated with self-sufficiency of raw materials in the Russian ferroalloy industry. The analysis of characteristic features of the domestic ferroalloy mineral resource base is done. Prospective technology solutions developed by the VIMS Federal State Budget Institution to be used for the industrial processing of low-grade and difficult ores are presented. A comprehensive approach to resolve resource self-sufficiency issues for the domestic ferroalloy industry is outlined, based on the development and implementation of highly efficient ore-processing technologies and on geology exploration for new ore resources that could be developed in both process- and cost-efficient ways. Keywords: ferroalloys, mineral resources, production, consumption, deposits, reserves, technologie

    Особливості міжнародного становища Молдови на сучасному етапі

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    Баканова А. О. Особливості міжнародного становища Молдови на сучасному етапі / А. О. Баканова // Актуальні проблеми політики зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), Л. І. Кормич (заст. голов. ред.), М. А. Польовий (відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ «ОЮА», Південноукр. центр гендер. проблем. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2015. – Вип. 55. – С. 89-97.Приєднання Румунії до Європейського Союзу перенесло кордон ЄС до Молдови. ЄС довелось активно проводити курс на підтримку Молдови, але реформи рухаються повільно. Молдавська зовнішня політика після провалу «Меморандуму Козака» гойднулася убік Заходу. Формат переговорів по Придністров’ю був розширений в 2005 р. й став включати ЄС і США як спостерігачів. ЄС також запустив Місію по прикордонній допомозі (EUBAM). Росія стала більш відкрито підтримувати Придністров’я, що зробило малоймовірним вивід російських військ й прогрес у переговорах по конституційному статусу Придністров’я

    The essence of social epistemology

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    The relevance of the presented research is explained by the fact that in the conditions of the modern "knowledge society" a new interpretation of the classical epistemological subjects is required based on the formation of a new paradigm of knowledge. Social epistemology appears as a program of modern non-classical epistemology. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to study the essence of social epistemology. Analyzing the phenomenon of social epistemology, it was possible to reveal that social epistemology is a philosophical and interdisciplinary teaching about cognition aimed at studying knowledge in a sociocultural context. As a discipline, social epistemology, which arose in the second half of the 20th century, develops new approaches to the study of the phenomenon of knowledge. Nowadays, two competing approaches have emerged: classical, involving the study of social practices in terms of their impact on the process of acquiring true knowledge and non-classical, focusing on the study of social determination and the socialhistorical relativity of beliefs of any kind not paying attention to their truth and rationality. However, modern foreign and domestic researchers do not accept the dichotomy of "rational" - "social" and propose to overview the program of social epistemology and integrate these two aspects

    The essence of social epistemology

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    The relevance of the presented research is explained by the fact that in the conditions of the modern "knowledge society" a new interpretation of the classical epistemological subjects is required based on the formation of a new paradigm of knowledge. Social epistemology appears as a program of modern non-classical epistemology. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to study the essence of social epistemology. Analyzing the phenomenon of social epistemology, it was possible to reveal that social epistemology is a philosophical and interdisciplinary teaching about cognition aimed at studying knowledge in a sociocultural context. As a discipline, social epistemology, which arose in the second half of the 20th century, develops new approaches to the study of the phenomenon of knowledge. Nowadays, two competing approaches have emerged: classical, involving the study of social practices in terms of their impact on the process of acquiring true knowledge and non-classical, focusing on the study of social determination and the socialhistorical relativity of beliefs of any kind not paying attention to their truth and rationality. However, modern foreign and domestic researchers do not accept the dichotomy of "rational" - "social" and propose to overview the program of social epistemology and integrate these two aspects


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    Analysis of association, between several DNA repair gene polymorphisms and the level of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in lymphocytes was performed in two groups: a group of 215 patients with lung cancer and a control group of 152 donors. In the group patient with lung cancer the level of CAs shows a significant increase in the carrier of genotypes: XPD TG and XPD GG vs XPD TT. In the control group level of CAs shows a significant increase in the carrier of genotype ADPRT ТС vs ТТ

    Effectiveness of empirical <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> eradication therapy with furazolidone in Russia: results from the European Registry on <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> Management (Hp-EuReg)

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    Background. First-line therapy does not always provide a high level of Helicobacter pylori eradication due to the increase of H. pylori resistance to antibiotics; therefore, it remains necessary to identify the most effective rescue treatments. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of empirical H. pylori furazolidone-containing regimens. Materials and methods. Adult H. pylori infected patients empirically treated with furazolidone-containing eradication regimens were registered in an international, prospective, multicenter non-intervention European registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg). Data were collected at AEG-REDCap e-CRF from 2013 to 2021 and the quality was reviewed. Modified intention-to-treat (mITT) effectiveness analyses were performed. Results. Overall 106 patients received empirical furazolidone-containing therapy in Russia. Furazolidone was prescribed in a sequential scheme along with amoxicillin, clarithromycin and a proton pump inhibitor in 68 (64%) cases, triple regimens were prescribed in 28 (26%) patients and quadruple regimens in 10 (9.4%). Treatment duration of 7 days was assigned to 2 (1.9%) patients, 10-day eradication therapy in case of 80 (75%) and 14 days in 24 (23%) patients. Furazolidone was mainly used in first- (79%) and second-line (21%) regimens. The methods used to diagnose H. pylori infection were: histology (81%), stool antigen test (64%), 13C-urea breath test (6.6%), and rapid urease test (1.9%). The mITT effectiveness of sequential therapy was 100%; 93% with the triple therapy and 75.5% with quadruple therapy. Compliance was reported in 98% of cases. Adverse events were revealed in 5.7% of patients, mostly nausea (3.8%). No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusion. Furazolidone containing eradication regimens appear to be an effective and safe empirical therapy in Russia