16 research outputs found

    Aspects Histo-Epidemiologiques Des Cancers Solides Du Rein De L’enfant En Cote D’ivoire

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    Objectifs: A partir d’une étude rétrospective transversale, les auteurs  rapportent 34 cas de cancer du rein histologiquement confirmés chez l’enfant de moins de 16 ans, observés dans les services d’Anatomie Pathologique des centres hospitaliers et universitaires d’Abidjan (République de Côte d’Ivoire) au cours de la période allant de janvier 1984 à décembre 2007e.Patients et méthodes: Le matériel d’étude était constitué de pièce de  néphrectomie. Après fixation dans le formol à 10%, les prélèvements ont été inclus en paraffine et coloré à l’hématéine éosine.Résultats: Le cancer du rein de l’enfant représentait 0.28% de l’ensemble des cancers. Il y avait 18 garçons (52.94%) et 16 filles (47.06%). L’âge moyen était de 4.88 ans. Au plan histologique nous avons observé 31 cas de néphroblastome (91.18%), 2 cas de lymphome de Burkitt (5.88%) et 1 cas de carcinome à cellule rénale (2.94%).Conclusion: Les cancers solides du rein de l’enfant sont dominés par le néphroblastome

    Epidemiological and Pathological Aspects of Cervical Cancer in Ivory Coast

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    Abstract: Cervical cancer is the most common and the leading cause of women death in developing countries. Purpose: To specify the epidemiological and pathological characteristics of cervical cancers in Ivory Coast. Material and methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive study on the cervical cancers histologically confirmed and identified from the registers for recording laboratory of pathological anatomy of Abidjan teaching hospital. The study period was 24 years (January 1984 to December 2007). The parameters analyzed were: frequency, age, sociodemographic status, macroscopic and histological aspects and the prognosis. Results: The cervical cancer represented 78.78% (2064 cases) of gynecological cancers, 42.71% of woman cancer and 17.41% of all cancers. The average age was 48.36 years ranging from 2 to 88 years and a peak incidence between 45-54 years (29%). Multiparity was observed 57.04% (n = 231) and the low socioeconomic level was predominant (70.41%). Concerning pathological examination, the tumor lesions were predominantly budding (51.52%). Squamous cell carcinomas (92.88%) were the most frequent of histological types with 95.1% (n = 1823) of invasive carcinomas. The average age of patients with squamous cell carcinoma was 49 years with 41.5 years for intraepithelial carcinomas and 46.8 years for invasive carcinomas. At the prognosis, squamous cell carcinomas were diagnosed most often in stage pT2 (57.41%) and with extra-cervical represented 66.4% (n = 519). Conclusion: Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in Ivory Coast taking into account male and female together. Its poor prognosis associated with late diagnosis should encourage the establishment of a cytology screening program