198 research outputs found

    Optimasi micro frontend website untuk meningkatkan load times: teknik, tantangan, dan best practice

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing popularity of the micro frontend architecture due to its implementation by large companies such as IKEA, Starbucks, and Amazon. Due to its  characteristics that similar to microservices, this architecture started to be implemented by various companies to improve their developer experience. However, this architecture has some issues, one of which is the performance of page load time. The objective of this research is to find and determine the best practices for optimizing the page load time of micro frontend applications and to identify the challenge involved. The research is conducted by implementing optimization techniques such as code splitting, lazy loading, tree shaking, minification, and utility modules to micro frontend website. After that, the website is tested with a sample size of 200 which determined by using Lemeshow formula. The research is conducted in both local and server environments using the Google Chrome browser and used "fully loaded" metric. The research use a simple Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application consisting of five micro frontends built with React, Vue, and Angular frameworks. The experimental results show that implementing all of the optimization techniques on all micro frontends can improve the application's page load time performance by 31.79% in the local and 47.5% in the server environment.Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, terjadi peningkatan popularitas dari arsitektur micro frontend dikarenakan mulai diimplementasikan oleh perusahaan besar seperti IKEA, Starbucks, dan Amazon. Karakteristiknya yang menyerupai microservice membuat arsitektur ini mulai banyak diterapkan untuk meningkatkan developer experience. Namun, arsitektur ini memiliki beberapa masalah, salah satunya adalah performa page load time yang rendah. Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan bagaimana best practice dalam mengoptimasi performa page load time dari aplikasi micro frontend. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengimplementasikan teknik optimasi seperti code splitting, lazy loading, tree shaking, minification, dan utility module kepada setiap micro frontend yang dimiliki oleh suatu website, kemudian dilakukan pengujian sebanyak 200 kali yang didapatkan menggunakan formula Lemeshow di local dan server environment menggunakan browser Google Chrome dengan metrik fully loaded, yaitu ukuran waktu yang dibutuhkan suatu website untuk memuat seluruh resources yang digunakan oleh website tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan pada aplikasi Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) yang terdiri dari lima micro frontend dengan framework React, Vue, dan Angular. Hasil eksperimen yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa mengimplementasikan setiap teknik optimasi pada seluruh micro frontend dapat meningkatkan performa page load time aplikasi sebesar 31,79% pada local dan 47,5% pada server environment

    TRAF6 Mediates IL-1β/LPS-Induced Suppression of TGF-β Signaling through Its Interaction with the Type III TGF-β Receptor

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    Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) is an important anti-inflammatory cytokine that modulates and resolves inflammatory responses. Recent studies have demonstrated that inflammation enhances neoplastic risk and potentiates tumor progression. In the evolution of cancer, pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β must overcome the anti-inflammatory effects of TGF-β to boost pro-inflammatory responses in epithelial cells. Here we show that IL-1β or Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) suppresses TGF-β-induced anti-inflammatory signaling in a NF-κB-independent manner. TRAF6, a key molecule in IL-1β signaling, mediates this suppressive effect through interaction with the type III TGF-β receptor (TβRIII), which is TGF-β-dependent and requires type I TGF-β receptor (TβRI) kinase activity. TβRI phosphorylates TβRIII at residue S829, which promotes the TRAF6/TβRIII interaction and consequent sequestration of TβRIII from the TβRII/TβRI complex. Our data indicate that IL-1β enhances the pro-inflammatory response by suppressing TGF-βsignaling through TRAF6-mediated sequestration of TβRIII, which may be an important contributor to the early stages of tumor progression

    Jour de ma naissance, Le /

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