175 research outputs found

    Steady state existence of passive vector fields under the Kraichnan model

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    The steady state existence problem for Kraichnan advected passive vector models is considered for isotropic and anisotropic initial values in arbitrary dimension. The model includes the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations, linear pressure model (LPM) and linearized Navier-Stokes (LNS) equations. In addition to reproducing the previously known results for the MHD and linear pressure model, we obtain the values of the Kraichnan model roughness parameter ξ\xi for which the LNS steady state exists.Comment: Improved text & figures, added references & other correction

    High-Order Coupled Cluster Method Calculations for the Ground- and Excited-State Properties of the Spin-Half XXZ Model

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    In this article, we present new results of high-order coupled cluster method (CCM) calculations, based on a N\'eel model state with spins aligned in the zz-direction, for both the ground- and excited-state properties of the spin-half {\it XXZ} model on the linear chain, the square lattice, and the simple cubic lattice. In particular, the high-order CCM formalism is extended to treat the excited states of lattice quantum spin systems for the first time. Completely new results for the excitation energy gap of the spin-half {\it XXZ} model for these lattices are thus determined. These high-order calculations are based on a localised approximation scheme called the LSUBmm scheme in which we retain all kk-body correlations defined on all possible locales of mm adjacent lattice sites (kmk \le m). The ``raw'' CCM LSUBmm results are seen to provide very good results for the ground-state energy, sublattice magnetisation, and the value of the lowest-lying excitation energy for each of these systems. However, in order to obtain even better results, two types of extrapolation scheme of the LSUBmm results to the limit mm \to \infty (i.e., the exact solution in the thermodynamic limit) are presented. The extrapolated results provide extremely accurate results for the ground- and excited-state properties of these systems across a wide range of values of the anisotropy parameter.Comment: 31 Pages, 5 Figure

    Governance factors in the identification of global conservation priorities for mammals

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    Global conservation priorities have often been identified based on the combination of species richness and threat information. With the development of the field of systematic conservation planning, more attention has been given to conservation costs. This leads to prioritizing developing countries, where costs are generally low and biodiversity is high. But many of these countries have poor governance, which may result in ineffective conservation or in larger costs than initially expected. We explore how the consideration of governance affects the selection of global conservation priorities for the world's mammals in a complementarity-based conservation prioritization. We use data on Control of Corruption (Worldwide Governance Indicators project) as an indicator of governance effectiveness, and gross domestic product per capita as an indicator of cost. We show that, while core areas with high levels of endemism are always selected as important regardless of governance and cost values, there are clear regional differences in selected sites when biodiversity, cost or governance are taken into account separately. Overall, the analysis supports the concentration of conservation efforts in most of the regions generally considered of high priority, but stresses the need for different conservation approaches in different continents owing to spatial patterns of governance and economic development

    Single-Particle Green Functions in Exactly Solvable Models of Bose and Fermi Liquids

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    Based on a class of exactly solvable models of interacting bose and fermi liquids, we compute the single-particle propagators of these systems exactly for all wavelengths and energies and in any number of spatial dimensions. The field operators are expressed in terms of bose fields that correspond to displacements of the condensate in the bose case and displacements of the fermi sea in the fermi case. Unlike some of the previous attempts, the present attempt reduces the answer for the spectral function in any dimension in both fermi and bose systems to quadratures. It is shown that when only the lowest order sea-displacement terms are included, the random phase approximation in its many guises is recovered in the fermi case, and Bogoliubov's theory in the bose case. The momentum distribution is evaluated using two different approaches, exact diagonalisation and the equation of motion approach. The novelty being of course, the exact computation of single-particle properties including short wavelength behaviour.Comment: Latest version to be published in Phys. Rev. B. enlarged to around 40 page

    An extension of the coupled-cluster method: A variational formalism

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    A general quantum many-body theory in configuration space is developed by extending the traditional coupled cluter method (CCM) to a variational formalism. Two independent sets of distribution functions are introduced to evaluate the Hamiltonian expectation. An algebraic technique for calculating these distribution functions via two self-consistent sets of equations is given. By comparing with the traditional CCM and with Arponen's extension, it is shown that the former is equivalent to a linear approximation to one set of distribution functions and the later is equivalent to a random-phase approximation to it. In additional to these two approximations, other higher-order approximation schemes within the new formalism are also discussed. As a demonstration, we apply this technique to a quantum antiferromagnetic spin model.Comment: 15 pages. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    High-Order Coupled Cluster Method (CCM) Calculations for Quantum Magnets with Valence-Bond Ground States

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    In this article, we prove that exact representations of dimer and plaquette valence-bond ket ground states for quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets may be formed via the usual coupled cluster method (CCM) from independent-spin product (e.g. N\'eel) model states. We show that we are able to provide good results for both the ground-state energy and the sublattice magnetization for dimer and plaquette valence-bond phases within the CCM. As a first example, we investigate the spin-half J1J_1--J2J_2 model for the linear chain, and we show that we are able to reproduce exactly the dimerized ground (ket) state at J2/J1=0.5J_2/J_1=0.5. The dimerized phase is stable over a range of values for J2/J1J_2/J_1 around 0.5. We present evidence of symmetry breaking by considering the ket- and bra-state correlation coefficients as a function of J2/J1J_2/J_1. We then consider the Shastry-Sutherland model and demonstrate that the CCM can span the correct ground states in both the N\'eel and the dimerized phases. Finally, we consider a spin-half system with nearest-neighbor bonds for an underlying lattice corresponding to the magnetic material CaV4_4O9_9 (CAVO). We show that we are able to provide excellent results for the ground-state energy in each of the plaquette-ordered, N\'eel-ordered, and dimerized regimes of this model. The exact plaquette and dimer ground states are reproduced by the CCM ket state in their relevant limits.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Phase Transitions in the Spin-Half J_1--J_2 Model

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    The coupled cluster method (CCM) is a well-known method of quantum many-body theory, and here we present an application of the CCM to the spin-half J_1--J_2 quantum spin model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbour interactions on the linear chain and the square lattice. We present new results for ground-state expectation values of such quantities as the energy and the sublattice magnetisation. The presence of critical points in the solution of the CCM equations, which are associated with phase transitions in the real system, is investigated. Completely distinct from the investigation of the critical points, we also make a link between the expansion coefficients of the ground-state wave function in terms of an Ising basis and the CCM ket-state correlation coefficients. We are thus able to present evidence of the breakdown, at a given value of J_2/J_1, of the Marshall-Peierls sign rule which is known to be satisfied at the pure Heisenberg point (J_2 = 0) on any bipartite lattice. For the square lattice, our best estimates of the points at which the sign rule breaks down and at which the phase transition from the antiferromagnetic phase to the frustrated phase occurs are, respectively, given (to two decimal places) by J_2/J_1 = 0.26 and J_2/J_1 = 0.61.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, 2 postscript figure

    Fluctuation dynamo and turbulent induction at low magnetic Prandtl numbers

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    This paper is a detailed report on a programme of simulations used to settle a long-standing issue in the dynamo theory and demonstrate that the fluctuation dynamo exists in the limit of large magnetic Reynolds number Rm>>1 and small magnetic Prandtl number Pm<<1. The dependence of the critical Rm_c vs. the hydrodynamic Reynolds number Re is obtained for 1<Re<6700. In the limit Pm<<1, Rm_c is ~3 times larger than for Pm>1. The stability curve Rm_c(Re) (and, it is argued, the nature of the dynamo) is substantially different from the case of the simulations and liquid-metal experiments with a mean flow. It is not as yet possible to determine numerically whether the growth rate is ~Rm^{1/2} in the limit Re>>Rm>>1, as should be the case if the dynamo is driven by the inertial-range motions. The magnetic-energy spectrum in the low-Pm regime is qualitatively different from the Pm>1 case and appears to develop a negative spectral slope, although current resolutions are insufficient to determine its asymptotic form. At 1<Rm<Rm_c, the magnetic fluctuations induced via the tangling by turbulence of a weak mean field are investigated and the possibility of a k^{-1} spectrum above the resistive scale is examined. At low Rm<1, the induced fluctuations are well described by the quasistatic approximation; the k^{-11/3} spectrum is confirmed for the first time in direct numerical simulations.Comment: IoP latex, 27 pages, 25 figures, 3 tables. Accepted by New J. Physic

    Connected Green function approach to ground state symmetry breaking in Φ1+14\Phi^4_{1+1}-theory

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    Using the cluster expansions for n-point Green functions we derive a closed set of dynamical equations of motion for connected equal-time Green functions by neglecting all connected functions higher than 4th4^{th} order for the λΦ4\lambda \Phi^4-theory in 1+11+1 dimensions. We apply the equations to the investigation of spontaneous ground state symmetry breaking, i.e. to the evaluation of the effective potential at temperature T=0T=0. Within our momentum space discretization we obtain a second order phase transition (in agreement with the Simon-Griffith theorem) and a critical coupling of λcrit/4m2=2.446\lambda_{crit}/4m^2=2.446 as compared to a first order phase transition and λcrit/4m2=2.568\lambda_{crit}/4m^2=2.568 from the Gaussian effective potential approach.Comment: 25 Revtex pages, 5 figures available via fpt from the directory ugi-94-11 of [email protected] as one postscript file (there was a bug in our calculations, all numerical results and figures have changed significantly), ugi-94-1

    Many-body theory of gamma spectra from positron-atom annihilation

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    A many-body theory approach to the calculation of gamma spectra of positron annihilation on many-electron atoms is developed. We evaluate the first-order correlation correction to the annihilation vertex and perform numerical calculations for the noble gas atoms. Extrapolation with respect to the maximal orbital momentum of the intermediate electron and positron states is used to achieve convergence. The inclusion of correlation corrections improves agreement with experimental gamma spectra.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys.