8 research outputs found
Perceptional and socio-demographic factors associated with household drinking water management strategies in rural Puerto Rico.
Identifying which factors influence household water management can help policy makers target interventions to improve drinking water quality for communities that may not receive adequate water quality at the tap. We assessed which perceptional and socio-demographic factors are associated with household drinking water management strategies in rural Puerto Rico. Specifically, we examined which factors were associated with household decisions to boil or filter tap water before drinking, or to obtain drinking water from multiple sources. We find that households differ in their management strategies depending on the institution that distributes water (i.e. government PRASA vs community-managed non-PRASA), perceptions of institutional efficacy, and perceptions of water quality. Specifically, households in PRASA communities are more likely to boil and filter their tap water due to perceptions of low water quality. Households in non-PRASA communities are more likely to procure water from multiple sources due to perceptions of institutional inefficacy. Based on informal discussions with community members, we suggest that water quality may be improved if PRASA systems improve the taste and odor of tap water, possibly by allowing for dechlorination prior to distribution, and if non-PRASA systems reduce the turbidity of water at the tap, possibly by increasing the degree of chlorination and filtering prior to distribution. Future studies should examine objective water quality standards to identify whether current management strategies are effective at improving water quality prior to consumption
Importance of Each Covariate for Model Fit in the Two Models that Predict Household Water Management Strategies.
<p>Change in AIC<sub>c</sub> for each of the covariates considered in the full logit model for the number of drinking water sources (A) and whether households treat or do not treat water (B). Larger changes in AIC<sub>c</sub> values suggest that the variable contributed more to overall model fit. In both analyses (A and B), the institutional variable Water System (i.e. PRASA, non-PRASA) is the variable that contributes most to overall model fit. In the analysis of whether households treat water (B), water quality perceptions were also an important variable.</p
Comparison of each variable considered in our statistical models by institution type (PRASA vs non-PRASA).
<p>Mean value by institution (i.e. PRASA, Non-PRASA) and ANOVA results (degrees of freedom, F-statistic, p-value) are reported for each variable. * indicates p<0.05.</p
Map of Study Region in Puerto Rico.
<p>Municipalities where surveys were conducted are highlighted in gray. We did not list specific communities that we visited to keep the communities we surveyed anonymous.</p
Description and hypothesized relationship for each of the variables considered in our statistical models.
<p>Variable, coding method, description, and the hypothesized relationship with the likelihood of adopting coping strategies for all covariates considered in both statistical models. A positive relationship indicates that the variable would lead to increased coping, as defined by a higher likelihood of treating water and obtaining water from multiple sources.</p