31 research outputs found

    Mapping of ecosystem specific long-term trends in deposition loads and concentrations of air pollutants in Germany and their comparison with Critical Loads and Critical Levels. Pt. 1: Deposition Loads 1990-1999. Pt. 2: Mapping Critical Levels exceedances Final report

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    This final report describes the results of the project 'Mapping of ecosystem specific long-term trends in deposition loads and concentrations of air pollutants in Germany and their comparison with Critical Loads and Critical Levels'. Part 1: 'Deposition Loads 1990-1999' has been carried out in close co-operation between INS, Stuttgart University, ECN, Petten, NL, TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn, NL and OeKO-DATA, Strausberg. This Part of the report deals with mapping total deposition of von SO_X-S, NH_X-N, NO_Y-N, Cl, Na, Ca, Mg and K in Germany for the period 1990 to 1999 using monitoring data and inferential models on a small scale. Methods, data and results of - the national scale approach of assessing wet, dry, cloud and total deposition on an ecosystem level in Germany, - the trends of wet, dry and total deposition over the ten years time period from 1990 to 1999 and the graphical representation of the mapping result showing the spatial trend over Germany within the time period considered and - a brief summary of Critical Loads and Critical Loads Exceedance calculations for Potential Acidity and Nutrient Nitrogen in Germany are presented, including a synopsis of the German and EMEP 1999 mapping results for SO_X-S, NH_X-N, NO_Y-N. Part 2: 'Mapping Critical Levels exceedances' refers to the mapping of air concentration and exceedances of Critical Levels of O_3, SO_2, and NO_x in the years 1985-1999. The receptors 'argricultural crops', 'forests', 'natural ecosystems' and 'health effects' have been taken into account. (orig.)Published in 2 volumesSIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(2000,489,1-2) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman