8 research outputs found

    Kajian Tingkat Kontinum Kapital Sosial Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan dalam Mengwujudkan Visi, Misi dan Tujuan UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

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    The aims of this research are to find out the level of Social Capital Continuum and the what factors affecting the level of Social Capital Continuum employees and lecturers in the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Suska Riau. The subjects were employees and lecturers in the Education and Teacher Training UIN Suska Riau and the object is a levels of Social Capital Continuum of employees and lecturers in the Faculty Education and Teacher Training UIN Suska Riau. The population is all the structural employees (administration) consist of 44 people and functional (lecturer) of 158 Faculty of MT and Teaching UIN Suska Riau with the sampling method consists of two ways, namely variable structural employees using total sampling method and sampling methods for functional variables (lecturer) using purposive sampling method. While research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research shows that the level of social capital continuum structurally and cognitive categories of employees and lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Suska Riau in achieving the vision, mission and goals of the organization are in the category of Social Capital Maximum with the percentage of 79.90%, due to ranging between 76% - 100%

    Kajian Tingkat Pemahaman Konsep Integrasi Ilmu Dan Islam Antara Dosen Bidang Ilmu Umum Dengan Dosen Bidang Ilmu Agama Di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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    This research is aimed to know the level of difference of Comprehension on the Concept of Integration of Science and Islam between Social - Science and Islamic Science Lecturer at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on the educational background, the lecturer Expertise, and the frequency of attending training on Integrating Islam and Science in Education. All lecturers were taken as sample in this research by using purposive sampling. The data was collected by using test and documentation. Then, The data was analyzed by using t-test. The results are (1) Based on the educational background of lecturer; Islamic university - graduated lecturer and Public university – graduated lecturer, the Ho hypothesis is rejected, (2) Based on the frequency of attending trainings on Integration of Science and Islam, the Ho hypothesis is accepted and, (3) based on the expertise, the Ho is rejected

    Pengembangan Ensiklopedi Elektronika Berbasis Wiki

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    — Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, istilah istilah bidang elektronika juga semakin beragam. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah adanya kesulitan dalam mencari arti dan penjelasan istilah pada bidang elektronika. Memang telah ada buku, kamus, maupun ensiklopedia yang menjelaskan mengenai istilah elektronika tersebut namun sifatnya cenderung statis karena dibuat pada masa tertentu. Menggunakan buku maupun kamus juga membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk mencari kata perkata dalam setiap lembarnya. Buku atau kamus juga harus dibawa kemana saja untuk bisa setiapsaat digunakan. Latar belakang itulah yang mendorong dilakukannya penelitian pengembangan software ensiklopedi elektronika berbasis wiki. Tujuan dari penelitian tersebut adalah untuk membangun sebuah ensiklopedi elektronika berbasis wiki dan mengetahui tingkat kepraktisannya. Metode pengembangansoftware menggunakan metode waterfall yang merupakan metode sistematis dimulai dari analisis, desain, coding dan pengujian. Pengujian software yang dikembangkan menggunakan metode black box testing dan uji coba pengguna software dengan angket yang diberikan kepada 30 mahasiswa teknik elektro. Hasil dari analisis adalah tersusunnya kebutuhan perangkat perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan user level yang digunakan pada pembuatan software yang dikembangkan serta tersusunnya model data, model fungsional, informasi flow dan data dictionary. Pada tahapan desain memperoleh hasil tersusunnya desain data, desain arsitektur dan desain antarmuka dari software yang dikembangkan.Pada tahapan coding memperoleh hasil susunan kode PHP yang membangun software yang dikembangkan dan mengkoneksikannya ke basis data MySQL yang kemudian keseluruhan kode disimpan dalam sebuah hosting dan diakses melalui domain. Hasil dari pengujian black box testing menyatakan bahwa software yang dikembangkan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Sedangkan hasil angket uji coba software yang diberikan kepada 30 mahasiswa diperoleh rata rata skor persentase dari setiap aspek 83,33% atau masuk pada kriteria “Sangat Praktis”. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terbangun sebuah ensiklopedi elektronika berbasis wiki yang praktis digunakan dan dapat membantu dalam pencarian istilah bidang elektronika.Kata kunci— Ensiklopedi Elektronika; Wiki, waterfall

    Kajian Tingkat Kontinum Kapital Sosial Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan dan Mewujudkan Visi dan Misi dan Tujuan UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

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    Affect the level of social capital owned continuum employee and lecturer in the Faculty of Educatuion and Teaching Of State Islamic university of Suska Riau. The subjects were employees and lecturer in the Faculty of Of State Islamic university of Suska Riau. While the object of this study is the level of social capital owned continuum employee and lecturer in the Faculty of Educatuion and Teaching Of State Islamic university of Suska Riau. The study population was all employees structural (administration) and functional as many as 44 people (lecturers) as many as 158 people. The sampling method consisted of two ways, namely for employees structural variables using total sampling method and for the functional variables (lecturer) using purposive indicate that the level of social capital continuum structurally categories and cognitive categories that are owned by the employee and lecturer at the Faculty of Educatuion and Teaching of State Islamic university of capital category with a percentage of 79.90%, as it ranges between 76% - 100%

    Extraction/Fractionation Techniques for Proteins and Peptides and Protein Digestion

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