3,585 research outputs found

    Analisis Kinerja Waktu Proyek Sekolah “X” Dengan Metode Performance Intensity

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    Kendala waktu sering menjadi masalah dalam proyek konstruksi. Penjadwalan proyek dan evaluasi yang konsisten diperlukan agar proyek selesai tepat waktu. Evaluasi diterapkan menggunakan metode performance intensity dan metode earned value analysis. Evaluasi untuk mengetahui kinerja waktu diterapkan pada proyek sekolah 3 lantai di Surabaya. Proyek direncanakan selesai pada 12 April 2013 dengan durasi 180 hari. Pada awal April kontraktor melakukan update sehingga proyek direncanakan selesai 31 Mei 2013 dengan durasi 228 hari. Evaluasi dilakukan selama 14 periode. Setelah evaluasi dilakukan, kemudian dilakukan analisa faktor yang menyebabkan proyek terlambat. Hasil analisa metode performance intensity menunjukkan sampai pada periode 14, waktu pelaksanaan lebih lambat dari jadwal rencana, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai Actual Performance Intensity kumulatif (2.116) lebih kecil dari nilai cruise control period (2.576) dengan prediksi tanggal selesai 15 Juli 2013. Hasil analisa metode earned value analysis menunjukkan sampai pada periode 14, waktu pelaksanaan lebih lambat dari jadwal rencana, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai SPI=0.8594 (SPI<1) dengan prediksi tanggal selesai 7 Juli 2013. Keterlambatan disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, tetapi yang sering membuat proyek terlambat adalah faktor predecessor, tenaga kerja, dan material

    Optimization of Catamaran Demihull Form in Early Stages of the Design Process

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    The amounts of research about catamaran have generated a practical formula to simplify the calculations of catamaran resistance. Ship designer will calculate the predictions of catamaran resistance rapidly. The aim of this research is focused to search the optimal demihull form where the hull form has the lowest resistance compared to other hull form models with the same displacement. To generate the different hull form, the initial hull form (parent hull) is transformed so that become some models by changing the parameter of coefficient block (Cb) in range ±10% with Lwl, T, H, volume and displacement are constant. The transformed hull form are calculated their total resistance from Froude number (Fr) 0,2 to 0,65 with spacing hull to length ratio (S/L) 0,2 to 0,4. The results of calculation show that the optimal demihull form is Model 4 where the initial hull form Cb +5%. The model has the lowest resistance compared to other models. The comparisons of resistance Model 4 with the configurations of S/L shows that the lowest resistance is S/L 0,4, so that the optimal demihull form is Model 4 with S/L 0,4

    Uji Efektivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Pada Sediaan Krim Terhadap Dpph (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil)

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    Free radicals are one of the causes of the premature aging. free radicals can besuppressed by antioxidants. Carica papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the plants that potentiallyas a natural antioxidant. Ethanol extract of papaya leaves have IC 50 0.58 mg / ml, but not knownin cream. This study aims to determine the IC50 of the ethanol extract of papaya cream using DPPH(1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidrazil) method. The extraction was done by maceration using ethanol.Ethanol extract of papaya leaves were obtained is tested phytochemicals, qualitative test withDPPH and qualitative test of vitamin C with KMnO4. The results of phytochemical screening wereknown that contains alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, and phenolic. The results qualitative DPPHantioxidant activity and qualitative Vitamin C with KMnO4 showed have antioxidant activity andvitamin C. Ethanol extract prepared in cream. pH and particle size of cream were good. Creamingoccurs in formulas 4 and the most preferably cream is formula 1. Quantitative test of the ethanolextract of papaya cream using visible spectrophotometry. The results of spectrophotometricmeasurements showed that the ethanol extract of leaves papaya cream has a weak antioxidantactivity with IC5

    On the uniqueness of almost-Kaehler structures

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    We show uniqueness up to sign of positive, orthogonal almost-Kaehler structures on any non-scalar flat Kaehler-Einstein surface.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in CRA

    Partly 5` Untranslated Region (5` UTR)-Based Phylogenetic Analysis of Three Hepatitis C Virus Isolates From Jakarta, Indonesia: a Preliminary Study

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    Currently, we reported results of a nested PCR assay specific 5` UTR region of HCV genome that showed three different patterns of DNA fragments (single expected specific DNA band, single DNA band higher in size than an expected band, and multiple DNA bands). Three isolates (Isolate A, B, and C), representing all the three DNA bands, were analyzed by using phylogenetic trees. The results showed that the Isolate A, B, and C were classified into HCV genotypes 2, 1, and 3, respectively. The Isolate A and B were very closely related to viral isolates from Madagascar and Brazil, respectively and were not closely related to other Indonesia isolates. In contrast with the Isolate A and B, the Isolate C was very closely related to another Indonesia isolate. Among all there isolates, the Isolate C was very closely related to an Indonesia isolate detected from a cirrhosis patient, indicating that the Isolate C might be more virulence than the Isolate B and C. However, a complete genome-based comprehensive genetic characterizationfor all the three isolates needs to be conducted in future research to confirm all findings in this study

    The Emergence of Early Kindoms in South Sulawesi: a Preliminary Remark on Governmental Contracts From the Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Century

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    Pactum subjectionis or governmental contract is a covenant or compact between the ruler and the ruled envisaging their mutual rights and responsibilities [Abidin 1971:159; Harvey 1974:18; Riekerk quoting Catlin 1969:12]. Among the early states discussed by various scholars, e.g., Claesen and Skalnik (1978), Geertz (1979), Selo Soemardjan (1978), Coedes (1967), Hall and Whitmore (Aeusrivongse 1979), Reid and Castles (Macknight 1975), none subscribed to the practice of governmental contracts, except Bone in South Sulawesi. Despite its uniqueness, to my knowledge nothing has been written on the pactum subjectionis of early kingdoms on South Sulawesi, nor has any research been undertaken on this subject. This paper discusses the formation of main kingdoms in South Sulawesi and especially the governmental contract in the so-called Cappagalae (he big three–Luwu\u27, Bone and Gowa); two members of Tellumpoccoe (the three allied kingdoms in 1592), that is, Wajo\u27 and Soppeng; and a petty kingdom already known in the I La Galigo Epic Cycle, Cina, later called Pammana. Examples of such govermental contract are found at the beginning sections of historical chronicles (Lontara\u27 attoriolong). Usually the very first parts of the chronicles contain a political myth which explains the origin of a dynasty as founded by a king or queen descending from heaven. Thus prior to the emergence of kingdoms in South Sulawesi, the first king called To Manurung (lit. He who came from the sky) had to make a contract with the representatives of the people called Ulu Anang or Matoa (Bugis)orKasuwiang(Makassar)

    Ketentuan Hukum Perlindungan Hak Anak Jalanan Bidang Pendidikan

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    National Education System, explains that education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to have state power, self-control, personality of intelligence, noble character, as well as skills needed him, society, nation and country. Legal provisions for the protection of the rights of street children are legal provisions both at the level of laws, provincial and district / municipal regulations governing the protection, survival value, development, maintenance, welfare, education, physical health, moral social and mental spiritual. Legal provisions on the education of children should have a harmonious regulation both at the level of regulations issued by the government, provincial and municipal governments and districts that contain provisions both in terms of responsibility, to the involvement of the community in managing education based on the basic ideals of the Republic Indonesi

    Trevally of the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi

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    The Carangoidae, popularly known as trevally is a commercially fishes and one of marine resources abundance in water of Indonesia. A study has been carried out to describethe carangoid fishes of the family Carangidae from the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi and the result will be used as basis for further study especially on bio-diversity monitoring for the area. This study was conducted from August 2006to November 2015. Thirty carangoid fishes belonging 13 genera were examined and identified: Alepes, Alectis, Atule, Decapterus, Caranx, Carangoides, Elagatis, Gnathanodon, Megalaspis, Pseudocaranx, Scomberoides, Selar, and Selaroides. The Common name available of each species was given
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