1,558 research outputs found

    The Effects of Marriage before College Graduation on the Educational Attainments and Personal Fulfillment of Saudi Women

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    This research explored the effects of marriage before college graduation on the educational attainments and personal fulfillment of Saudi women. The purpose of this study was to gather and analyze data from women who were married before completing a college degree and women who were married after completing a college degree in order to measure how marriage has affected their lives in different ways. The data was gathered by surveying 215 Saudi women. According to the findings of the study, marriage before college graduation did limit educational attainment to some extent. The survey results suggested that a significant percentage of the total participants did not complete their education after marriage. A substantial percentage of the total participants believed that getting married limited their educational prospects or reduced the likelihood of continuing their education. Moreover, according to the findings of the study in regard to the personal fulfilment, marriage before college graduation did impact the personal fulfillment in some areas of the participants’ lives, yet not for other areas of their lives. Career satisfaction and achievements were the most impacted areas as the survey results suggested that the majority of the women who were married before college graduation were unemployed. Also, survey results suggested that a significant percentage of the total participants believed that getting married limited their career achievement prospects or reduced the likelihood of pursuing a career

    Comparison of Albuterol Delivery between High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation and Conventional Mechanical Ventilation in a Simulated Adult Lung Model using Different Compliance Levels

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    COMPARISON OF ALBUTEROL DELIVERY BETWEEN HIGH FREQUENCY OSCILLATORY VENTILATION AND CONVENTIONAL MECHANICAL VENTILATION IN A SIMULATED ADULT LUNG MODEL USING DIFFERENT COMPLIANCE LEVELS By Waleed A. Alzahrani, BSRT BACKGROUND: Delivery of aerosol by pMDI has been described with conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV) but not with high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV). The purpose of this study was to compare aerosol delivery to a simulated 75 kg adult with low compliance during both CMV and HFOV. Since actuation of pMDI with inspiration is not feasible with HFOV, we investigated the impact of actuation timing only during CMV. METHOD: CMV (Respironics Esprit) and HFOV (Sensor Medics 3100B) ventilators with passover humidifiers and heated circuits were connected by 8 mm ID ETT and filter (Respirgard II, Vital Signs) to a test lung (TTL) with compliance settings of 20 and 40 ml/cm H2O in order to simulate a non compliant lung. Settings for CMV (VT 6 ml/kg, I:E 1:1, PEEP 20 cm H2O, and RR 25/min), and HFOV (RR 5 Hz, IT 33%, ∆P 80 cm H2O and mPaw 35 cm H2O) were used, with similar mPaw on CMV and HFOV. Parameters were selected based on ARDSnet protective lung strategy (Fessler and Hess, Respiratory Care 2007) Eight actuations of albuterol from pMDI (ProAir HFA, Teva Medical) with double nozzle small volume spacer (Mini Spacer, Thayer Medical) placed between the “Y” adapter and ETT at more than 15 sec intervals for each condition (n=3). During CMV, pMDI actuations were synchronized (SYNC) with the start of inspiration at more than 15 s, and nonsynchronized (NONSYNC) with actuations at 15 s intervals. Drug was eluted from the filter and analyzed by spectrophotometry (276 nm). Repeated measures ANOVA, pairwise comparisons and independent t- tests were performed at the significance level of 0.05. RESULTS: In all cases, aerosol delivery was greater with HFOV than CMV (p\u3c0.05). Synchronizing pMDI actuations with the beginning of inspiration increased aerosol deposition significantly at compliance levels 20 ml/cm H2O and 40 ml/cm H2O (p=0.011 and p=0.02, respectively). Lung compliance and aerosol delivery are directly related. Increasing lung compliance to 40 ml/cmH2O improved aerosol delivery during CMV and HFOV (p\u3c0.05). CONCLUSION: Albuterol deposition with pMDI was more than two fold greater with HFOV than CMV in this in-vitro lung model. Changing lung compliance has almost 2 fold impact on aerosol delivery during both modes of ventilation. Furthermore, synchronizing pMDI actuations during CMV improved aerosol delivery up to 4 fold

    The Role of Prrx1 and Snai2 as Master Regulators of Fibroblast Identity

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    Mammalian development involves a complex system of regulatory signals and reactions, leading to the creation of distinct tissues with specific structures and functions controlled by various gene expression profiles. Tissue-specific gene expression is by controlled specific combinations of transcription factors and cofactors that dictate cell differentiation via activation and repression of genes in mammalian cells. Whole genome microarray analyses of fibroblasts have revealed candidate genes that may serve as master regulators of fibroblast identity, such as Prrx1 and Snai2, that activate downstream genes such as Bmp3, Twist, Shox2, Cfos, Slug, Sema3A, Spp1, and Col1a1. A previous study showed that Prrx1 and Snai2 play important roles in activating expression of fibroblast identity using somatic cell hybrids as model systems. Based on these results, we sought to examine the role of Prrx1 and Snai2 in affecting the phenotyope of liver-derived cells using hepatoma cells as a model system. Expression plasmids containing Prrx1 and Snai2 expression cassettes were transfected separately into Fg14 rat hepatoma cells using a standard transfection technique, then G418-resistant clones were selected (pooled and individually) and monitored for over-expression of Prrx1 and Snai2. RNA was extracted and used to synthesize cDNA. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was carried out using specific primer pairs and signals normalized to GAPDH mRNA levels. In addition, we observed alteration morphology and cell migration using Scratch Assays. qPCR analysis revealed that both Prrx1 and Snai2 were successfully over-expressed in pooled Fg14 transfectants and individual clones compared to non-transfected cells. Next we monitored expression of several genes known to be important in liver and fibroblast function. Results show that Snai2 activated several genes (Twist,Cfos,Shox2,and Bmp3) in Fg14 hepatoma cells. Although several other fibroblast genes (SEMA3A and Spp1) were relatively unaffected. Prrx1 overexpression resulted in activation of (Cfos,Twist,Shox2,Bmp3,and Col1a1) expression in Fg14 hepatoma, but (SEMA3A and Spp1) were unaffected. Based on these findings we hypothesized that overexpression of fibroblast-specific transcription factor Prrx1 and Snai2 would result in loss of hepatoma phenotype. We therefore monitored expression of a panel of liver-specific genes using qPCR analysis. Results show that several liver related genes are repressed by these transcription factors, leading to partial loss of the hepatic phenotype. We observed that the cells re-acquired a spindle-shaped morphology and more significantly an enhanced migration capability, which is reminiscent of parental fibroblast cells. In conclusion, these results suggest that candidate core Prrx1 and Snai2 serve as a useful starting point for studying transcriptional control of cell identity and reprogramming of mammalian cell types

    Using Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Medical and Healthcare Applications

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    Healthcare fields have made substantial use of cybersecurity systems to provide excellent patient safety in many healthcare situations. As dangers increase and hackers work tirelessly to elude law enforcement, cybersecurity has been a rapidly expanding field in the news over the past ten years. Although the initial motivations for conducting cyberattacks have generally remained the same over time, hackers have improved their methods. It is getting harder to identify and stop evolving threats using conventional cybersecurity tools. The development of AI methodologies offers hope for equipping cybersecurity professionals to fend against the ever-evolving threat posed by attackers. Therefore, an artificial intelligence- based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is introduced in this paper in which the cyberattacks are detected with more excellent performance. This paper presents unique conditions using the Ant Colony Optimization based Convolutional Neural Network (ACO-CNN) mechanism. This model has been built and supplied collaboratively with a dataset containing samples of web attacks for detecting cyberattacks in the healthcare sector. The results show that the created framework performs better than the modern techniques by detecting cyberattacks more accurately

    Applying Lean to the AC-130 Maintenance Process for the Royal Saudi Air Force

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    The ideas expressed in this research come from the researchers experiences working in the AC-130 maintenance squadron in the Royal Saudi Air Force. The AC-130 maintenance process is not currently being used as effectively as it could be to make AC-130 fully mission capable. That can be done by improving communication, reducing distances needed to move or transport anything during the maintenance process and by efficient use of the available qualified workforces, tools and equipment. Consideration is given to applying an existing management technique to the Royal Saudi Air Forces AC-130 Maintenance Squadrons. The selected technique is the Lean management approach. The research suggests that Lean can help and improve AC-130 maintenance process in the Royal Saudi Air Force for several reasons. One of the most important reasons of using Lean is that it will get rid of waste and measure the process improvement of C-130s. If Lean is implemented, there will be reduction of (65 -96 ) on the cycle time. The bottom line benefit that the research suggests is to minimize the time required to maintain the aircraft C-130 and improve the availability rate

    An Analysis of the Relationship Between Strategic Management and Firm Performance: A Case of Telecommunication Firms in Saudi Arabia

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    The advantages of studying the analysis of relationship between the strategic planning processes and firm performance cannot be overemphasized, especially in the clustering industrials or firms environments where it is mainly used as a measured for strategic planning processes’ selection. Achieving organizational effectiveness is an exclusive and continuing struggle for every organizations or firms in Saudi Arabia, while many efforts that involve a huge amount of money are invested towards to meet this crucial aim. However, there has not been a research about the analysis of the relationship between the strategic planning processes and firm’s performance in Saudi Arabia, which is seen as a way for organizations to meet their set target for the yearly activities. Therefore, this study is presented to analysis the relationship between planning process and firm performance of telecommunication firms in Saudi Arab for proper method’s selection which will be benefited for the firms. The use of proportionate stratified random sampling was adopted where questionnaires were distributed among executives of the selected firms. The total of 120 executives was chosen from 20 selected firms as sample of this study. Thus, this study has helps to define the factors that required a crucial attention in the planning process and exhibited approach needed to have effective and profitable organizational performance in Saudi Arabia market
