268 research outputs found

    Derivati aminokiselina. Dio 1. Sinteza, antivirusno i antitumorsko djelovanje novih estera alfa-aminokiselina s kumarinskim supstituentom

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    A series of amino acid esters bearing coumarin (3-15) were synthesized and evaluated, in vitro, against HIV-1, and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). The in vitro cytotoxicity of 3-10 and 12 were assyed against a panel of tumor cell lines consisting of CD4 human T-cells. Compound 14 showed inhibition of HIV-1 with EC50 > 1.6 microg mL-1, meanewhile compound 9 exhibited activity against leukaemia (MT4) with CC50 = 24 micromol L-1).U radu je opisana sinteza estera aminokiselina s kumarinskim ostatkom 3-15. Ispitano je antivirusno djelovanje sintetiziranih spojeva na HIV-1 i goveđi virus diareje (BVDV) te in vitro citotoksičnost spojeva 3-10 i 12 na tumorskim linijama CD4 humanih T-stanica. Spoj 14 pokazao je inhibiciju HIV-1 s EC50 > 1.6 microg mL-1, dok je spoj 9 djelotvoran na leukemiju (MT4) s CC50 = 24 micromol L-1

    Spectroscopic Study of some Schiff Bases Derived from Dibenzoylmethane

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    A series of Schiff bases 7-11 derived from dibenzoylmethane have been prepared. The UV, IR, 1H NMR and mass spectra revealed theses compounds were existed mainly as the keto-enamine tautomer in the solution. The absorption bands which appeared in the range λmax = 376-406 nm were assigned to the electronic transitions which arised from the central hydrogen bonded chelated unsaturated ring system in this tautomer. The appearance of the broad singlet near d  = 13 ppm due to the N-H proton and a singlet near d  = 6 ppm due to the –C=C-H proton inaddition to benzoyl fragment ion     signal m/z =105 in the mass spectra supported the above suggested products

    Reaction of Potassium Tellurocyanate with 2-Chloroethanol

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    Reaction of 2-chloroethanol with potassium tellurocyanate gave a new heterocycle namely 1,3-oxatellura-2-imine 1  in a good yield.  Halogenation of organotelluride 1  with SOCl2, bromine and iodine gave dichloro, dibromo and diiodo organic tellurium compounds, Treatment of 1 with alkyl halides gave new organic tellurium compounds.  Hydrolysis of 1 afforded a new cyclic telluride. All the new synthesized compounds were characterized by elemental analysis (CHN), IR, 1H and 13C NMR  spectr

    Synthesis, Characterization and Antitumor Activity of Some New Oganotellurium Compounds Containing Azomethine Group, Part One

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    New tellurated schiff bases were synthesized by the reaction of the corresponding mercurated Schiff  bases compounds A1-A3 with tellurium tetrabromide in 1:1 mole ratio and  that  gave organyltellurium tribromides  A4-A6.  On the other hand, when mercurated schiff bases and tellurium tetrabromide brought  together in 2:1 mole ratio gave diorganyltellurium dibromides compounds A10-A12 followed by reduction with hydrazine hydrate gave new diorganyl tellurides A13-A15.  Reduction of compounds A4-A6 by  hydrazine hydrate gave new ditellurides A7-A9.  All compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, 1H , 13C NMR, HSQC-NMR and mass spectra.  Invitro anti-tumor bioactivity of some compounds were tested.Â

    Theoretical study on the electronic spectra in cyclic 1,2-diketones

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    AbstractThe structural and electronic properties of some α-diketones have been investigated theoretically by performing both Hartree–Fock and density functional theory calculations at HF/6-31G(d,p) and B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) levels of theory.The electronic spectra were calculated by ZINDO and TD methods at each level of theory. The wavelength of the n→π∗ electronic transitions was correlated with the torsion angle between the two carbonyl groups in these compounds. The study revealed that the n→π∗ electronic transitions in the studied compounds are functions of the torsion angles between the two carbonyl groups within the linkage CO–CO

    Derivati aminokiselina. Dio 1. Sinteza, antivirusno i antitumorsko djelovanje novih estera alfa-aminokiselina s kumarinskim supstituentom

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    A series of amino acid esters bearing coumarin (3-15) were synthesized and evaluated, in vitro, against HIV-1, and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). The in vitro cytotoxicity of 3-10 and 12 were assyed against a panel of tumor cell lines consisting of CD4 human T-cells. Compound 14 showed inhibition of HIV-1 with EC50 > 1.6 microg mL-1, meanewhile compound 9 exhibited activity against leukaemia (MT4) with CC50 = 24 micromol L-1).U radu je opisana sinteza estera aminokiselina s kumarinskim ostatkom 3-15. Ispitano je antivirusno djelovanje sintetiziranih spojeva na HIV-1 i goveđi virus diareje (BVDV) te in vitro citotoksičnost spojeva 3-10 i 12 na tumorskim linijama CD4 humanih T-stanica. Spoj 14 pokazao je inhibiciju HIV-1 s EC50 > 1.6 microg mL-1, dok je spoj 9 djelotvoran na leukemiju (MT4) s CC50 = 24 micromol L-1

    In vitro antitumorsko i antivirusno djelovanje novih benzotiazola i 1,3,4-oksadiazol-2-tion derivata

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    A series of new benzothiazole derivatives 6a-h have been synthesized, in five steps, from substituted phenols via the 1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thiones 5a-h. The in vitro antitumor activity of the compounds obtained was investigated and the benzothiazol derivatives 6d and 6e showed high effects on leukaemia cell lines CCRF-CEM (CC50 = 12 ± 2 µmol L1, 8 ± 1 µmol L1, respectively). These compounds are leading candidates for further development. The title compounds were tested against representatives of several virus families containing single stranded RNA genomes, either positive-sense (ssRNA+), or negative-sense (RNA-), and against double-stranded RNA genomes (dsRNA), as well as some Flaviviridae viruses.U pet reakcijskih koraka sintetizirana je serija novih derivata benzotiazola 6a-h polazeći iz supstituiranih fenola preko 1,3,4-oksadiazol-2-tiona 5a-h. Sintetizirani spojevi ispitani su na antitumorsko djelovanje. Benzotiazol derivati 6d i 6e pokazali su jak učinak na staničnu liniju leukemije CCRF-CEM (CC50 = 12 ± 2, odnosno 8 ± 1 µmol L1). Ti su spojevi predvodni spojevi za daljnji razvoj. Nadalje, novi su spojevi testirani na djelovanje na nekoliko tipova virusa koji sadrže bilo pozitivni (ssRNA+) bilo negativni (RNA-) jednolančani RNA genom ili dvolančani RNA genom (dsRNA), te na neke Flaviviridae viruse

    Nitroimidazoli. V. Sinteza i anti-HIV djelovanje novih 5-supstituiranih piperazinil-4-nitroimidazol derivata

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    A series of 2-alkylthio-1-[4-(1-benzyl-2-ethyl-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-yl)-piperazin-1-yl]ethanones (3-9) and alkyl-[4-(1-benzyl-2-ethyl-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-yl)-piperazin-1-yl)ketones (11-20) as well as the indole analogue 22 were synthesized from 4-nitro-5-piperazinyl imidazole derivative 1, with the aim to develop new non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). The newly synthesized compounds were assayed against HIV-1 and HIV-2 in MT-4 cells. Compound 4 showed inhibition of HIV-1 (EC50 0.45 µg mL1) and HIV-2 (0.50 µg mL1), while 11 showed inhibition of HIV-1 (EC50 2.48 µg mL1, SI = 4).Iz 4-nitro-5-piperazinil derivata imidazola 1 sintetizirana je serija 2-alkiltio-1-[4-(1-benzil-2-etil-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-il)-piperazin-1-il]etanona (3-9) i alkil-[4-(1-benzil-2-etil-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-il)-piperazin-1-il)ketona (11-20) te indol analog 22, s ciljem da se razviju novi nenukleozidni inhibitori reverzne transkriptaze (NNRTIs). Novosintetiziranim spojevima ispitano je djelovanje na HIV-1 i HIV-2 u MT-4 stanicama. Spoj 4 pokazao je značajno djelovanje na HIV-1 (EC50 0,45 µg mL1) i HIV-2 (0,50 µg m-1), a spoj 11 na HIV-1 (EC50 2.48 µg mL-1, SI = 4)