27 research outputs found

    Composición química, estabilidad oxidativa y propiedades sensoriales de las mezclas de aceites de semillas de Boerhavia elegana Choisy (alhydwan)/aceite de maní

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    This study investigated the effects of blending alhydwan seed oil and peanut oil as a way of enhancing the stability and chemical characteristics of plant seed oils and to discover more innovative foods of high nutraceutical value which can be used in other food production systems. Alhydwan seed oil and peanut oil blended at proportions of 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60 and 50:50 (v/v) were evaluated according to their physi­cochemical properties, including refractive index, relative density, saponification value, peroxide value, iodine value, free fatty acids, oxidative stability index, and tocopherol contents using various standard and published methods. At room temperature, all of the oil blends were in the liquid state. The physicochemical profiles of the blended oils showed significant decreases (p < 0.05) in peroxide value (6.97–6.02 meq O2/kg oil), refractive index at 25 °C (1.462–1.446), free fatty acids (2.29–1.71%), and saponification value (186.44–183.77 mg KOH/g), and increases in iodine value and relative density at 25 °C (98.10–102.89 and 0.89–0.91, respectively), especially with an analhydwan seed oil to peanut oil ratio of 10:90. Among the fatty acids, oleic and linoleic acids were most abundant in the 50:50 and 10:90 alhydwan seed oil to peanut oil blends, respectively. Oxidative stability increased as the proportion of alhydwan oil increased. In terms of tocopherol contents (γ, δ, and α), γ-tocopherol had the highest values across all of the blended proportions, followed by δ-tocopherol. The overall acceptability was good for all blends. The incorporation of alhydwan seed oil into peanut oil resulted in inexpensive, high-quality blended oil that may be useful in health food products and pharmaceuticals without compromising sensory characteristics.Este estudio investigó los efectos de mezclar aceites de semillas de alhidwan y aceites de maní como una forma de mejorar la estabilidad y las características químicas de los aceites de semillas de plantas y descubrir alimentos más innovadores de alto valor nutracéutico que pueden usarse en otros sistemas de producción de alimentos. El aceite de semilla de Alhydwan y el aceite de maní se mezclaron en proporciones: 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60 y 50:50 (v/v), respectivamente, y se evaluaron sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, incluido el índice de refracción, densidad, índice de saponificación, índice de peróxido, índice de yodo, ácidos grasos libres, estabilidad oxidativa y contenido de tocoferoles, utilizando métodos estandarizados publicados. A temperatura ambiente, todas las mezclas de aceite estaban en estado líquido. Los perfiles fisicoquímicos de los aceites mezclados mostraron disminuciones significativas (p < 0.05) en el valor de peróxido (6,97–6,02 meqO2/kg de aceite), índice de refracción a 25 °C (1,462–1,446), ácidos grasos libres (2,29–1,71%) e índice de saponificación (186,44–183,77 mg KOH/g), y aumentos en el índice de yodo y la densi­dad relativa a 25 °C (98,10–102,89 y 0,89–0,91, respectivamente), especialmente en una relación de aceite de semilla de analhidwan a aceite de maní de 10:90. Entre los ácidos grasos, los ácidos oleico y linoleico fueron los más abundantes en las mezclas de aceite de semilla de alhydwan/aceite de maní 50:50 y 10:90, respectivamente. La estabilidad oxidativa aumentó a medida que aumentó la proporción de aceite de alhidwan. En términos de contenido de tocoferoles (γ, δ y α), el γ-tocoferol tuvo los valores más altos en todas las proporciones de las mezclas, seguido por el δ-tocoferol. La aceptabilidad general fue buena para todas las mezclas. La incorpora­ción del aceite de semilla de alhydwan al aceite de maní da como resultado mezclas económicas y de alta cali­dad que pueden ser útiles en productos alimenticios saludables y productos farmacéuticos sin comprometer las características sensoriales

    Propiedades físico-químicas, ácidos fenólicos y compuestos volátiles del aceite extraído de semillas de alhydwan (Boerhavia elegana Choisy)

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    In this study, the chemical composition, physicochemical properties, phenolic acids and volatile compounds of alhydwan (Boerhavia elegana Choisy) seed oil were evaluated. The crude oil content was 11.49%, ash 6.88%, moisture 6.12%, protein content 14.60%, total carbohydrate 24.77% and fiber 36.13%. The oil contain a high quantity of unsaturated fatty acids (74.63 mg·100 g−1) with oleic (C18:1) (57.77%), palmitic (C16:0) (18.65%) and linoleic (C18:2) (12.88%) acids as the most abundant. The relative density was 0.88 and the iodine value 105.59. The color analysis showed a value of 28.33 Y+1.43 R. The oil also had a high relative oxidative stability. The tocol composition showed that α-tocotrienol, γ-tocopherol and γ-tocotrienol were in a higher concentration than the rest. Seven phenolic acids (caffeic, vanillic, galic, p-coumaric, ascorbic, cinnamic and ferulic) were detected, with ascorbic acid as the predominant one (5.44 mg·100 g−1). In relation to the volatile composition, 48 compounds were found with Z-10-Pentadecen-1-ol (56.73%); Hexadecenoic acid, Z-11- (18.52%); 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)- (3.93%) and 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, 2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl) ethyl ester (3.04%) as the most abundant. These findings demonstrated the potential of alhydwan seeds to be used as a good source of quality edible oil.En este estudio se ha determinado la composición química, las propiedades físico-químicas, ácidos fenólicos y compuestos volátiles de aceites de semillas de alhydwan (Boerhavia elegana Choisy). Las semillas contenían un 11.49% de aceite, 6.88% de cenizas, 6,12% de humedad, 14.60% de proteínas, 24.77% de carbohidratos totales y 36.13% de fibra. El aceite contiene 74,63 mg·100 g−1 de ácidos grasos insaturados, con oleico (C18: 1) (57,77%), palmítico (C16: 0) (18,65%) y linoleico (C18: 2) (12,88%) como los más abundantes. La densidad relativa fue de 0,88 y el índice de yodo de 105,59. El análisis del color mostró un valor de 28.33 Y+1,43 R. El aceite también mostro tener una alta estabilidad oxidativa relativa. La determinación de la composición de tocols mostró que α-tocotrienol, γ-tocoferol y γ-tocotrienol están presentes en mayor concentración que el resto. Se detectaron siete ácidos fenólicos (cafeico, vaníllico, galico, p-cumárico, ascórbico, cinámico y ferúlico), siendo el ácido ascórbico el mayoritario (5,44 mg·100 g−1). En la determinación de volátiles, se encontraron 48 componentes, con Z-10-Pentadecen-1-ol (56,73%); ácido hexadecenoico, Z-11- (18,52%); ácido 9,12-octadecadienoico (Z, Z) - (3,93%) y ácido 9,12-octadecadienoico (Z, Z) -, éster 2-hidroxi-1- (hidroximetil) etil (3,04%) como mayoritarios. Estos resultados demostraron que las semillas de alhydwan tiene un gran potencial para ser utilizadas como una buena fuente de aceite comestible de calidad

    Experimental study of organic enrichment on meiofaunal diversity

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    Abstract The organic enrichment effects on the meiofauna and nematofauna were assessed for field sediment and other experimental ones enriched with organic matters conducted in the laboratory for 4 weeks. Also, dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were monitored for each one. The abundance and diversity of meiofaunal groups and nematofauna varied. Strong significant correlations were found between DO and the studied items. Nematoda was the most abundant group in the field sediment and other experimental ones; their counts increased with the increase in organic enrichments and were dominated by deposit feeders. Amphipoda, Ostracoda and predator/omnivore nematodes disappeared in highly organic-enriched sediments. Changes in DO and organic enrichments might be the more attributable reasons for the alteration of the meiobenthic assemblages. The generic compositions of Nematoda provide a good indicator for environmental alterations

    Characterization of chicken epidermal dendritic cells

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    It has been known for 15 years that the chicken epidermis contains ATPase(+) and major histocompatibility complex class II-positive (MHCII(+)) dendritic cells. These cells were designated as Langerhans cells but neither their detailed phenotype nor their function was further investigated. In the present paper we demonstrate a complete overlapping of ATPase, CD45 and vimentin staining in all dendritic cells of the chicken epidermis. The CD45(+) ATPase(+) vimentin(+) dendritic cells could be divided into three subpopulations: an MHCII(+) CD3(–) KUL01(+) and 68.1(+) (monocyte-macrophage subpopulation markers) subpopulation, an MHCII(–) CD3(–) KUL01(–) and 68.1(–) subpopulation and an MHCII(–) CD3(+) KUL01(–) and 68.1(–) subpopulation. The first population could be designated as chicken Langerhans cells. The last population represents CD4(–) CD8(–) T-cell receptor-αβ(–) and -γδ(–) natural killer cells with cytoplasmic CD3 positivity. The epidermal dendritic cells have a low proliferation rate as assessed by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments showed that dendritic cells could be mobilized from the epidermis. Hapten treatment of epidermis resulted in the decrease of the frequency of epidermal dendritic cells and hapten-loaded dendritic cells appeared in the dermis or in in vitro culture of isolated epidermis. Hapten-positive cells were also found in the so-called dermal lymphoid nodules. We suggest that these dermal nodules are responsible for some regional immunological functions similar to the mammalian lymph nodes

    Phytochemical screening and in-vitro biological properties of unprocessed and household processed fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn.) seeds and leaves

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    Abstract The impact of household processes on fenugreek leaves and seeds has been analyzed for total phenolic (TP) and total flavonoid content (TF), and in-vitro biological activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Processes included air-drying for leaves and germinating, soaking, and boiling for seeds. Air-dried fenugreek leaves (ADFL) had high TP (15.27 mg GAE g−1 D.W.) and TF (7.71 mg QE g−1 D.W.) (milligram quercetin equivalents per gram dry weight). The TP contents of unprocessed, germinated, soaked, and boiled seeds were 6.54, 5.60, 4.59, and 3.84 mg gallic acid equivalents per gram of dry weight (mg GAE g−1 D.W.), respectively. The TF contents in unprocessed fenugreek seeds, germinated fenugreek seeds, soaked fenugreek seeds, and boiled fenugreek seeds (BFS) were 4.23, 2.11, 2.10, and 2.33 mg QE g−1 D.W., respectively. Sixteen phenolic and nineteen flavonoid compounds has been identified using high-performance liquid chromatography. Antioxidant activity using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH·), 2,2-azinobis (3-ethylbenothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS+·), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP·) assays indicated that ADFL had the highest activity. Antimicrobial activity has been evaluated against each of the eight pathogenic bacterial and fungal strains. ADFL showed the strongest activity with minimum inhibitory concentrations values ranging from 0.03 to 1.06 and 0.04 to 1.18 mg ml·1 against bacterial and fungal strains, respectively. Anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated in-vitro against RAW 264.7 macrophage cells using the nitric oxide (NO) assay. Results revealed that ADFL had the highest cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory activity according to the NO assay. Household processes significantly reduced the in-vitro biological properties of processed seeds

    Cell Growth Inhibition, DNA Fragmentation and Apoptosis-Inducing Properties of Household-Processed Leaves and Seeds of Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum Linn.) against HepG2, HCT-116, and MCF-7 Cancerous Cell Lines

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    Household processing of fenugreek seeds and leaves, including soaking, germination, and boiling of the seeds, and air-drying of the leaves, has improved the levels of human consumption of the bitter seeds and increased the shelf life of fresh leaves, respectively. The potential anticancer activity of either unprocessed or processed fenugreek seeds or leaves and the relative expression of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic genes of the studied cancerous cell lines exposed to IC50 crude extracts was investigated to observe the apoptotic-inducing property of this plant as an anticancer agent. The protein expression of IKK-&alpha; and IKK-&beta;, as inhibitors of NF-KB which exhibit a critical function in the regulation of genes involved in chronic inflammatory disorders, were studied in the tested cancerous cell lines. In this study, the anticancer activity of household-processed fenugreek leaves and seeds against HepG2, HCT-116, MCF-7, and VERO cell lines was measured using an MTT assay. DNA fragmentation of both HepG2 and MCF-7 was investigated by using gel electrophoresis. RT-PCR was used to evaluate the relative expression of each p53, caspase-3, Bax, and Bcl-2 genes, whereas ELISA assay determined the expression of caspase-3, TNF-&alpha;, and 8-OHDG genes. Western blotting analyzed the protein-expressing levels of IKK-&alpha; and IKK-&beta; proteins in each studied cell line. Data showed that at 500 &micro;g mL&minus;1, ADFL had the highest cytotoxicity against the HepG2 and HCT-116 cell lines. Although, each UFS and GFS sample had a more inhibitory effect on MCF-7 cells than ADFL. Gel electrophoresis demonstrated that the IC50 of each ADFL, UFS, and GFS sample induced DNA fragmentation in HepG2 and MCF-7, contrary to untreated cell lines. Gene expression using RT-PCR showed that IC50 doses of each sample induced apoptosis through the up-regulation of the p53, caspase-3, and Bax genes and the down-regulation of the Bcl-2 gene in each studied cell line. The relative expression of TNF-&alpha;, 8-OHDG, and caspase-3 genes of each HepG2 and MCF-7 cell line using ELISA assays demonstrated that ADFL, UFS, and GFS samples reduced the expression of TNF-&alpha; and 8-OHDG genes but increased the expression of the caspase-3 gene. Protein-expressing levels of IKK-&alpha; and IKK-&beta; proteins in each studied cell line, determined using Western blotting, indicated that household treatments decreased IKK-&alpha; expression compared to the UFS sample. Moreover, the ADFL and SFS samples had the most activity in the IKK-&beta; expression levels. Among all studied samples, air-dried fenugreek leaves and unprocessed and germinated fenugreek seeds had the most anti-proliferative and apoptotic-inducing properties against human HepG2, MCF-7, and HCT-116 cell lines, as compared to the VERO cell line. So, these crude extracts can be used in the future for developing new effective natural drugs for the treatment of hepatocellular, breast, and colon carcinomas

    Cell Growth Inhibition, DNA Fragmentation and Apoptosis-Inducing Properties of Household-Processed Leaves and Seeds of Fenugreek (<i>Trigonella Foenum-Graecum</i> Linn.) against HepG2, HCT-116, and MCF-7 Cancerous Cell Lines

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    Household processing of fenugreek seeds and leaves, including soaking, germination, and boiling of the seeds, and air-drying of the leaves, has improved the levels of human consumption of the bitter seeds and increased the shelf life of fresh leaves, respectively. The potential anticancer activity of either unprocessed or processed fenugreek seeds or leaves and the relative expression of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic genes of the studied cancerous cell lines exposed to IC50 crude extracts was investigated to observe the apoptotic-inducing property of this plant as an anticancer agent. The protein expression of IKK-α and IKK-β, as inhibitors of NF-KB which exhibit a critical function in the regulation of genes involved in chronic inflammatory disorders, were studied in the tested cancerous cell lines. In this study, the anticancer activity of household-processed fenugreek leaves and seeds against HepG2, HCT-116, MCF-7, and VERO cell lines was measured using an MTT assay. DNA fragmentation of both HepG2 and MCF-7 was investigated by using gel electrophoresis. RT-PCR was used to evaluate the relative expression of each p53, caspase-3, Bax, and Bcl-2 genes, whereas ELISA assay determined the expression of caspase-3, TNF-α, and 8-OHDG genes. Western blotting analyzed the protein-expressing levels of IKK-α and IKK-β proteins in each studied cell line. Data showed that at 500 µg mL−1, ADFL had the highest cytotoxicity against the HepG2 and HCT-116 cell lines. Although, each UFS and GFS sample had a more inhibitory effect on MCF-7 cells than ADFL. Gel electrophoresis demonstrated that the IC50 of each ADFL, UFS, and GFS sample induced DNA fragmentation in HepG2 and MCF-7, contrary to untreated cell lines. Gene expression using RT-PCR showed that IC50 doses of each sample induced apoptosis through the up-regulation of the p53, caspase-3, and Bax genes and the down-regulation of the Bcl-2 gene in each studied cell line. The relative expression of TNF-α, 8-OHDG, and caspase-3 genes of each HepG2 and MCF-7 cell line using ELISA assays demonstrated that ADFL, UFS, and GFS samples reduced the expression of TNF-α and 8-OHDG genes but increased the expression of the caspase-3 gene. Protein-expressing levels of IKK-α and IKK-β proteins in each studied cell line, determined using Western blotting, indicated that household treatments decreased IKK-α expression compared to the UFS sample. Moreover, the ADFL and SFS samples had the most activity in the IKK-β expression levels. Among all studied samples, air-dried fenugreek leaves and unprocessed and germinated fenugreek seeds had the most anti-proliferative and apoptotic-inducing properties against human HepG2, MCF-7, and HCT-116 cell lines, as compared to the VERO cell line. So, these crude extracts can be used in the future for developing new effective natural drugs for the treatment of hepatocellular, breast, and colon carcinomas

    Citrus Waste as Source of Bioactive Compounds: Extraction and Utilization in Health and Food Industry

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    The current research was conducted to extract the bioactive compounds from citrus waste and assess their role in the development of functional foods to treat different disorders. The scientific name of citrus is Citrus L. and it belongs to the Rutaceae family. It is one of the most important fruit crops that is grown throughout the world. During processing, a large amount of waste is produced from citrus fruits in the form of peel, seeds, and pomace. Every year, the citrus processing industry creates a large amount of waste. The citrus waste is composed of highly bioactive substances and phytochemicals, including essential oils (EOs), ascorbic acid, sugars, carotenoids, flavonoids, dietary fiber, polyphenols, and a range of trace elements. These valuable compounds are used to develop functional foods, including baked products, beverages, meat products, and dairy products. Moreover, these functional foods play an important role in treating various disorders, including anti-aging, anti-mutagenic, antidiabetic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-allergenic, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and cardiovascular-protective activity. EOs are complex and contain several naturally occurring bioactive compounds that are frequently used as the best substitutes in the food industry. Citrus essential oils have many uses in the packaging and food safety industries. They can also be used as an alternative preservative to extend the shelf lives of different food products