35 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the quality of metallurgical coking coal seams within the north block of Eastern Parvadeh coal deposit, Tabas, Central Iran

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of the metallurgical coking coal seams in the north block of Eastern Parvadeh coal deposit located in Tabas, Central Iran. Quality particulars of the main coking coal seams named as C1 and B2 , are; thickness, sulfur content and ash content, and have been evaluated by using statistical analysis and 3D modeling based on subsurface hole data including collar, orientation, lithology, stratigraphy and assay taken and analyzed from 87 drill holes. Seams were separated based on USGS (Bulletin 1450-B) and Russian (10583-72 and 7059-75) quality standards. Statistical studies reveal that the amounts of ash content and sulfur content are high considering the USGS standard. This study concludes that the C1 seam has the highest quality amongst the analyzed seams based on metallurgical quality particulars

    Application of RQD-Number and RQD-Volume multifractal modelling to delineate rock mass characterisation in Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, central Iran.

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    Identification of rock mass properties in terms of Rock Quality Designation (RQD) plays a significant role in mine planning and design. This study aims to separate the rock mass characterisation based on RQD data analysed from 48 boreholes in Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit situated in the central Iran utilising RQD-Volume (RQD-V) and RQD-Number (RQD-N) fractal models. The log-log plots for RQD-V and RQD-N models show four rock mass populations defined by RQD thresholds of 3.55, 25.12 and 89.12% and 10.47, 41.68 and 83.17% respectively which represent very poor, poor, good and excellent rocks based on Deere and Miller rock classification. The RQD-V and RQD-N models indicate that the excellent rocks are situated in the NW and central parts of this deposit however, the good rocks are located in the most parts of the deposit. The results of validation of the fractal models with the RQD block model show that the RQD-N fractal model of excellent rock quality is better than the RQD-V fractal model of the same rock quality. Correlation between results of the fractal and the geological models illustrates that the excellent rocks are associated with porphyric quartz diorite (PQD) units. The results reveal that there is a multifractal nature in rock characterisation with respect to RQD for the Kahang deposit. The proposed fractal model can be intended for the better understanding of the rock quality for purpose of determination of the final pit slope.The authors are grateful to the National Iranian Copper Industries Co. (NICICO) for their permission to have access to the Kahang deposit dataset. Additionally, the authors would like to thank Mr. Reza Esfahanipour the head of Exploration and Development Department of the NICICO for his support. The authors also are hugely thankful to the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) for its financial support in order to conduct this research

    Bioactive peptides and antinutrients in chickpea: description and properties (a review)

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    Legumes are a rich source of many different biologically active substances, such as fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the third most important leguminous plant in the world: it has high nutritional value and is a source of a wide range of bioactive compounds. Bioactive peptides of chickpea seeds have antioxidant, ACE-inhibiting, cholesterollowering, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, antithrombotic, immunomodulatory, and opioid activities as well as the ability to bind minerals. But despite the benefits and high nutritional value, chickpea seeds contain antinutrients that reduce their nutritional and biological advantages. These antinutritional factors include condensed tannins, raffinose, and phytic acid. Research has shown that cooking, pregermination or fermentation can effectively reduce the indigestible content of chickpea seeds. For this purpose, it is recommended to use certain physical, chemical or biological methods: heat treatment, soaking and/or germination, enzymatic hydrolysis, irradiation, etc.This review article presents the world’s results of research aimed at studying bioactive chickpea peptides derived from chickpea seeds and ways of their formation as well as methods for elimination of antinutritional factors

    An investigation of the reasons for Mohammad Shah Qajar`s defeat in returning the sovereignty of Iran to Herat (1835 – 1839)

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    The ruler of Herat`s refusal to do fulfill his obligations such as paying the annual tribute, attacking Khorasan trying to occupy Sistan were among the factors that  made Mohammad Shah campaign in Herat to not only punish Kamran Mirza but also conquer this city that was once about to be opened by him during his father`s life. At that time, from one side, Russia was trying to encourage the Qajar king to attack Herat and occupy it in order to extend its penetration to Central Asia and Afghanistan. Furthermore, from the other side, Britain was to prevent Mohammad Shah from campaigning in Herat and took advantage of the city as an obstacle against probable attacks of Iran and Russia to India. Finally, while the army of Mohammad Shah was going toward Herat to capture the city, the menaces of Macnille and the navy of Britain to Khark Island and the South of Iran forced the Qajar king to end the siege of Herat without fulfilling his goals. The author, through a descriptive-analytical approach, aims not only at mentioning the reasons for and results of Mohammad Shah`s campaign in Herat but also at figuring out the reasons of his defeat in returning the sovereignty of Iran to the city

    The determination of enrofloxacin residue in quail meat, in Yazd by HPLC (Short Communication)

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    Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for humans and animals for the prevention and treatment of various microbial diseases. This study was carried out for the evaluation of enrofloxacin residue in quail meat in Yazd city by HPLC. For this, 50 meat samples were collected from quail meats that supplied in Yazd from winter to spring in 2014-2015. Results showed that 11 samples (22%) were positive for enrofloxacin residue. The minimum and maximum concentrations of enrofloxacin in the samples were 3.08 and 117.09 μg/Kg, respectively. The mean value of enrofloxacin concentration in the positive samples was 8.6 ± 21.28 μg/Kg. The concentration of enrofloxacin in 14% of the samples was higher than European Maximum Residual Level (30 μg/Kg). In conclusion, for improvement of hygienic quality of quail meat, it is necessary to apply suitable strategy for legality of withdrawal time for antibiotic consumption

    Modelowanie w czasie rzeczywistym przewozów ciężarówek o różnej ładowności w kopalni odkrywkowej

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    Application of fully automated systems for truck dispatching plays a major role in decreasing the transportation costs which often represent the majority of costs spent on open pit mining. Consequently, the application of a truck dispatching system has become fundamentally important in most of the world’s open pit mines. Recent experiences indicate that by decreasing a truck’s travelling time and the associated waiting time of its associated shovel then due to the application of a truck dispatching system the rate of production will be considerably improved. Computer-based truck dispatching systems using algorithms, advanced and accurate software are examples of these innovations. Developing an algorithm of a computer-based program appropriated to a specific mine’s conditions is considered as one of the most important activities in connection with computer-based dispatching in open pit mines. In this paper the changing trend of programming and dispatching control algorithms and automation conditions will be discussed. Furthermore, since the transportation fleet of most mines use trucks with different capacities, innovative methods, operational optimisation techniques and the best possible methods for developing the required algorithm for real-time dispatching are selected by conducting research on mathematical-based planning methods. Finally, a real-time dispatching model compatible with the requirement of trucks with different capacities is developed by using two techniques of flow networks and integer programming.Zastosowanie w pełni zautomatyzowanych systemów dysponowania przewozami ciężarówek w poważny sposób przyczynia się do zmniejszenia kosztów transportu, które częstokroć mają poważny udział w kosztach funkcjonowania kopalni odkrywkowych. Dlatego też zastosowanie systemu dysponowania transportem ma kluczowe znaczenie w kopalniach odkrywkowych na świecie. Niedawne doświadczenia wskazują, że poprzez zmniejszenie czasu przejazdu ciężarówek oraz zmniejszenie czasu oczekiwania dzięki zastosowaniu systemu dysponowania przewozami możliwe jest znaczne podniesienie poziomu produkcji. Wspomagany komputerowo system dysponowania przewozami wykorzystujący odpowiednie algorytmy a także zaawansowane oprogramowanie stanowią przykłady nowoczesnych rozwiązań w tej dziedzinie. Opracowanie algorytmu komputerowego dostosowanego do konkretnych warunków panujących w danej kopalni odkrywkowej jest jedną z kluczowych czynności dla uruchomienia komputerowego systemu dysponowania przewozami ciężarówek w kopalni. W artykule przedstawiono zmieniające się trendy w zakresie programowania, algorytmów sterowania przewozami i automatyzacji. Ponadto, ponieważ większość kopalni odkrywkowych wykorzystuje ciężarówki o różnej ładowności, wybrano najlepsze i najnowocześniejsze metody i techniki optymalizacji oraz najskuteczniejsze metody opracowywania algorytmów wspomagających systemy dysponowania przejazdami ciężarówek w czasie rzeczywistym, wybrano je w oparciu o metody planowania wykorzystujące aparat matematyczny. W części końcowej zaprezentowano model dysponowania przewozami w czasie rzeczywistym kompatybilny z wymogiem zastosowania ciężarówek o różnej ładowności, opracowany w oparciu o metody sieci przepływowych i programowania binarnego

    Klasyfikacja wymiarów fragmentów skał powstałych w trakcie prac strzałowych w kopalni rud żelaza Jalal-Abad w oparciu o model fraktalny N-S (Number-Size)

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    One of the main purpose of accurate blasting in open pit mining is to achieve optimum rock fragmentation. The degree of rock fragmentation plays a significant role in order to control and minimise the overall production cost including loading, hauling and crushing. In the present paper, the application of a Number-Size (N-S) fractal model is intended to classify the blast fragmentation size in the Jalal-Abad iron mine, SW Iran, using GoldSize image analysis software for four blasting with the obtained result being compared with Kuz-Ram curves. To do this, the fractal dimensions via N-S log-log plots were generated based on the output of the GoldSize software. The results indicated that the fragmented rocks have a multifractal nature with four/five different fragmented populations in terms of size namely; the fine rocks with the size of less than 16 cm, Mean-fragment values between 16 and 45 cm, In-range between 45 and 70 cm and finally, oversize larger than 70 cm.Jednym z głównych celów prowadzenia prac strzałowych w kopalniach odkrywkowych jest uzyskanie fragmentów skał o optymalnych rozmiarach. Stopień rozkruszania skał jest kluczowym czynnikiem decydującym o całkowitych kosztach produkcji, obejmujących także koszty załadunku, odstawy urobku i rozdrobnienia. W pracy tej omówiono zastosowanie modelu fraktalnego N-S (Number-Size) do klasyfikacji fragmentów skał uzyskanych w wyniku prowadzenia prac strzałowych w kopalni rud żelaza Jalal-Abad, w południowo-zachodnich rejonach Iranu. W analizach wykorzystano oprogramowanie do analizy obrazów GoldSize, wyniki uzyskane po czterech seriach prac strzałowych porównano następnie z wykresami Kuz-Ram. W tym celu na podstawie danych wyjściowych uzyskanych przy pomocy pakietu GoldSize wygenerowano wymiary fraktalne w oparciu o wykresy N-S w pełnej skali logarytmicznej. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że uzyskane fragmenty skalne miały charakter multi-fraktalny, obejmując cztery lub pięć populacji odłamków różniących się w kategorii rozmiarów: skały drobne o wymiarach poniżej 16 cm, odłamki o średniej wielkości: pomiędzy 16 a 45 cm, odłamki o rozmiarach w zakresie 45-70 cm i odłamki duże, o wymiarach powyżej 70 cm

    Isolation and identification of Mycoplasma agalactiae by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from sheep of Qom province, Iran

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    Contagious agalactia (C.A) is an infectious syndrome of sheep that is characterized by mastitis andsubsequent failure of milk production, arthritis, abortion and keratoconjunctivitis. Mycoplasma agalactiae(M. agalactiae) is the main cause of the disease in sheep. The aim of this study was isolation andidentification of M. agalactiae with culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay from sheep of Qomprovince in Iran. A total of 102 samples were collected from milk secretion, eye, ear and joint exudates ofsheep. All samples were cultured in PPLO broth supplemented for M. agalaciae isolation. The bacteriaDNAs were extracted by phenol/chloroform method and the PCR assay was applied for detecting ofMycoplasma genus in 163bp fragment of 16S rRNA gene and M. agalactiae in 375bp fragment oflipoprotein gene from culture as same as in clinical samples. Out of the 102 samples, 19(18.63%) cultureswere shown positive and typical Mycoplasma colonies in PPLO agar culture diagnostic method and59(57.8%) were scored positive by Mycoplasma genus PCR, 19(18.62%) of the samples were scoredpositive by using M. agalactiae PCR as diagnostic method. Out of the 102 samples, 19 samples wereshown both positive in the culture and PCR, 42 samples were shown both negative in the culture and PCR.40 samples were negative in the culture and positive in PCR whereas only one sample was positive inculture and negative in PCR. The results showed that the more isolations of M. agalactiae were taken from milk and less in joint samples. M. agalactiae was one of the main factors of contagious agalactia that was detected for the first time from sheep in Qom province

    Zastosowanie metod modelowania numerycznego oraz modelowania fraktalnego do analizy jakości skał w celu określenia charakterystyki górotworu w obszarze złoża Cu-Mo w Kahang, środkowy Iran

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    Identification of rock mass properties in terms of Rock Quality Designation (RQD) plays a significant role in mine planning and design. This study aims to separate the rock mass characterisation based on RQD data analysed from 48 boreholes in Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit situated in the central Iran utilising RQD-Volume (RQD-V) and RQD-Number (RQD-N) fractal models. The log-log plots for RQD-V and RQD-N models show four rock mass populations defined by RQD thresholds of 3.55, 25.12 and 89.12% and 10.47, 41.68 and 83.17% respectively which represent very poor, poor, good and excellent rocks based on Deere and Miller rock classification. The RQD-V and RQD-N models indicate that the excellent rocks are situated in the NW and central parts of this deposit however, the good rocks are located in the most parts of the deposit. The results of validation of the fractal models with the RQD block model show that the RQD-N fractal model of excellent rock quality is better than the RQD-V fractal model of the same rock quality. Correlation between results of the fractal and the geological models illustrates that the excellent rocks are associated with porphyric quartz diorite (PQD) units. The results reveal that there is a multifractal nature in rock characterisation with respect to RQD for the Kahang deposit. The proposed fractal model can be intended for the better understanding of the rock quality for purpose of determination of the final pit slope.Identyfikacja właściwości górotworu odgrywa zasadniczą rolę w planowaniu wydobycia i projektowaniu kopalni. Praca niniejsza ma na celu określenie charakterystyki górotworu w oparciu o dane o jakości skał zebrane na podstawie próbek uzyskanych z 48 odwiertów wykonanych w złożu porfiru Cu-Mo w Kahang, zalegającym w środkowym Iranie przy użyciu modeli fraktalnych RQD-V - Rock Quality Determination-Volume [Określenie jakości skał-objętość]) i RQD-N (Rock Quality Determination-Number [Określenie jakości skał-liczba]). Wykresy logarytmiczne wykonane dla modeli RQD-V i RQD-N wykazują istnienie czterech populacji warstw górotworu, określonych na podstawie parametrów progowych: 3.55; 25.12; 89.12% oraz 10.47; 41.68 i 83.17%, odpowiadającym kolejno stopniom jakości: bardzo słaby, słaby, dobry i bardzo dobry, zgodnie z klasyfikacją skał Deere i Millera. Wyniki uzyskane przy zastosowaniu modeli RQD-V i RQD-N wskazują, że najlepsze skały zalegają w północno- zachodniej i centralnej części złoża, z kolei dobrej jakości skały znaleźć można w obrębie całego złoża. Walidacja modeli fraktalnych w oparciu o model blokowy (RQD block model) wskazuje, że model RQD-N dla bardzo dobrej jakości skał jest skuteczniejszy niż model RQD-V dla tej samej jakości skał. Wysoki stopień korelacji pomiędzy wynikami uzyskanymi w oparciu o modele fraktalne i geologiczne pokazuje, że najwyższej jakości skały związane są z obecnością porfirowego diorytu kwarcowego. Badanie wykazuje fraktalną naturę charakterystyki jakości skał w złożu Kahang. Zaproponowany model fraktalny wykorzystać można do lepszego poznania zagadnienia jakości skał w celu obliczenia nachylenia wyrobiska