341 research outputs found

    Tafsir Misoginisme Dan Inkonsistensi Birokrat (Implikasi Putusan MK No. 4/PUU-VIII/2010)

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    The verdict of Constitutional Court (MK) Number 4/PUU-VIII/2010 can be described as a verdict blocking chances for the civil servant (Pegawai Negeri Sipil) to represent himself/herself as the head of executive in the district such as governor, mayor, regent, and any others in the mayor general election (Pemilukada) because one of the prerequisites to be a civil servant must be followed by a resignation letter. This prerequisite cannot be considered as a form of discrimination and injustice for the civil servant, yet as a kind of protection through the strategic role of the civil servant. If the civil servant still keeps going on its track, as a bureaucracy devotee, then people\u27s civil rights must have been fulfilled

    Pembatalan UU BHP Dan Pendidikan Berbasis Humanistik

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    Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) has postponed the Constitution (UU) Number 9 Year 2009 dealing with Educational Law Institutions (BHP) since it is evaluated violating UUD 1945. MK evaluates that this UU BHP is against the UUD 1945 so that any expectations from the people expect it should be brought on. UU BHP inspite of uniforming the form of educational law institutions so that it ignores the form of any other law intituions such as private organization, waqaf, and so forth, also gives the justification to the commercialism practices and education capitalism, which dangerously cause the threatened human rights of poor people in gaining proper education or humanity

    Independensi Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Proses Pemakzulan Presiden Dan/atau Wakil Presiden

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    It has been highlighted in the constitution that the Constitutional Court has one obligation to give verdict on the House of Representatives' (DPR) opinion regarding the impeachment of the president and/or the vice president. Obligation given by this constitution is about to prove that Indonesia is a law state. Even though the Constitutional Court has become part of the dismissal process of president and vice president, the independence of its obligation is doubted by public because of the recruitment factors of the Constitutional Court judges. Even though these judges successfully give verdict because the president or the vice president is proven to break the law, it does not mean that its verdict absolutey ties the authority of the House of Assembly (MPR)

    Peran Wartawan Muslim Dalam Kegiatan Dakwah

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    ; Dunia dakwah mengalami tantangan yang semakin berat terutama sejak berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta semakin kompleksnya masalah kemasyarakatan yang dihadapi oleh manusia. Di sisi lain, perkembangan media komunikasi yang semakin modern tampaknya akan sangat membantu aktivitas dakwah Islam. Peluang dakwah Islam akan semakin terbuka lebar ketika para da'i mampu memanfaatkan media massa dengan meminimalisir dampak negatif dan memaksimalkan dampak positif dari media yang ada. Eksistensi jurnalis dalam konteks pemberi informasi kepada masyarakat melalui media yang digelutinya sangat urgen dalam ikut membangun opini publik (public opinion) termasuk umat Islam. Dalam bahasa dakwah maka wartawan dapat disepadankan dengan da'i (mubalig), dengan alasan bahwa da'i bertugas memberikan informasi kebenaran dalam masalah keislaman dalam arti seluas-luasnya dan dalam bingkai amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, sementara wartawan bertugas memberikan informasi yang positif terkait dengan berbagai masalah baik politik, sosial, budaya, ekonomi dan lain sebagainya. Dewasa ini, ketika masyarakat semakin pandai dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi, seharusnya para da'i (juru dakwah) lebih pandai dalam memanfaatkan media yang ada. Media massa baik cetak maupun elektronik menjadi sarana yang dinilai efektif dalam penyampaian pesan dakwah. Sifat pesan dari media massa terutama media-media modern seperti internet adalah lebih luas serta tidak dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu. Sehingga para mad'u dapat dengan mudah memperoleh materi-materi dakwah kapan saja. Umat Islam sangat mendambakan ada sosok seorang wartawan muslim dalam tataran realitas bukan hanya pada tataran wacana, masih adakah sosok wartawan muslim saat ini di Indonesia khususnya Kata Kunci: Peran, Jurnalis, Aktivitas World da'wa experiencing increasing challenges, especially since the development of science and technology and the increasing complexity of the social problems faced by humans. On the other hand, the development of modern communication media increasingly seems to be very helpful Islamic missionary activity. Islamic missionary opportunities will be open when the preacher is able to utilize the media to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impact of the media. Existence of journalists in the context of a conduit of information to the public through the media that they do very urgent in participating public opinion (public opinion), including Muslims. In the language of da'wa, the reporter can be matched with the preacher, on the grounds that the preacher in charge of providing information of truth in Islamic affairs in the broadest sense and in the frame of commanding the good and forbidding the evil, while the journalist in charge of providing information that is positive associated with various problems either political, social, cultural, economic, and so forth. Today, when the public is getting smarter with the development of technology and communication, should the preacher (preacher) more proficient in using the media. Mass media both print and electronic means, is effective in the delivery of propaganda messages. The nature of the message of the mass media, especially modern media such as the internet is broader and is not limited by space and time. So the mad'u can easily obtain propaganda materials anytime. Muslims are eager there is the figure of a Muslim journalist in levels of reality not only at the level of discourse, there still figure Muslim reporters today in Indonesia, especially Keywords: Role, Journalist, Activit

    Analisis Karakteristik Sedimentasi di Waduk Plta Bakaru

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    The aims of the research are to identify the characteristics of sedimentation process, to identify the sources of sedimentation and to prevent sedimentation process in Bakaru Dam.Data collection were carried out through surveys and interviews. The surveying methods were applied to identify bio-physical characteristics of the study area by implementing measurements and sampling for elevation, water flow debit, water ground depth, river profile, and water depth in the dam. Data were then analyzed by utilizing cross-tabulation method. The data gained were later used in formulating some recommendations regarding some problems found in the field.The results show that the characteristics of sedimentation in Bakaru Dam was bedload type occurring from the river bank to Bakaru Dam which was dominated by sand (87%). For the exception, in sub-village Salumada, the sand content was between 35% to 56% while the source of sedimentation in Bakaru Dam was derived from the river ground and were existed in Mamasa Hulu Bae River, Sapai River, Sumarorong River, Tabone River, Batuapang river, and other rivers. The method in preventing erosion and sedimentation were by forming a Management Board to formulate policies, standards, and criterion of success as well as monitoring guidelines and evaluation, to formulate Mamasa Watershed management, to conduct the works in the field according to the plans/standards determined by involving the government, State Electricity Sources, enterprises, and the communities. Keywords : Sedimentation, characteristic, communities Keywords : Sedimentation, characteristic, communitie
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