25 research outputs found

    Efficient solar light harvesting device based on multilayer photonic crystal films

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    We fabricate, characterize and calculate photonic-colloidal crystals. We propose to use wave guiding properties of photonic crystal films [1] to concentrate large amount of sunlight onto a small area of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells


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    The article discusses the results of testing various types of fabrics in order to confirm the compliance of textile products with established requirements. A set of checks for this category of goods is carried out taking into account the provisions of TR TS 017/2011 "On the safety of light industry goods", as well as current national standards. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that at the moment ensuring dynamic compliance with the designs of existing uniforms of ground employees does not correspond to the conditions of its operation, is also one of the priorities for the tasks set when designing a uniform for ground service supervisors. On the basis of a laboratory physical and mechanical test: the main factors that have a negative impact on workers and uniforms have been identified and systematized; also on their basis, the requirements for the design of uniforms for ground handling supervisors were identified


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    Due to the general trend of changes in reactivity in many exogenous and endogenous diseases, more and more attention is currently being paid to changes in immunological reactivity in drug addiction. The expediency of assessing the state of immune mechanisms in opioid addiction is determined by the need to predict their course and outcome. The aim of the study was to study the immunological reactivity of the body in patients with opium addiction in a stage of abstinence. For this purpose, clinical and immunological studies were conducted in 80 patients who use opioid drugs. The duration of the disease ranged from 0.5-19 years. Of these, the disease duration is up to 3 years – 28 patients (group I), and over 3 years – 52 patients (group II). The number of subjects in the control group was n = 50. Authors carried out the assessment of the mental, narcological, somatic, and neurological status. In addition, they have studied the general clinical, biochemical and immunological parameters As a result of this study, it was found, that patients of group I had more pronounced T-lymphocytopenia. A persistent increase in the value of serum IgM was revealed both in the dynamics of abstinence and depending on the duration of the disease, which may indicate a strain on the humoral link of immunity in opium addiction. In addition, as the duration of chronic narcotization increases, there is a tendency to increase the relative number of B-lymphocytes. Thus, at the patients with opium addiction in a state of abstinence develop T-lymphocytopenia. Moreover, with an increase in the duration of the disease, an increase in the level of IgM by 2-2.6 times. The revealed changes in the immunological reactivity of the organism suggest the need to include immunocorrective therapy in the complex of therapeutic measures for opium addiction

    Legal regulation of agriculture in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects

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    Abstract: The problem of food security is the top priority of the economic policy strategy of any state, the effectiveness of this solution influences social, political, and ethnic stability in society. Food security, as an integral part of national security depends considerably on public resources aimed at preventing imbalance in the market, production and social environment of the country. Formation of public resources for all types of food, public grains resources and other strategically important agricultural products in the right quantities, depending on the needs of the population, is able to provide food security. The global financial crisis that affected the agricultural sector and the economy, created a real threat to global food security, and this in turn requires a reform of existing mechanisms and development of new ones to ensure food security at the international and national levels. Economic, political, and social security in the modern world is based on three aspects of security -food, energy and finance. According to the UN, more than 925 million people around the world suffer from hunger. This represents 12.5 percent of the world population (every eighth person). Of these, the vast majority -852 million people -live in developing countries, where 14.9 percent of the population is starving. The number of hungry people in the world remains unacceptably high. Given the current rate of the population growth, global food production must increase by 70% by 2050, while the population of the world to this time should reach 9 billion people

    Hymecromone Administration in Real Clinical Practice: Results of the Prospective Multicentre Observational Study in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    Introduction. This multicentre prospective non-interventional observational study was conducted to obtain additional data about Odeston efficacy and safety in routine clinical practice. The objectives of the study included collection of clinical characteristics of patients, evaluation of Odeston effects in treatment of biliary pain and changes in the gallbladder emptying, evaluation of compliance to therapy, and treatment effect satisfaction.Materials and methods. The study was conducted from July 2020 to April 2021 at the premises of 60 study sites in 4 cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Patients having indications for Odeston administration according to the patient leaflet were enrolled. The study included 2 patient visits and an intermediate telephone contact. A visual analogue scale and RAPID questionnaire were used to characterise biliary pain; severity of associated symptoms, bowel habit and a quality of life according the SF-12 were also assessed. A rate of a ≥50 % reduction in symptom severity was used as a primary efficacy criterion; a rate of a ≥10 improvement in the SF-12 quality of life score was used as a secondary efficacy criterion. Compliance to treatment was evaluated using a number of days on Odeston. Treatment satisfaction was assessed using 5 grades.Results. 877 patients, 68.2 % of females and 31.8 % of males, were included in the study; the mean age was 46.0 ± 14.9 years. Primary functional biliary disorder was diagnosed in 65.3 % of patients, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis — 51.4 %, uncomplicated gallbladder disease — in 8.9 %, biliary sludge — 38.4 %, sphincter of Oddi functional disorder — 5.3 % of patients. A dose of Odeston was prescribed at the discretion of the physician. Group A patients received 600 mg (n = 89), group B received 1200 mg of Odeston a day (n = 788). In group B, an incidence of pronounced pain interference with daily living activities was higher. In both groups, the mean VAS scores were reduced to 1 point on treatment, a primary efficacy criterion was achieved in 77.3 % of patients in group A and in 79.8 % of patients in group B, р < 0.05. In both groups, a reduction in the incidence of constipation and diarrhea (р < 0,001) and an increase in the mean scores of physical and mental functioning were noted (р < 0.001, though a secondary efficacy criterion was not achieved (a ≥10 change in the SF-12 score). A prevalence of ultrasonographic sings of biliary sludge was reduced, and an increased gallbladder emptying was observed (p < 0.001). 77.4 % of patients in a total group of patients reported about drug administration for 21 days. A number of patients who were completely satisfied with treatment was higher in group B (p = 0.027).Conclusions. It was found that biliary pain interfered with daily living activities and commonly accompanied by other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysmotility. Odeston effectively reduces the severity of biliary pain, corrects dyspeptic disorders and normalizes stool pattern in patients with functional and organic diseases of the biliary system. Treatment satisfaction was higher with a dose of 1200 mg a day, particularly in more pronounced interference of pain with daily living activities

    Photonic crystal structures to control light on a nanoscale

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    A new waveguiding effect in photonic crystals has been discovered. It will be useful for harvesting light for solar energy photovoltaic. We have found that incident light can be efficiently concentrated and redirected along the surface of thin film photonic crystals

    Design, synthesis and characterization of self-assembled monodisperse magnetic nanoparticles

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    Using a co-precipitation method, Fe3O4 nanoparticle surfaces were modified with oleic acid or PEG.This method yields particles with broad size distribution. MNPs synthesized by thermal decomposition method appear to have narrow size distribution and monodispersity

    Қазақстан Республикасында экономикалық қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз етуде мемлекеттік басқару жүйесінің рөлі. Роль системы государственного управления в обеспечении экономической безопасности Республики Казахстан.

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    Кез келген мемлекет үшін өзінің ұлттық қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ету мәселесі қашан да өзекті бо­лып, заман талаптарына сай күрделене түсіп, мемлекет және қоғам өмірінің барлық жақтарын қамти­тын жүйелі саясатқа айналды. Жаһандану үрдісі күшейген сайын ұлттық қауіпсіздік мәселесі, әсіресе экономикалық қауіпсіздік бағыты ерекше орын алды. Өйткені әлемдік қауымдастықта егеменді ел ретінде әрекет ету мемлекеттің экономикалық қуаттылығы, ал түбінде ұлттық қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз етуінің бірден-бір көрсеткіші – ұлттық экономикалық даму деңгейі болады. Қазақстан Республикасын­дағы экономикалық қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз ететін шешімдерді жасау және оны жүзеге асыру мемле­кеттік басқару органдарының құрылымы мен функцияларына тікелей байланысты. Ең бастысы, олар Қазақстан Республикасындағы экономикалық қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз етудің ұзақ мерзімдік және ағымдағы міндеттеріне, функциялар мен жауапкершіліктің нақты бөлінуіне қойылатын объективті та­лаптарға, міндеттер қайталауларын жоюға, орындаушылық тәртіпті реттеуге жауап беруге тиіс. Для любого государства вопрос о национальной безопасности будет всегда актуальным, сo временем он будет усложняться и объединять в себе все стороны государственной и общественной деятельности, и превратится в хорошо организованный политический инструмент. С усилением процесса глобализации вопрос о национальной безопасности, а особенно направление обеспече­ ния экономической безопасности, занял очень важное место. Для того чтобы участвовать в делах мирового сообщества как полноправное независимое государство, нужна экономическая мощь, а это является показателем развитости государства. Создание и осуществление решений по обеспе­чению национальной экономики Республики Казахстан зависят от структуры и функционирования органов государственного управления. Самое главное, в обеспечении экономической безопаснос­ ти они должны нести ответственность за регулированием исполнения долгосрочных и краткосроч­ ных обязанностей, за распределением конкретных ответсвенностей и функций