990 research outputs found

    Effect of Delta Operator on Umbral Composition in Finite Operator calculus

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    The main objective of this paper is to propose the matrix representation of umbral composition and investigate the effect of delta operator on umbral composition by using the sequential representation of delta operator in finite operator calculus

    Sequence variation in the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase gene of human parainfluenza virus type 3 isolates in the UK

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    The sequence variation in a 934 base-pair region of the gene encoding the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase of five human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) isolates was determined together with that of a prototype UK strain. All of the clinical isolates were from the Manchester area of the UK and were obtained in 1990. 1991 and 1993. The gene segment was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using HPIVB-specific oligonucleotide primers. The nucleotide homology of the strains was high, around 99% and specific differences in the UK sequences when compared with that of the US prototype strain were identified. In addition, a number of isolate-specific differences were seen. No correlation was detected between the observed nucleotide mutations and the year of isolation, which supports the hypothesis that HPIV3 shows cocirculation of a heterogeneous population of viruses rather than varying with time in a linear fashion. However, the data suggested that geographically-defined genetic lineages of HPIV3 may exist

    Double crush syndrome: clinical review of an unsolved puzzle

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    Double crush syndrome (DCS) involves compression of a peripheral nerve at two different segments. Median nerve is most commonly involved with proximal compression at the level of cervical spine and distal compression in the carpal tunnel. Little consensus exists in literature regarding its epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiology and definitive treatment. The purpose of this article is to summarize our current knowledge about this disease process as well as to touch upon the controversies that have been generated in recent times

    Wie wirken "effektive Mikroorganismen" auf EM-Bokashi in der Bananenproduktion (Musa ssp.)?

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    In Costa Rica, ‘effective microorganisms’ (EM) are used to produce organic fertiliser in the form of Bokashi. This study aimed at investigating the effects of EM addition on the decomposition of banana residues during Bokashi production in comparison to different non-EM control variants (Bokashi produced with: W= water, M= molasses as an EM additive, EMst= sterilized EM). Furthermore, the effects of the above mentioned Bokashi variants on the growth of young banana plants and their effects on the secondary root growth of adult banana plants were evaluated. In comparison to non-EM controls, no increasing effects of EM on the N-mineralization of banana material were observed. All nutrient concentrations were similar for all treatments as well as the weight loss of approximately 77.9 %. The ergosterol concentration was significantly highest in EM Bokashi (77 µg g-1 dry soil), whereas it was lowest in EMst (29 µg g-1 dry soil). Application of all Bokashi variants significantly increased shoot growth of young banana plants under greenhouse conditions compared to a control grown in unamended soil. EM Bokashi and Bokashi produced with molasses significantly decreased the number of root nematodes under greenhouse conditions if compared to the control (nematodes per 100 g: C = 254; W = 143; EMst = 143; M = 67; EM = 38). Furthermore, EM Bokashi increased secondary root growth of adult banana plants in the field (186.7 g) compared to non-composted fresh banana leaves (134.6 g) and a control without mulch application (147 g)

    Evaluation of Rock Characteristics for a Power Plant Site in India

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    Extensive geotechnical and geophysical investigations were carried out for a power plant site situated on the east coast of southern India. It is proposed to construct the foundation on rock at a depth of 18.0 m below the ground level. The geological and geotechnical characterization of the rock have been presented in this paper. Extensive boreholes were drilled up to 40.0 m to 60.0 m depth and a few boreholes up to 120.0 m depth from the ground level. Seismic crosshole tests were conducted at soil/rock strata upto 65.0 m depth for the determination of S-wave and P-wave velocity at different depths. Dilatometer tests were conducted in weathered and hard rock at 5.0 m interval up to a depth of 65.0 m. Field permeability tests were carried out in deep boreholes by single packer method. Various laboratory tests including UCC, Brazilian, and Point load tests were carried out on rock core samples. Modules obtained from UCC tests are compared with the in-situ modulus obtained from Dilatometer tests. Bearing capacity and settlement analysis are carried out for the proposed raft of about 113 m x 105 m size to be supported on rock. The allowing bearing pressure is estimated based on Rock Mass Rating, RQD and strength of rock cores. The settlement analysis is carried out using modulus obtained from Dilatometer tests and from the laboratory unconfined compression tests on rock core samples. The modulus of subgrade reaction and spring constants in vertical, horizontal and rocking modes of vibration are also evaluated for the static and seismic analysis of the raft

    Front and Back Movement Analysis of a Triangle-Structured Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot by Varying the Angles between Two Selected Wheels

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    Omnidirectional robots can move in all directions without steering their wheels and it can rotate clockwise and counterclockwise with reference to their axis. In this paper, we focused only on front and back movement, to analyse the square- and triangle-structured omnidirectional robot movements. An omnidirectional mobile robot shows different performances with the different number of wheels and the omnidirectional mobile robot’s chassis design. Research is going on in this field to improve the accurate movement capability of omnidirectional mobile robots. This paper presents a design of a unique device of Angle Variable Chassis (AVC) for linear movement analysis of a three-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot (TWOMR), at various angles (θ) between the wheels. Basic mobility algorithm is developed by varying the angles between the two selected omnidirectional wheels in TWOMR. The experiment is carried out by varying the angles (θ = 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, and 120°) between the two selected omniwheels and analysing the movement of TWOMR in forward direction and reverse direction on a smooth cement surface. Respectively, it is compared to itself for various angles (θ), to get its advantages and weaknesses. The conclusion of the paper provides effective movement of TWOMR at a particular angle (θ) and also the application of TWOMR in different situations

    Regeneration of cellulose acetate nanofibrous mat from discarded cigarette butts

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    Cellulose acetate present in the cigarette butts has beenregenerated into nanofibrous mat. The developed mat is thencharacterized using various analytical tools. Uniform bead-freecellulose acetate fibre is obtained at 12 % w/v concentration ofcellulose acetate. The mat thus obtained exhibits goodantimicrobial property

    Inhibition of NF-κB activation by 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors protects brain against injury in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia

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    BACKGROUND: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States of America. Brain ischemia-reperfusion (IR) triggers a complex series of biochemical events including inflammation. Leukotrienes derived from 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) cause inflammation and are thus involved in the pathobiology of stroke injury. METHODS: To test the neuroprotective efficacy of 5-LOX inhibition in a rat model of focal cerebral IR, ischemic animals were either pre- or post-treated with a potent selective 5-LOX inhibitor, (N- [3-[3-(-fluorophenoxy) phenyl]-1-methyl-2-propenyl]-N-hydroxyurea (BW-B 70C). They were evaluated at 24 h after reperfusion for brain infarction, neurological deficit score, and the expression of 5-LOX. Furthermore, the mechanism and the anti-inflammatory potential of BW-B 70C in the regulation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and inflammatory inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were investigated both in vivo and in vitro. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Both pre- and post-treatment with BW-B 70C reduced infarctions and improved neurological deficit scores. Immunohistochemical study of brain sections showed IR-mediated increased expression of 5-LOX in the neurons and microglia. BW-B 70C down-regulated 5-LOX and inhibited iNOS expression by preventing NF-κB activation. Two other structurally different 5-LOX inhibitors were also administered post IR: caffeic acid and 2, 3, 5-trimethyl-6- [12-hydroxy-5, 10-dodecadiynyl]-1, 4-benzoquinone (AA-861). As with BW-B 70C, they provided remarkable neuroprotection. Furthermore, in vitro, BW-B 70C inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mediated nitric oxide production, iNOS induction and NF-κB activation in the BV2 microglial cell line. Treating rat primary microglia with BW-B70C confirmed blockage of LPS-mediated translocation of the p65 subunit of NF-κB from cytosol to nucleus. CONCLUSION: The study demonstrates the neuroprotective potential of 5-LOX inhibition through down-regulation of NF-κB in a rat model of experimental stroke