29 research outputs found

    Measurement and comparison of individual external doses of high-school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus -- the "D-shuttle" project --

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    Twelve high schools in Japan (of which six are in Fukushima Prefecture), four in France, eight in Poland and two in Belarus cooperated in the measurement and comparison of individual external doses in 2014. In total 216 high-school students and teachers participated in the study. Each participant wore an electronic personal dosimeter "D-shuttle" for two weeks, and kept a journal of his/her whereabouts and activities. The distributions of annual external doses estimated for each region overlap with each other, demonstrating that the personal external individual doses in locations where residence is currently allowed in Fukushima Prefecture and in Belarus are well within the range of estimated annual doses due to the background radiation level of other regions/countries

    Legal grounds for business activity in Poland [legal situation as of 15 March 2015]

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    Przedmiotem analizy jest definicja, (ustawowe przesłanki) prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej zawarte w Ustawie o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej z dnia 2 lipca 2004 r.. Pojęcie działalności gospodarczej zawarte w w/w ustawie powinno być traktowane jako powszechnie obowiązujące w polskim systemie prawnym. W artykule poświęcono uwagę również innym definicjom działalności gospodarczej zawartym w innych aktach prawnych. Przytoczono również wybrane orzecznictwo wykluczające określenie działalności jako działalność gospodarcza. Wskazano także na legalną definicję przedsiębiorcy w polskim prawie jak i prawie wspólnotowym oraz zasadę jej stosowania.This article analyses the definition (national legal grounds) for business activity as stated in the Freedom of Business Activity Act of 2 July 2004. The notion of business activity included therein should be considered as universally binding in the Polish legal system. More definitions of business activity included in other laws are also discussed. Subsequently, selected case law has been quoted which excludes defining an activity as business activity. The legal definition of an entrepreneur was also indicated, both in Polish and Community law, as well as the rule for its application

    Flexibility of Polish food industry

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie analizy potencjału adaptacyjnego przemysłu spożywczego w Polsce. Punktem wyjścia rozważań było ogólne scharakteryzowanie sektora spożywczego. W publikacji dość szczegółowo zaprezentowano zakres regulacji prawnych istotnych dla przemysłu spożywczego jak również podjęto próbę określenia pozycji sektora MŚP w rozwoju przemysłu spożywczego. Wskazano na główne czynniki stymulujące rozwój sektora spożywczego oraz wewnętrzne ograniczenia uniemożliwiające rozwój tegoż sektora w Polsce.The purpose of the article is to present an analysis of flexibility of Polish food industry. The starting point were general characteristics of the food business. A quite thorough presentation is devoted to legal regulations vital to the food industry. An attempt was also made to determine the position of SMEs in the development of food industry. The main factors stimulating the development of food business and its internal limitations hindering its advancement in Poland were indicated

    Directions of activities to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of innovation in manufacturing small and medium enterprises in Poland

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    W artykule przybliżono aktualne kierunki działań poprawiające efektywność wdrażania in-nowacji w firmach produkcyjnych sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MSP). Zaproponowano także rozwiązania pozwalające na lepsze wykorzystanie posiadanych przez firmy zasobów i potencjału. Poddano analizie występujące w literaturze definicje przedsiębiorstwa innowacyjnego. Z praktyki wynika, że pojawienie się innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach sektora MSP przyczynia się do występowania różnego rodzaju problemów, które skutecznie zniechęcają dany podmiot do wprowadzania tego typu działań dlatego też, w publikacji wskazano na bariery uniemożliwiające dalszy rozwój firm. Omówione kierunki działań poprawiające efektywność wdrażania innowacji stanowią perspektywę rozwoju polskich podmiotów gospodarczych sektora MSP, a więc również polskiej gospodarki.The article aims to present current directions of activities improving the effectiveness of innovation implementation in manufacturing enterprises of SME sector and propose solutions for the enhanced use of the company's resources and potential. The authors have analyzed the definitions of innovative enterprises present in reference books. Practice implies that the occurrence of innovation in the SME sector causes various problems, which effectively discourage a particular entity from introducing this type of activity. Thus, this publication indicates in detail the barriers preventing further development of the companies connected with innovation implementation. The discussed objectives improving the effectiveness of innovation implementation create development prospects for Polish SME entities as well as Polish economy

    Population modelling of <i>Acartia</i> spp. in a water column ecosystem model for the South-Eastern Baltic Sea

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    This paper describes numerical simulations of the seasonal dynamics of Acartia spp. in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea. The studies were carried out using a structured zooplankton population model adapted to Acartia spp. The population model with state variables for eggs, nauplii, five copepodites stages and adults was coupled with a marine ecosystem model. Four state variables for the carbon cycle represent the functional units of phytoplankton, pelagic detritus, benthic detritus, and bulk zooplankton, which represent all zooplankton other than the structured population. The annual cycle simulated for 2000 under realistic weather and hydrographic conditions was studied with the coupled ecosystem-zooplankton model applied to a water column in the Gdansk Gulf (South-Eastern Baltic Sea). The vertical profiles of selected state variables were compared to the physical forcing to study differences between bulk and structured zooplankton biomass. The simulated population dynamics of Acartia spp. and zooplankton as one biomass state variable were compared with observations in the Gdansk Gulf. Simulated generation times are more affected by temperature than food conditions except during the spring phytoplankton bloom. The numerical studies are a following step in understanding how the population dynamics of a dominant species in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea interact with the environment

    Variability of Salpa thompsoni population structure in the Drake Passage in summer season 2010

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    Dynamic climate changes have become noticeable in recent decades, especially in the vulnerable region of the West Antarctic. The relatively simple food web of this area relies on krill – Euphausia superba. Presumably, as a result of climatic fluctuations, a decrease in the number of this crustacean has been recorded, followed by an increase in the population of the gelatinous zooplankter Salpa thompsoni. In the research presented herein, population and morphometric analyses of Salpa thompsoni have been conducted. Specimens for this research were collected from the Drake Passage, using a Bongo net in the summer season of 2010. It has been found that the horizontal distribution of this gelatinous zooplankter was significantly irregular (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.001). In the northern part of the investigated area, both blastozooids and oozooids were recorded, which confirms the dynamic development of this species. The central part of the Drake Passage was characterized by the dominance of blastozooids, with embryos found at different stages of the development. Only in the region of the South Shetland Islands, the salpid population was characterized by reduced or even stopped reproduction. The immense reproductive efficiency observed in the Salpa thompsoni population was mostly induced by the favourable thermal conditions. These observations may suggest that the ongoing climat changes in the West Antarctic will promote the population expansion of this species

    The radioanalytical bibliography of Poland (1936–1977)

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